This week's IFA Spotlight podcast revisits the recent Black Families Matter rally that was held in south suburban Flossmoor, right next door to the Planned Parenthood abortion center. Latasha Fields delivers a passionate, well-reasoned, and biblically based call for Christian parents to stop advocating for public education and instead take personal responsibility for their children’s instruction.
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On July 27, 2020, Timothy Snediker, philosophy of religion teacher at the University of California, Santa Barbara, responded to a survey posted on Twitter that asked the following question: “If you were dropped 2000 years back in time with nothing but the knowledge you have now, what would you do?”

Mr. Snediker’s answer? “Easy, I would find and assassinate Jesus of Nazareth.”

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In a Twitter battle last week, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) criticized Elon Musk for accepting billions of dollars in government support. The exchange erupted over Sanders' new bill to impose a wealth tax on Musk and other billionaires. But most of the payments received by Musk's companies came from electric vehicle and solar energy programs that Sanders, green advocates and state governments established to promote green energy.
Communist leader endorses Joe Biden, whose Veep list, including his nominee Kamala Harris, are all far Left.
The Black Lives Matter movement is a shallow movement, one which has taken up a sledgehammer to address a complex problem in need of a more skillful approach. Speaking at a Black Families Matter rally held in Flossmoor, Rev. Dr. Eric Wallace stressed that while black lives, white lives, all lives matter, what is foundational and truly vital to our nation right now are strong families parented by a mom and a dad. He issued a call to Christians to stop compartmentalizing issues of race and faith, and instead urged us to “walk out the gospel.”  
This morning we were greeted with more alarming news from the City of Chicago: 100 people arrested and 13 Chicago Police Officers injured after groups of rioters unleashed chaos, smashed windows, and looted stores. They targeted Chicago’s Magnificent Mile shopping district and other parts of the city’s downtown. That news comes in addition to the "other" news that at least 35 people were shot and 3 killed in weekend gang violence.
Just what kind of cynical game are Democrats playing in keeping Joe Biden on their presidential ticket when everyone can see he is slipping? How long can this ruse continue?

The real news is not that Biden is failing. It's the Democrats' fraud in pretending otherwise. They know he is not mentally up to the job, and they're trying to ride it out, using the coronavirus as a cover to keep him hidden in the basement and exercising damage control each time he is flushed out.
I’ve generally tried to stay out of the hydroxychloroquine debate. My hesitation has been for one reason and one reason only: I have no degree in medicine, and I don’t want to pretend otherwise. As my youngest son has said of my Ph.D., “Dad’s not a real doctor. He can’t really help anybody.”
With my lack of medical credentials noted, however, I have decided it is time to get off the sidelines and engage this issue.
Many people have asked me why, after writing so much about Islam, I’ve suddenly put out a book about American history — so many people that I thought it necessary to write a brief explanation for you, the readers of Jihad Watch, who have stuck with me and kept reading all these years.
Better late than never. And I’m serious.

I’ve been adamant about holding woke warriors like outspoken NBA coach Steve Kerr accountable for his inexcusable moral hypocrisy when it comes to matters of social justice.