Written by Daniel Horowitz
Man Accused of Killing Retired Black Cop Never Served a Day of 7-Year Sentence
Had our criminal justice system been working the way it should, perhaps retired police officer David Dorn would still be alive today. Yet there will be no calls for true criminal justice reform to ensure that repeat violent felons like Dorn’s suspected murderer are locked up, even as there is rioting for justice for George Floyd when justice is already well on its way to being served.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexander Kueng, Andy McCarthy, Brooke Rollins, criminal justice reform, criminal justice system, David Dorn, Derek Chauvin, Donald Trump, George Floyd, Jared Kushner, Ja’Ron Smith, Jimmie Robinson, Justin Mathews, Michael Noble, Ralph Harper, Stephan Cannon, systemic injustice, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
June 10, 2020 7:00 AM |
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Written by Ryan Bomberger
Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. In the cause to make things right, I will not join a movement that has nearly everything wrong. More innocent lives have now been killed (#BlueLivesMatter, too) since these predominantly violent protests began over George Floyd’s horrific death. What about the black lives killed in this nationwide chaos? Do they matter?
“Well, you don’t have to agree with everything. Just pick out the good things in the #BlackLivesMatter movement,” I’m told.… Continue Reading
Tags: #BlackLivesMatter, #BlueLivesMatter, #DadsMatter, #SocialJusticeWarrior, Black Lives Matter, Colin Kaepernick, Ford Foundation, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Movement for Black Lives, Nation of Islam, New Black Panthers, Ryan Bomberger
Marriage, Family & Culture, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
June 8, 2020 7:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
The New York Times is breathlessly accusing Minneapolis police of being seven times more likely to shoot black people than white people. What the paper fails to tell you is that black people are 12.1 times more likely to be a victim of a gun homicide in Minneapolis than white people are. So adjusting for that obvious fact, police actually have a higher rate of shooting against white suspects per interaction.
According to the CDC, the black homicide rate was 12.9 times higher than the white homicide rate from 2010 to 2015, and homicide was the leading cause of death for black people under 35.… Continue Reading
Written by David E. Smith
Did you think COVID-19 was the worst challenge we would face in 2020? Now a new type of contagion is spreading across our nation and the world and it is potentially as destructive as coronavirus. This Spotlight features my conversations with Dr. Eric Wallace and Stephanie Trussell regarding the aftermath of the horrific and unjust murder of George Floyd.
Eric and I discuss the right to peacefully protest and the biblical and correct coupling of justice with righteousness.… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor
In July 1969, three American astronauts landed on the moon. It wasn’t just a great technical triumph. It was a much-needed respite amid social and political chaos.
America was already beset by Vietnam and civil rights struggles. That summer of 1969, things got worse. The nation was shocked by news of a riot after a confrontation between gay rights activists and police outside the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village on June 28.… Continue Reading
Tags: Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin, Chappaquiddick, Days of Rage, Donald J. Trump, Elon Musk, H3N2, Haymarket Riot, Hong Kong Flu, Mary Jo Kopechne, Michael Collins, NASA, Neil Armstrong, Paul Kengor, Sharon Tate, SpaceX, Stonewall Inn, Students for a Democratic Society, Ted Kennedy, Vietnam, Weathermen, Woodstock
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
June 4, 2020 6:00 AM |
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Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown
It’s difficult to take a stand for anything today without being accused of virtue signaling or the like. And if you’re woke in one area you’ll soon find out that you are blissfully unwoke in another area. (Hey, if “woke” is a word, why not “unwoke”?)
Well, allow me to set the record straight. Everyone has blind spots. Everyone is woefully ignorant (or neglectful or indifferent) in some major area of genuine concern.… Continue Reading
Written by Peter Heck
Make no mistake about it, Anna Kendrick, the actress/singer famous for roles in the Pitch Perfect and Trolls movies, undoubtedly considers herself quite woke. She is a Hollywood actress who is fully cognizant of what she’s supposed to say, when she’s supposed to say it, and what power she is supposed to “speak truth” to in order to maintain pop culture credibility.
That said, Kendrick bravely ventured into a position of “unlikely voice of reason” on Twitter recently when she properly identified what the mainstream media has been decidedly unable to deduce or unwilling to admit.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anna Kendrick, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Dan Rather, Ian Miles Cheong, Peter Heck, Pitch Perfect, social justice, Trolls, Violet Iknomova
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
June 2, 2020 7:00 AM |
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Written by Tad Armstrong
This op-ed will be hard-hitting. It’s time to tell the unvarnished truth. It is lengthy because I cannot shorten what needs to be said. If you care about Constitutional freedom, you will take the time. If your goal is to take America down the path of socialism, perhaps you might be interested in reading this in order to to better understand your adversary.
Although it is hard for me to believe, we are a divided nation.… Continue Reading
Tags: Amos Humiston, Andrew Cuomo, Anthony Fauci, Bill Maher, D-Day, Donald J. Trump, George Washington, Gettysburg, Iwo Jima, Joe Biden, Mark H. Dunkelman, Mike Pence, Pearl Harbor, Ronald Reagan, SCOTUS, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, WW2
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
May 21, 2020 9:00 AM |
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Written by Jerry Newcombe
One fallout of the COVID-19 crisis is its severe thrashing of our economy. Not only have all the impressive economic gains of the Trump administration evaporated, but we are now adding to our national debt in scary ways. I hope that all the bailouts are temporary means to solve a temporary problem.
To use an analogy: One of the saddest things about a midlife crisis is that permanent damage can be done to “solve” what turns out to be only a temporary problem.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Coronavirus, COVID–19, Dennis Prager, Donald J. Trump, Dr. Richard Land, Jerry Newcombe, Margaret Thatcher, PragerU, Scandinavia, Southern Evangelical Seminary, Stephen Moore, Trump Administration
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
May 15, 2020 6:18 AM |
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Written by Rev. Thorin Anderson
“Seriously,” You might ask? “How will you manage that?”
Those who actually understand traditional Christianity know that devout Christians typically make the best citizens, even under totalitarian regimes, because we understand and accept the biblical injunction to submit to authority, even when it is unreasonable, so long as it does not demand disloyalty to Christ. Therefore, my suggestion that there is biblical support for the Second Amendment will likely surprise many because that Amendment is sometimes perceived to provide means for overthrowing a government. … Continue Reading