Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

SPOTLIGHT: Creation and Culture

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features an interview with Ken Ham at the 2024 Illinois Christian Home Educators conference.

Ken Ham is the CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis, a Christian organization aimed at giving Christians real answers to deep questions about the world. He is the author of over thirty books and is also the founder of the two popular attractions: The Creation Museum and The Ark Encounter.… Continue Reading

This Political Moment is No Laughing Matter

Written by Calvin Lindstrom

There have been a lot of laughs at President Joseph R. Biden’s expense since his disastrous debate with former President Trump on Thursday, June 28.

Democrats have been in a state of panic since then.

USA Today on June 30 reported the shocking results of a CBS/You Gov National Survey in which 72% of voters –  as well as nearly half of his party – said they do not believe Biden has the mental or cognitive capacity to serve as president.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Love Thy Body

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This special episode of Spotlight features Nancy Pearcey’s presentation at the 2023 Worldview Conference based on her bestselling, critically acclaimed book, Love Thy Body.

Nancy Pearcey is an Apologetics Professor and scholar at Houston Christian University. She is dedicated to bringing a biblical worldview to cultural issues such as gender, transgenderism, abortion, masculinity, agnosticism, and more.

“If there is no God…, there is no meaning to life.”

This is an incredible presentation you don’t want to miss.… Continue Reading

Students for Life Action Demands GOP Remain Pro-Life

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, the pro-life issue has become more important than ever before.

With the Republican National Convention coming up on July 15th in Milwaukee, Students for Life Action (SFLAction) understands this crucial moment and is demanding that the Republican Party (Grand Old Party, GOP) maintain its pro-life stance.

While the GOP has been dedicated to the pro-life cause for decades, there are some Republicans (Republicans In Name Only, RINOs) that stand as a hindrance to the pro-life mission.… Continue Reading

Children Do Best When They Have a Mother and Father Bound to Each Other in Marriage

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Progressives frequently point fingers at those who disagree with them, calling them deplorables, Bible-thumping rubes and science deniers. Yet without fail, our accusers rarely provide any evidence to support their claims. The leftists’ call to “respect the science,” i.e., look at the obvious empirical evidence, almost always works against them rather than for them and their utopian schemes.

This is true across the spectrum of the current political debate. Be it inflation, foreign policy, immigration, racism, the efficacy of masks, climate change or gender identity, when we look at the empirical data relevant to any of these topics, the science screams that progressives are wrong and conservatives have been right all along.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: How Can You Mess with Success?

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Spotlight focuses on the topic of homeschooling.

Kirk Smith, ICHE’s (Illinois Christian Home Educator) executive director, gives encouragement to parents who don’t know how to homeschool, gives direction on how to choose good curriculum, and much more.

Parents, especially moms, feel like they’re unworthy- that they are not capable of homeschooling… if it’s [homeschooling] is a principle of God, it works– regardless of how good or how unprepared we feel as parents.

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SPOTLIGHT: Recovering Biblical Manhood

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This week’s Spotlight episode features Dr. Scott Lively and his speech, “Recovering Biblical Manhood” from IFI’s 2024 Worldview Conference.

Dr. Scott Lively is an author, attorney, commentator, activist, and the founder and leader of Scott Lively Ministries.

In his speech, Dr. Lively starts with giving his personal testimony and relates his personal experiences to the importance of recovering biblical manhood.

Listen to “Recovering Biblical Manhood” anywhere you find podcasts or click the link!Continue Reading

The Government Failed at Fatherhood

Written by Victor Joecks

The government spent decades trying to make fathers unnecessary. The failure of that experiment put society on the long-term path to collapse.

Sunday was Father’s Day. It’s much less popular than Mother’s Day for a sad reason.

Fewer fathers are involved in their children’s lives. That’s caused by two main factors.

The first is children born to single moms. In 2022, almost 40% of births were to unmarried women, according to the CDC.… Continue Reading

Success in Classrooms

Written by John Stossel

Government-run schools keep failing. It shouldn’t surprise us. Monopolies rarely serve customers well.

People call them “public schools,” but “government-run” is more accurate. After all, charter schools are available to the public. Privately run supermarkets are open to the public for more hours than “public” schools are.

International tests show American kids don’t learn as much as kids in other countries. During the pandemic, they did even worse because our teachers unions kept schools closed.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Be Like Nehemiah

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Spotlight, David Smith and Richard Hartian continue their discussion on fatherhood with Kent Evans.

Kent Evans is the co-founder of the ministry, Manhood Journey and is the author of Bring Your Hammer, a book that gives fathers tools on how to biblically disciple their children. Kent notes, “The only way we know about Jesus Christ is through discipleship.”

When asked why discipleship is so important, Kent notes,

I disciple my boys because God told me to, and if I am going to be faithful like Jesus was faithful, then I am going to do what God said… If I have children in this world, I am their primary disciple-maker.

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