Category: Federal Elections

Nominal Frontrunner Catalina Lauf in IL-11 Began Her Descent from a Promising Candidate Months Ago Starting with Lies

By John Lopez

The Republican primary race in the Illinois 11th Congressional District enters the beginning of early voting and vote-by-mail ballots hitting the street with a flurry of activity which will crescendo to its finish on June 28.

As previously written, the six Republican candidates vying to challenge Congressman Bill Foster (D, Naperville) this fall are, in ballot order:

  • Jerry Evans of Warrenville
  • Andrea Heeg of unincorporated Geneva
  • Catalina Lauf of Woodstock
  • Susan Hathaway-Altman of unincorporated Geneva
  • Cassandra Tanner Miller of Elgin
  • Mark Carroll of North Aurora, who was endorsed by Illinois Family Action

As shared at the end of April, while there are six candidates on the ballot, at this point, only three candidates have a legitimate chance to win and in this ranking of 1) Lauf, 2) Evans and 3) Carroll

This article is going to focus on the frontrunner Lauf since she’s the frontrunner.… Continue Reading

Applied Discernment of 11th Congressional District GOP Primary Shows 2 or 3-Person Race

Written by John Lopez

As originally published in late February, the Illinois 11th Congressional District Republican primary election presents the Republican Party with a solid chance to flip the U.S. House seat currently held by Congressman Bill Foster (D, Naperville).

Here on Illinois Family Action, discernment was stressed to be applied to the six Republican men and women who filed in IL-11.

The candidates include:

  • Mark Carroll, 48, North Aurora
  • Jerry Evans, 38, Warrenville
  • Andrea Heeg, 55, unincorporated Geneva
  • Catalina Lauf, 29, Woodstock
  • Susan Hathaway-Altman, 55, unincorporated Geneva
  • Cassandra Tanner Miller, 35, Elgin

The 11th District includes portions of 8 counties, as shown on the map above.… Continue Reading

U.S. Reps. Miller & Boebert in Quincy this Saturday!

Written by Jenna Smith

Ladies and gentlemen! This Saturday, in Quincy Illinois, there will be a rally to defend the Second Amendment that will be one you do not want to miss.

Illinois’ lone Freedom Caucus member, U.S. Representative Mary Miller (R-15), will be joined by fellow Freedom Caucus member U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) to meet patriots like yourself, to address the issues facing our nation and what they, as representatives of we the people, are doing about it.… Continue Reading

Workers’ Freedoms Including Classification, Right-to-Work, Illinois Law and the PRO Act Come to Forefront for 2022 Elections

Written by John Lopez

Prologue:  On February 13, 2022, John Lopez called-in to the national radio talk show Beyond the Beltway with Bruce DuMont and asked a question to Dan Ronan, associate news editor for Transport Topics, concerning worker classification in the context of independent trucking.  The relevant 2 1/2 minutes clip is cued from the YouTube livestream with the context of the question being California’s Assembly Bill 5 and unintended consequence of legislation targeting Uber and other app-based companies, and the direct impact to inflation and the supply chain challenges within the trucking industry.Continue Reading

Texas Primary Results and Possible Applications to Illinois – Including “RINO Hunting”

Henry Cuellar Forced to Runoff, Ratings Changed for Cuellar District to “Toss-up”

Written by John Lopez

The day after the United States Senate successfully filibustered the pro-abortion-on-demand H.R. 3755, the Texas primary kicked off the 2022 primary season which could have some ramifications to Illinois.

With H.R. 3755’s filibuster as a backdrop and Congressman Henry Cuellar’s lone Democrat vote in the U.S. House last September making him a target of the pro-abortion zealots, Cuellar won the most votes in the March 1 primary.… Continue Reading

Let’s Help Kathy Salvi Mount a Challenge to Tammy Duckworth in U.S. Senate Race

Written by John Lopez

Illinois Review reported Monday, February 28, former congressional candidate Kathy Salvi of unincorporated Fremont Township in Lake County, is circulating petitions to run for U.S. Senate in 2022. 

Click HERE to download Salvi’s nomination petition. Collect as many signatures as you can in the next few days and mail them to her no later than Monday, March 7th. Petitions do not have to have every line filled and every signature will help!… Continue Reading

Last Pro-Life Democrat in the U.S. House in Trouble as Recent Ratings Changes Confirm

by John Lopez

The first primary in 2022 is Texas on March 1, and in-person early voting began on Monday, February 14.

Like Illinois, Texas has an open primary election, and voter registration in Texas does not require the declaration of a political party for a registered voter, meaning any registered voter can vote in the primary of their choice on primary election day.

But unlike Illinois, Texas’ nominating primary is not winner-take-all. The winner of the primary must earn 50%+1 of the vote. … Continue Reading

GOP Must Apply Discernment when Nominating Challenger to Bill Foster in the 11th District

Written by John Lopez

Editor’s note:  Originally published on February 16, an additional candidate filing and other news in this race prompted the revision of this article.  Edited March 26 reflects the candidates who actually filed nominating petitions with the State Board of Elections. Edited April 3 upon the withdrawal of Juan “Johnny” Ramos on April 1.

The fight for control of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022 includes battleground districts in the state of Illinois. … Continue Reading

Christian Conservatives Candidates Wanted, Needed

Written by David E. Smith

The self-government called for in the first sentence of the U.S. Constitution (“We the people”) doesn’t ever take a breather. With elections every two years in our state and nation, one election season ends and another begins. Primary election cycles give way to the General Election cycle whether in presidential years and elections for state constitutional offices or our local consolidated elections.

In the wake of two contrived impeachments against President Donald J.Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton Should Apologize for the Biggest Political Hoax Since Titus Oates

Written by Michael Barone

It’s the biggest political hoax since Titus Oates’s allegations of a “Popish Plot” to assassinate King Charles II in 1678. Oates’s charge of a Jesuit conspiracy swept through London and led to the execution of four innocent men before Oates was proved a fraud.

The full consequences of the great political hoax of our time — the charge that former President Donald J. Trump was colluding with Russia — are not yet fully apparent.… Continue Reading