
Mike Huckabee with reporters in Tinley Park Friday – Photo credit: Al Ashworth

Written by Fran Eaton

At the RISE Initiative at the Tinley Park Convention Center Friday, GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee answered a question asked by an Illinois Review reporter:

“Social conservatives in Illinois are feeling pushed out of their Party. Could you address that issue as to how important it is for social conservatives stay involved … in whatever party they pick?”

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Senator Kirk and the GOP need to think hard about what happens next.

Written by John Fund

Illinois U.S. Senator Mark Kirk has won a lot of respect for his gritty recovery from a serious stroke in 2012. But his fellow Republicans worry that his recent political and verbal stumbles make him the most vulnerable GOP incumbent up for reelection in 2016 in a state Barack Obama won with 58 percent of the vote in 2012.… Continue Reading



Written by James Longstreet

Democratic National Committee Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz got a jolt of introspection, a quick glance at oneself, like walking by a picture window and being surprised by the reflection.

Chris Matthews, bravely admitting that he once knew the answer to this question, sought the answer from Debbie.

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist?” Matthews asked.  Wasserman Schultz was at a loss (video):

She didn’t answer the question. … Continue Reading



Written by Jonah Goldberg

It’s been a hard time for politicians not named “Trump” to get any attention, but Mike Huckabee managed it. He did it by comparing Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler.

At least that’s what I gathered from headlines like this one from Gawker:

Mike Huckabee Compares Obama to Hitler

I don’t put huge amounts of stock in Gawker headlines (or really any headlines on the Internet), but then I saw that CNN’s Wolf Blitzer said Huckabee had “essentially likened [Barack Obama] to Adolf Hitler.”… Continue Reading



Written by Pat Hughes

The political left will say anything to deconstruct reality and advance their agenda. While political insiders sometimes dismiss this tactic as little more than a marketing ploy, in truth, their repeated efforts at misdirection are as effective as they are destructive.

Take, for example, the left’s rebranding of tax increases as “revenue.” Most people are familiar with revenue as it is commonly defined: income generated from the sale of goods or services, or any other use of capital or assets.… Continue Reading



Written by Mike “Mish” Shedlock

Chicago’s public schools are effectively bankrupt. The city’s pension plans are countless billions of dollars in the hole, the worst in the nation. And Chicago bonds carry a junk rating, the worst of any major U.S. city.

There is plenty to fix, but city leaders are fiddling while Chicago burns. Instead of addressing the enormous problems the city faces, politicians opt to nickel-and-dime residents and businesses to death, scaring away companies in the process.

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Written by Craig Milward

At a rally to defund Planned Parenthood on Capitol Hill Tuesday, GOP presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson criticized  Planned Parenthood, calling it “hypocritical” that “these same people who say that it’s a meaningless clump of cells are trying to get livers and lungs and kidneys.”

“I’ve spent so many nights in the operating room, all night long, working, toiling so hard to save one of those lives, and you know one of the most wonderful aspects of life is later on you can see that same little baby as a 25- or 30-year-old who has their own little baby, and yet there was somebody at some point saying that it was just a clump of cells that didn’t mean anything,” said Carson.… Continue Reading



By Sarah Ferris

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wants to force the Senate to vote on defunding Planned Parenthood this week, as a second undercover video unleashes a new storm of scrutiny of the organization.

Cruz’s office said Tuesday that he plans to file an amendment on the highway bill that would eliminate all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, in addition to an amendment that would fully repeal ObamaCare.

Cruz is the second senator — and the second GOP presidential candidate — who is eying the highway bill as an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.… Continue Reading

 scottwalkerScott Walker reverses positions on illegal immigration.

Written by Robert Moon

RINO = Republican in Name Only

When Republicans un-apologetically embrace conservatism with the time-proven Reagan-Bush Sr. approach, they win by landslides. It happens every time. When they “reach across the aisle” and vote like Democrats on issue-after-issue with the failed Dole-McCain-Romney approach, our right-of-center electorate doesn’t show up and they always lose.

The following is a list of Scott Walker‘s liberal RINO policy positions and red flags from his background:

-In March of this year, he endorsed amnesty for illegal immigrants behind closed doors at a private GOP dinner, after reversing his position for the primaries.… Continue Reading



Written by Samuel Smith

A coalition of Christian leaders devoted to helping end poverty has released a series of videos featuring six 2016 presidential candidates. Each candidate explained the approach that he or she would take to solve poverty and hunger issues in the United States and across the globe if they were elected president.

As over 45 million Americans are living below the poverty level, The Circle of Protection, a coalition representing a diverse group of over 65 Christian leaders and organizations headed by Bread For The World, Sojourners and the National Association of Evangelicals, challenged each presidential candidate on the day they announced their candidacy to provide a video explaining their plans to end poverty.

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Written by Catherine Garcia

In a new campaign video, Hillary Clinton calls out the Republican presidential candidates who deny “the settled science of climate change” and “would rather remind us they’re not scientists than listen to those who are.”

The video is titled “Stand for Reality,” and also includes two “ambitious national goals” that Clinton said she will implement on day one of her presidency: By the end of her first term, Clinton says, more than half a billion solar panels will be installed across the country, and within 10 years, the U.S.… Continue Reading
