This Episode of Spotlight features an address given by Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho.

Not only is Pastor Wilson the Pastor of Christ Church, but he is also a senior fellow of theology at New St. Andrews College in Moscow and is the author of several books including Rules for Reformers, Mere Christendom, and Future Men. He is also the Proprietor of Blog & Mablog, a blog that is dedicated to satirical cultural commentary.
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Anything can happen in 2024.

But right now, as the new year dawns, former President Donald Trump holds an insurmountable lead for the GOP presidential nomination, barring an unforeseen circumstance.
Before moving to Oklahoma, I served as the dean of students at a liberal arts college in Michigan. In that role, I also taught a few classes. One of them was the obligatory new student orientation course, where each year, I sought to orient my small group of freshmen to collegiate life and challenge them to wrestle with what it meant to be a disciplined thinker.
On this first day of the New Year, we come to you with an overwhelming heart of appreciation. In 2024, building upon the work that was done in previous years, we hope and pray that God will use us to have an even bigger impact on the state - for His glory and honor.
The next time you’re fondled at the airport by a TSA agent, look around. You may very well see foreign nationals ushered through security without proper documentation and disregarding every TSA rule. While Joe Biden pretends foreign invaders from 150 countries are a natural occurrence, his administration is using taxpayer-funded NGOs to disperse them throughout the country.
This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight is highlighting remarks made in August 2023 by Riley Gaines during a Will County Republican organization banquet, where she recounts her personal experience with the infringement of Title IX in the NCAA.
Governments, tax-funded “non-governmental” organizations, and international outfits from around the world were in the United Arab Emirates last week showcasing countless new and improved schemes for indoctrinating children on “climate” alarmism. The catchphrase du jour: “education transformation.” The goal: brainwashing children to believe there is a “climate crisis” that only global governance and totalitarian policies can cure.
At Christmastime, we’re surrounded by sights and sounds that remind us not only that God loves us but also all of his creation. It was Psalm 98 that sent the English poet Isaac Watts to his desk in 1719 to pen one of the most beloved hymns of all time, “Joy to the World.”
I understand that average Americans travel as many miles each year as their great grandparents did in their lifetimes, largely thanks to a man named Henry Ford.  The free world owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Ford because he radically altered life experiences for millions, making it possible for average citizens to travel to places they would never see otherwise. Being able to afford an automobile has made us all more free.

Illinois Family Action would like to wish all of our friends a very Merry Christmas!! God sent His only Son for us to be born in a humble manger. "For to us, a child is born, to us, a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6-7). He did this to secure our redemption and to free us from bondage to sin.
The abortion debate generally centers around two people: the mother and her child. Of course, there’s a lot of back-and-forth over how to define her child, when her child “becomes” a child, what that means, how or whether to support her as a mother and so on.