Does Planned Parenthood target blacks? That is what Dr. Martin Luther King’s niece thinks. Recently, I spoke on my radio show with Evangelist Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She is the Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn with the organization Priests for Life. The focus was on Planned Parenthood and the African-American community.
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Since the federal shutdown began [four] weeks ago, the liberal media have presented dozens of Chicken Little stories claiming that the sky is falling.  “Three dead in national park system accidents as shutdown wears on,” screamed a six-column headline in the Washington Post on January 5.
Following on the heels of National Sanctity of Human Life Day, this week’s episode of Spotlight features Mary Kate Knorr, the executive director of Illinois Right to Life.
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared to reporters that building a border wall would be an “immorality.” Abortion activist Amelia Bonow told children in a viral video that aborting her baby was “part of God’s plan.” Even social media superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — who apparently works part-time as a Member of Congress — clumsily invoked morality to excuse her aversion to the truth, telling Anderson Cooper that it’s more important to be “morally right” than factually accurate.
A dangerous and erroneous premise has persisted in our political system that if somehow those individuals got appointed to federal judgeships, they would have the ability to unilaterally enact any policy they choose by granting legal groups standing in court cases – and have that decision be regarded as the law of the land. This is a fallacy most conservatives in media have acquiesced to, and it’s time we reverse this dangerous way of thinking.

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The U.S. sailed into an era of energy abundance following the natural gas boom. But the replication of the American energy story in other countries is facing a stern challenge from radical environmental groups. Why is hydraulic fracturing important for developing countries and why should they be wary of radical environmental groups?
In light of Governor JB Pritzker’s avowed priority to legalize “recreational” marijuana in Illinois, this week’s Spotlight podcast is definitely worth listening to as well as sharing with family and friends – especially anyone who might be on the fence about the subject of legalization. Emergency Room physician Dr. Karen Randall explains her experience in this week's podcast.
Elections have consequences, but social stratification and media spin often make it difficult for the average citizen to evaluate the outcomes of many policies they support.  Take for example increasing minimum wage: how many restaurant employees would continue to support this policy when their employers can no longer afford to keep them employed?  How many middle-class customers paying higher prices at restaurants will believe that their loss in purchasing power is "helping" the poor?  
What exactly is a socialist?  You could spend all day studying encyclopedias and not settle anything. Using various definitions, you could probably prove that anybody is or isn't a socialist. So let's talk to a socialist.  Ignore the verbiage and look inside his head.  When someone announces to the world, "I'm a socialist," what is that person thinking?
Rep. Steve Cohen, (D-Tenn.), recently introduced a proposed constitutional amendment that would eliminate the Electoral College.  This was obviously done in response to the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election despite winning nearly 3 million more votes than President Trump.  According to Cohen, the Electoral College is outdated and distorting. In a recent Fox News article, Cohen was quoted as saying, "Americans expect and deserve the winner of the popular vote to win office.  More than a century ago, we amended our Constitution to provide for the direct election of U.S. Senators.  It is past time to directly elect our President and Vice President."