For years, as the military deteriorated in terms of its values, leadership, and mission focus, Republicans were solely focused on the top-line spending of how much we unconditionally shovel at the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex. After all, it was supposedly all to “support the troops.” But even when they had the chance to debate and vote on the National Defense Authorization Act, which is supposed to be a policy bill, their main focus was appropriations and not policy changes.
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Have you ever wondered how President Biden could lie so often and so egregiously? Have you ever asked yourself how anyone can stand before millions of people on a near-daily basis and say things that are so blatantly false and do so with a straight face and an apparent clear conscience?
White House briefings in the Biden years are often sleepy meetings compared to the Jim Acosta shriek-fests we remember under Trump. President Joe Biden pledged he would be so much nicer to the press corps. He promised to "bring transparency and truth back to the government." But the press is much nicer to him than the other way around.
In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews attorney David Shestokas, a former 2022 candidate for Illinois Attorney General. Mr. Shestokas is involved in the effort for election integrity, and is the author of two must-read books: Creating the Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Soundbites.
There is a good chance that you, like most of us, have become numb to the corruption, scandal, allegations of wrongdoing, and Congressional investigations. It is obvious to even the most casual observer, Democrats in Washington D.C. have weaponized the government to punish and dissuade anyone who threatens their despotism. Of course, you will never hear the drive-by media phrase it honestly.
Independence Day is a good time to take America’s measure. The United States is the first nation created with secured rights derived from nature and nature’s God — not man. We grew rapidly and providentially into a world power with unrivaled liberty and wealth.
The genius of the Declaration of Independence is the way it packs the entire philosophy of American government into a very few lines. 

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Not too long ago, to be a politician or a member of the government, one needed to follow certain customs and social norms. These unspoken rules weren’t complicated, nor were they overly restrictive. Politicians could joke around now and again, and they could even act casually at times, but they still worked to keep an image of professionalism and respectability.
There’s nothing new about Europe wanting to take away American ingenuity, research and development, and freedoms and then make us pay for the rope to hang ourselves. What is new, however, is an American administration that is working with Europe on an international tax-cartel scheme that is designed to erode U.S. sovereignty, incentivize the growth of all governments, and penalize American taxpayers, consumers, and workers over those in other countries.
In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, we are featuring remarks made by Dr. Jonathan Diggs during Illinois Family Institute's 2023 Worldview Conference. Dr. Jonathan Diggs has been practicing medicine for over thirty-five years, is an American Board of Internal Medicine diplomat, is a motivational speaker, and is a guest on national television and radio programs.