On the same day that President Biden implied Jan. 6 was a darker day than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, leftist protesters fought and shoved police and burned the American flag near the U.S. Capitol. They pulled down the American flag and replaced it with the Palestinian flag. Some flew the Hamas flag and vandalized monuments with spray-painted slogans like "Hamas is comin'"...
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The Democratic Party’s handling of its presidential primaries over the past three election cycles has raised significant concerns about the internal democracy of a party that prides itself on democratic principles. The cases of Bernie Sanders in 2016, Joe Biden in 2020, and Biden’s forced step aside in 2024 exemplify a pattern where the party’s leadership has moved against the will of its members, leading to accusations of undemocratic practices.
In October 2023, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker launched a national nonprofit group named Think Big America, which is focused on normalizing abortion and making the slaughter of pre-born babies legal in every state across the country. The New York Times reports that this new group "will support ballot measures to codify or restore abortion rights, seeking to elevate an issue that has energized Democrats."
In this episode of Spotlight, Dr. Benjamin German discusses physician-assisted suicide from his perspective as a medical-care provider. Dr. German is a primary caregiver in the Lawndale Christian Health Center and serves as an Illinois Representative in the Academy of Medical Ethics, which is the biomedical arm of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.
If those running our country had instructed Joe Biden to duck any debates with Donald Trump, an option that would have been utterly defended by both his base and the mainstream press (but I repeat myself) as justifiable - "debating a convicted felon only gives him a legitimacy he hasn't earned" - then Biden would still be the nominee of the Democrat Party heading into November's election.
Two more American companies have seen the light after feeling the heat.
U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) is publicly expressing his concerns about the security provided to former President Trump and the multiple failures of the security detail at the Trump campaign rally on July 13, 2024. According to information provided by whistleblowers, the majority of security personnel at the event were not from the U.S. Secret Service,
Conservatives need their own all-of-the-above strategy, but only for fuels proven to work and that don’t rely on subsidies and mandates to survive.
President Joe Biden plans to propose sweeping changes to the U.S. Supreme Court, according to recent reports. This includes legislation to impose term limits for justices, which would have the most immediate impact on the longest-serving members of the court, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.
In 1984, the GOP adopted a platform that unequivocally called for the legal protection of all human life. "The unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed," said that platform. "We therefore reaffirm our support for a human life amendment to the Constitution..."
This special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features an interview with Ken Ham at the 2024 Illinois Christian Home Educators conference. Ken Ham is the CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis, a Christian organization aimed at giving Christians real answers to deep questions about the world. He is also the founder of the two popular attractions: The Creation Museum and The Ark Encounter.