Former State Senator Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) has been posting personal video content on his Facebook page for years now. These updates include political commentary, campaign updates, a Christian devotional readings and prayer. These video commentaries are very informative and encouraging...
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In 2008, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama said he wasn’t surprised that people from “small towns in Pennsylvania, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, clung to [their] guns or religion.” This wasn’t a compliment. He thought those people were “weird.”
President Biden said during July's heat wave that "extreme heat is the No. 1 weather-related killer in the United States." Mr. Biden is “wrong by a factor of 25,” wrote Bjorn Lomborg...
Vice President Kamala Harris spoke before the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) last Thursday. This was her first speech as a presidential candidate, since President Biden ended his campaign and endorsed Harris as the Democratic nominee.
As many recall, the 2020 election results came as a shock. Logically, the results did not make sense. Sure enough, only days after the election was called, fraud allegations were circulating on social media and conservative networks. The burning question was this: Was the election stolen?
This coming November, remember the incessant lies you’ve been told....
Remember, you were told that President Biden was competent, healthy and sharp in mind and body...
Remember, they said Mr. Biden was the last line of defense against an existential threat to democracy...
Remember, you were told that President Biden was competent, healthy and sharp in mind and body...
Remember, they said Mr. Biden was the last line of defense against an existential threat to democracy...
In this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, we are highlighting a special news conference from 2023 The Black Conservative Summit featuring Dr. Eric Wallace, Robert Woodsen, Ken Blackwell, Larry Elder and Lt. Col. Allen West. All five guests will focus on how to build a better America.
Here in Illinois, we are used to seeing governors, aldermen and judges going to prison for federal crimes. We are accustomed to the mind-numbing violence and shootings every weekend, especially in Chicago.
The sudden shift from Kamala Harris being a liability to breathless reporting on her as the political wunderkind finally released from behind the geriatric shadow of Joe Biden - this is just a game we're invited to play along with, correct?
Within hours of her being announced as President Biden’s presumed replacement as the Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris’ moderate makeover began. Journalists reflexively began gushing over her “historic” candidacy and centrist views.
For years, liberal think tanks and media figures scoffed at the mere suggestion of many dangerous illegal aliens living in this country. They claimed absurdly that those who cross the border illegally are family-loving hard workers who commit crimes at a much lower rate than native Americans. A new report from Fox45 Baltimore reveals that one county has a shockingly disproportionate number of illegal alien child sex offenders, raising the question: How bad is the illegal alien sex offender problem nationwide?