Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features Peter Breen’s speech at the Will County Republican Banquet in the first half and a Q&A session with Scott Klusendorf, President of the Life Training Institute, in the second half.
Peter Breen is a former state representative and currently is the executive vice president & head of litigation for the Chicago based Thomas More Society.
Breen speaks on the unconstitutional nature of Senate Bill 1909, which causes pro-life pregnancy centers to undergo litigation and fines.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Life Training Institute, Peter Breen, Planned Parenthood, SB 1909, Scott Klusendorf, Thomas More Society
Faith & Religion, Federal Issues, Marriage, Family & Culture, next gen, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
December 13, 2023 5:00 AM |
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Written by Dr. S.M. Davis
I agree with the articles I’m reading that we need to boldly defend the Pro-Life position, but I have a suggestion for an entirely new strategy to do so. I think this would not only be a winning strategy, but would also strongly win over the black vote. We need to start saying over and over again:
“Yesterday’s Dems supported slavery and today’s Dems support abortion. In both cases they were denying that someone was or is fully human.
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Tags: abortion, Abraham Lincoln, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Democrat Party, Frederick Douglass, Free State, JB Pritzker, Planned Parenthood, Republican Party, Slave State, Underground Railroad, William Wilberforce
Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
November 27, 2023 4:00 AM |
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On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States released its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In Dobbs, the Court overturned its disastrous 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade that created an abortion-on-demand regime throughout the United States. Now, the elected branches of government are free to make abortion policy without interference from federal courts.
Following the Court’s decision in Dobbs, legislatures in pro-life states across the nation have taken steps to curtail or dramatically reduce the availability of abortion.… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
This Spotlight episode features Scott Phelps, executive director of Abstinence and Marriage Partnership, and his speech on The Success Sequence– the three steps to a successful life.
The first step to a successful life is to complete a high school level of education. The second step is to get a stable job.
Finally, the biggest indication for a successful life is to keep sex and children in the context of marriage alone.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Abstinence and Marriage Partnership, children, marriage, Scott Phelps, Spotlight, SPOTLIGHT: The Success Sequence, success, The Success Sequence
Education, Faith & Religion, Marriage, Family & Culture, next gen, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
November 1, 2023 5:00 AM |
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Written by David Fowler
Controversy over a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks of gestation proposed by a national pro-life political action committee prompted Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee, to tell Republican candidates to “talk about abortion. . . . When you don’t respond, the lies become the truth.” Okay, what about this truth? The constitutional argument for it is the same as that of Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. In fact, if we are going to uphold the Fourteenth Amendment, the 15-week federal abortion ban is unconstitutional.… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
16 years ago, Planned Parenthood opened an abortion facility in Aurora, Illinois. On the anniversary of this opening, pro-life activists held a prayer vigil outside of the building featuring Pastor Randy Schoof of Warehouse Church and Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action League.
In his speech, Pastor Schoof encouraged those in attendance to continue to pray for the end of abortion, to plead for God’s mercy, and to continue the work of sidewalk counseling outside of abortion sites.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Eric Scheidler, Planned Parenthood, pro-life, Pro-Life Action League, randy schoof, Sanctity of Life
Marriage, Family & Culture, next gen, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
October 25, 2023 5:00 AM |
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Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Phil Price and Catharine Walker outside the Aurora Planned Parenthood clinic, where more than 400 surgical abortions are performed every single month.
Price and Walker are two of the leaders of 40 Days For Life Aurora. 40 Days For Life is a powerful Christian prayer campaign that brings 24-hour prayer vigils outside abortion centers in Illinois, across the nation, and around the world.… Continue Reading
Tags: 40 Days for Life, abortion, Aurora, Catharine Walker, Life, Phil Price, Planned Parenthood, Spotlight, SPOTLIGHT: 40 Days For Life
Faith & Religion, next gen, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
October 18, 2023 5:00 AM |
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Written by Chris Iverson
Over the years, former president Donald Trump’s position on abortion has shifted, as this video collage demonstrates. In 1999, Trump said he hated abortion, but that he was also very pro-choice and would not support a ban on partial-birth abortion. In 2015, he said he was pro-life with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. In 2016, he said women who obtain an abortion should be punished, a position on which he quickly backtracked.… Continue Reading
Tags: 15 week ban, abortion, Dobbs v. Jackson, Donald Trump, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, heartbeat law, Joe Biden, Meet the Press, Roe v. Wade, Ron DeSantis, Truth Social
Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
October 10, 2023 6:00 AM |
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Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Dave Smith and Monte Larrick sit down with Evelyn Stenzel.
Evelyn works with the Southside Pregnancy Center and travels throughout the greater Chicago area for the purpose of equipping Christians with the pro-life message.
Part of Evelyn’s ministry, “Equipped!”, includes informing pro-life advocates of abortion procedures and the impact abortion has on both the unborn baby and the mother. In the interview, she comments,
Many people that are pro-life honestly are unfamiliar with abortion procedures, the impact of abortion– of course on the unborn but also on the mother…
Mentioned in the podcast is Evelyn’s Equipped!… Continue Reading
Written by Paul Caprio
In his column, Donald Trump Owes Pro-Lifers (September 29), William McGurn has made some important points about the significance of the pro-life movement in electing Donald Trump President in 2016.
First, however, Mr. McGurn mentions Trump’s recent attack on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for signing a six-week abortion ban. Trump is calling it a “terrible thing.” The Florida law is called federalism in action, Mr. President.
Mr. McGurn correctly reminds us of the two major events which were crucial in providing overwhelming, and probably decisive, pro-life support for Trump in 2016.… Continue Reading
Tags: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, late-term abortion, parental consent, parental rights, Roe v. Wade, taxpayer funding of abortion, The Hyde Amendment, The Wall Street Journal, U.S. Supreme Court, William McGurn
Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
September 23, 2023 2:00 PM |
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