People are having fun lampooning Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's selective exploitation of Scripture to support the Democrats' advocacy of open borders, but let's not allow this mirth to distract us from larger questions.
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Would you let criminals take your home and hurt your family, or would you pay for a front door that locks? It typically costs roughly $1,500-$2,000 to purchase and install a no-frills exterior door on your home. Not cheap at all.
With January on the horizon, Monte Larrick and David Smith welcome Kevin Grillot to this edition of Spotlight. Mr. Grillot is the vice-president of March for Life Chicago and the executive director of weDignify, formerly Students for Life of Illinois.
President Trump has been in office for almost two years, which should mean that by now, all the crazy talk in the media about his impending dictatorship ought to be abandoned. Democracy is still vibrant, as we saw with record voter turnout in November. But the wild conspiracy theories about Trump never stop. Some of them qualify as the worst media quotes of the year.

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We hope your days and weeks leading up to Christmas Day have been filled with opportunities for rich worship and contemplation of the enormity of what Jesus Christ’s first coming means to you in this life and what His second coming will mean for you in eternity.  Such reflection may be aided by thoughtful reading of Scriptures and devotionals that speak of the Lord’s Advent, joyful singing of carols and hymns that tell of the hope that we have in Emmanuel, God with us, as well as prayers of gratitude and praise that in the fullness of time, God sent forth His Son.
A week has passed since an ABC-7 interview revealed that, during the campaign, Governor Bruce Rauner actively sought someone to run in his stead. While Rauner's lack of enthusiasm for re-election was not a surprise for grassroots Illinois Conservatives, what is shocking is the lack of any strategic action and transparency on the part of IL GOP Leadership.
Various leftist grievance groups have insisted for years that they just want equal treatment and equal rights, that they only want to end discrimination and that they come with an attitude of "live and let live." Nope.
Tucker Carlson pointed out a few days ago how the already insufferable leader of the Congressional Democrats has recently been "ordained….an archbishop in the church of progressive sanctimony."  For a while now, Nancy Pelosi's been the country's expert on morality (e.g., border wall: immoral; abortion on demand: moral).  She's now taken to telling the country how much she prays, and she's urging others to do it, too – at least that old sinner, Donald Trump. 
This week’s edition of Spotlight begins with a focus on the importance of the nativity display at the Illinois state capitol – as well as the value of nativity scenes in state capitols and public places across the US -- as Thomas Brejcha (from the Thomas More Society) joins our host, Monte Larrick. Brejcha and Larrick discuss the connection between free exercise of religion and free speech, and they consider whether religious freedom is at risk in Illinois, especially in light of a democratic governor-elect and the supermajorities in the Illinois legislature.
Dear Santa, We know you’re very busy this time of year, but we hope you’ll take a moment to consider our Christmas wish list.