Posts tagged: 2020 Election

IFA Endorses Mike Fricilone in the 3rd Congressional District

Written by David E. Smith

We’ve spent months investigating the candidates running for state and federal office. We have emailed/messaged them, compiled voter guide surveys, reviewed their web sites and social media, analyzed voting records, compiled public statements, and met with many of them in person. Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life/pro-family voters.

Therefore, the IFA Board of Directors and staff enthusiastically endorses Mike Fricilone in the 3rd Congressional District.… Continue Reading

IFA Endorses Jeanette Ward in the 25th State Senate District!

Written by David E. Smith

We’ve spent months investigating the candidates running for state and federal office. We have emailed/messaged them, compiled voter guide surveys, reviewed their web sites and social media, analyzed voting records, compiled public statements, and met with many of them in person. Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life/pro-family voters.

Therefore, the IFA Board of Directors and staff enthusiastically endorses Jeanette Ward in the 25th State Senate District.… Continue Reading

IFA Endorses Jim Oberweis in the 14th Congressional District

Written by David E. Smith

We’ve spent months investigating the candidates running for state and federal office. We have emailed/messaged them, compiled voter guide surveys, reviewed their web sites and social media, analyzed voting records, compiled public statements, and met with many of them. Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life/pro-family voters.

Therefore, the IFA Board of Directors and staff enthusiastically endorses Jim Oberweis in the 14th Congressional District. We believe Jim will be able to stand up to the Left’s smears and tactics and will help turn Illinois around.… Continue Reading

IFA Endorses Esther Joy King in the 17th Congressional District

Written by David E. Smith

We’ve spent months investigating the candidates running for state and federal office. We have emailed/messaged them, compiled voter guide surveys, reviewed their web sites and social media, analyzed voting records, compiled public statements, and met with many of them. Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life/pro-family voters.

Therefore, the IFA Board of Directors and staff enthusiastically endorses Esther Joy King in the 17th Congressional District. We believe Esther will be able to stand up to the Left’s smears and tactics and will help turn Illinois around.… Continue Reading

“Pushing for Generational Change” (Illinois Family Spotlight #220)

Our election themed podcasts continue with Tom McCullagh, a GOP candidate for the Illinois 49th senate district and a candidate endorsed by Illinois Family Action. McCullagh is one of those highly qualified men running to represent his district against the radical regression Leftists are pushing on Illinois. He joins Monte Larrick and David Smith to discuss the 2020 election and how important it is to the future of neighborhoods, the nation, and all the spheres in between.… Continue Reading

Is This Trouble for Joe Biden?

Written by Micah Clark

I know that there is great skepticism towards political polling because of how they are often used to influence rather than measure public opinion. There is also skepticism because many polls seem to prove themselves inaccurate on Election Day.

However, there is a fascinating new poll that may mean trouble for the Biden/Harris ticket. It has findings that you won’t hear on CNN, MSNBC or the other liberal news networks.

The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express Poll shows that President Donald J.Continue Reading

“An Answer to the Prayers of Illinoisans” (Illinois Family Spotlight #209)

Even if you live outside of Illinois Senate District 25, this edition of Spotlight presents information every voter needs to know. Republican candidate for senator, Jeanette Ward, joins me and Monte Larrick to talk about her candidacy as well as some of the critical issues facing our state. Jeanette shares the biblical values and common-sense principles regarding freedom, faith, and family that will inform her service if she is elected.

During our discussion, Jeanette discusses the implications of the ongoing bribery scheme investigation involving ComEd and “Public Official A” (alleged to be Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan).… Continue Reading

Biden Quotes “Prophet Muhammad”

Written by Robert Spencer

The hadith Biden is quoting is this one: “On the authority of Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say, ‘Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.’”… Continue Reading

Most Trump Supporters Can’t Wait to Vote for Him

Written by David Limbaugh

Commentators came out of the woodwork to ridicule President Donald Trump for allegedly turning his July 14 press conference into a campaign rally (and for being unpresidential). So what if he did?

They objected that he veered into other topics when he was supposed to be talking about China and Hong Kong. Horrors!

The press corps, of all people, has no standing to complain about topic drift at presidential press conferences when it routinely uses such events to ask questions unrelated to the announced topic.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Bitter, Shortsighted Never-Trumpers Harming America

Those who refuse to vote for President Trump because they find his tweets and temperament off-putting are small-minded, myopic, self-indulgent traitors to America. They are indulging their antipathy for Trump and their personal vindictiveness at the expense of America’s future.

There is a loathsome campaign afoot by Never-Trumpers/RINOs/Establishment Republicans (aka the D.C. swamp) to bequeath to the next generation a country of far more oppression, far less liberty, far greater educational indoctrination, a darker economic future, and more threats domestic and foreign.… Continue Reading