Posts tagged: Abraham Lincoln

Why We Need to Abolish The Department of Education

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

We all know something is desperately wrong with our society and that the bad behavior we see in our daily news must have a cause. We understand that the juvenile antics we are watching in our nation’s capital did not just spring out of thin air. We intuitively know that the immaturity so pervasive in our communities doesn’t come from a vacuum. Millions of us understand that these childish pouts of adults who should know better have a source and that our government-run schools are the seedbed of our cultural crisis.… Continue Reading

How Trump Can Dismantle The Imperial Judiciary Once & For All

Written by Daniel Horowitz

When Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 78 that the U.S. Supreme Court would wield “neither force nor will” over politics, he never envisioned the judiciary having the final say on every political decision in the country. Now imagine his reaction if he were told during the American Revolution that, in the future, a single lower-court judge could unilaterally grant citizenship to illegal immigrants’ children, override the will of elected branches, and even force the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to maintain information about transgenderism on its website.… Continue Reading

Abortion Is a Winning Issue for Republicans

Written by Star Parker

The visit by Vice President Kamala Harris to a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in St. Paul, the first ever visit by a president or vice president to an abortion clinic, is getting the considerable attention it deserves.

When America’s vice president visits and pays homage to the nation’s largest abortion provider, it’s news. And what she said there is also news.

Harris predictably distorted truth and reality, pitching the boilerplate left-wing headline calling the destruction of our unborn health care.… Continue Reading

Democrats Were Pro-Choice for Slavery Too

Written by Dr. S.M. Davis

I agree with the articles I’m reading that we need to boldly defend the Pro-Life position, but I have a suggestion for an entirely new strategy to do so. I think this would not only be a winning strategy, but would also strongly win over the black vote. We need to start saying over and over again:

“Yesterday’s Dems supported slavery and today’s Dems support abortion.  In both cases they were denying that someone was or is fully human.

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Why Do Leftists Despise Anything to Do with America?

Written by Brian Wencel

For the second time in the last two months, a statue of Abraham Lincoln in Edgewater’s Senn Park in Chicago has been vandalized by a group of unruly leftist activists. It’s par for the course for activists to go around vandalizing monuments during their little temper tantrums, but a statue of Abraham Lincoln? What could someone possibly have against Abraham Lincoln? Didn’t he play a major role in ending slavery and bringing our nation back together, a feat that should easily give him the status of “hero?”… Continue Reading

‘Great Unifier’ Biden Tells Half The Country To Go To Hell

Written by Robert Knight

President Biden went down to Georgia on Tuesday, following a trail blazed by the devil.

Bemoaning Georgia’s new election law, which is less strict than that of Mr. Biden’s Delaware or Elizabeth Warren’s Massachusetts, Mr. Biden played a tune hatched in hell, the kind of stuff that stokes a civil war, not healing.

Mr. Biden, who earlier called “white nationalists” the greatest security threat facing America, went full demagogue at an Atlanta college: “I will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and, yes, domestic.”… Continue Reading

Neil Steinberg’s Flawed Take on Critical Race Theory

Written by James E. McNally

Opposition to the teaching of a seriously flawed ideology known as critical race theory has drawn the ire of Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg. His column is riddled with almost as many flaws as the NY Times “1619 Project”, apparently championed by Steinberg, which inanely asserts that the American Revolution was conducted because the colonists feared that Great Britain was about to abolish slavery, a ridiculous charge (among many contained in the document) debunked by serious historians of various political persuasions.… Continue Reading

Teaching Kids That America Was Always Racist

Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

If there are riots now in America, what will it be like 20 years from now if the New York Times gets its way?

The New York Times sponsored The 1619 Project, which postulates that America’s real beginnings as a nation are when the first African slaves were brought over….to Jamestown in 1619.

Many historians note that this is a distortion of our nation’s roots. Worse, it makes young people turn against this country.… Continue Reading

The Difference Between Washington’s Birthday and ‘Presidents’ Day’ is the Difference Between Liberty and Tyranny

Written by Daniel Horowitz

No, we are not celebrating Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Woodrow Wilson, or Millard Fillmore this week. We are supposed to be celebrating George Washington. In other words, we are not celebrating the majestic power of the chief executive of the United States government in the abstract, but the humble leadership of one man who, until recently, successfully set the precedent of the presidency being wielded as an office of limited power rather than the power of a king.… Continue Reading

Ruling Elites Continue Cultural Cleansing Rampage And Not Even Honest Abe Is Safe

Written by Robert Knight

It may be Christmastime, but our ruling elites are keeping up their campaign of cultural cleansing.

Not even Honest Abe is safe.

In San Francisco, a committee tasked to rid the school system of now-disgraced public figures at 44 sites says that a high school named after Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves and held America together through the Civil War, ought to drop the Great Emancipator.

“Lincoln, like the presidents before him and most after, did not show through policy or rhetoric that Black lives ever mattered to them outside of human capital and as casualties of wealth building,” explained first-grade teacher Jeremiah Jeffries, chairman of the renaming committee.… Continue Reading