The failure to stop the 9/11 terrorist plot was blamed in large part on a failure to connect the intelligence dots.
Now a similar failure is preventing the country from recognizing what is behind the massive increase in mass shootings: the increasing legalization and potency of marijuana.
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Most of us remember this famous Ronald Reagan quote: “The most horrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help”. Unfortunately, the government doesn’t always tell us what we SHOULD know, but rather what they THINK we should know or what they WANT us to hear.
In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Lt. Colonel Allen West at the 2023 Black Conservative Summit. Allen West is the executive director of the American Constitutional Rights Union, is a constitutional conservative, former member of Congress, and combat veteran.
If you’re honestly following America’s culture wars, you must admit that many of the ideas and values that were once considered a necessary predicate to our constitutional republic have substantially eroded. Key virtues thought to be the bedrock of our free society are no longer recognized. One of the casualties in this battle over definitions and meaning is the word “love.”
In this week’s column, I was going to summarize President Biden’s reelection video from last Tuesday. But George Orwell did it 74 years ago.
Big Brother’s slogan in the 1949 novel “1984” mirrors our sunglass-sporting “unity” president. Everything he says is the polar opposite of the truth.
As with ProPublica's recent smear of Clarence Thomas, there's a lot of excitement across the left-wing Twittersphere over a Politico hit on Neil Gorsuch. But even as a transparent piece of partisan propaganda, it is poorly conceived.
Are court packing and radical “court reform” making a comeback? A coalition of 30+ activist organizations relaunched an effort calling for “structural changes” to the U.S. Supreme Court, including court expansion. This campaign will seek to mobilize Democratic voters as it travels across the country, making the case for major judicial reforms.
In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick converses with 2024 Presidential Candidate Larry Elder at the 2023 Black Conservative Summit. Larry Elder is a commentator, film-maker, Epoch Times contributor, and is the executive producer of Uncle Tom and Uncle Tom: An American Odyssey.
Larry Elder, in this interview, capitalizes on the importance of black fathers being present in the home, as this is the greatest threat that is facing black America.… Continue Reading
The Left often whines about religion being shoved in their faces, claiming that religious beliefs are being forced upon them by Christian conservatives. If you try and talk to a liberal about abortion, gay marriage, or the indoctrination occurring in the public school system, you’ll be bombarded with demands to keep religion out of government, even if you never brought your religious beliefs into the conversation in the first place. They claim to take a firm stance against having religious talk forced on people who don’t want it. That’s why they don’t want to see schools engage in prayer, and it’s why they are often opposed to public preaching.
Over the past several weeks, as the average American watched in stunned silence as the world burned, the lead story that seemed to have entirely escaped the attention of the mainstream media is our culture’s near-universal degradation of women and their rights.
Karl Marx’s famous prescription for economic equity is “from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.”
A more honest version is “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” which takes brute force in most cases.
A more honest version is “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” which takes brute force in most cases.