Category: Crime Culture

Why is the GOP Still Pushing the Left’s Decarceration Agenda?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Reducing sentences for our already under-incarcerated criminal population is a great goal of George Soros. Yet for the past 15 years, this dystopian objective has been supported by the Kochs and other libertarian front groups that convinced Republicans — and, eventually, Donald Trump — to join the jailbreak bandwagon.

Now, despite the ubiquitous recognition that we have a violent crime problem because of weak deterrent power against criminals, particularly juveniles, the Koch-funded groups continue to wield influence among Republicans to further weaken the criminal deterrent rather than strengthening it.… Continue Reading

“Untenable” Immigrant Crisis Created by Democrats

Written by David E. Smith

Democrat Governor JB Pritzker recently sent a three-page letter to Democrat President Joe Biden complaining about the so-called “asylum seekers” and “refugees” being bussed to Chicago from Texas. However, the majority of immigrants breaking our federal laws are not refugees seeking asylum. Most are impoverished foreigners who are seeking the American dream and job opportunities.

And with our open border, who could blame them?

The U.S. already has a generous immigration policy to assimilate good people from around the world.… Continue Reading

Non-Citizens Will Be Able to Arrest People in Illinois?

Written by Brian Wencle

Should a thief be allowed to become a police officer? How about someone who sells drugs on the streets? Any sane person would answer both of these questions with a resounding “no.” It shouldn’t need an explanation, but there are a few main reasons why those who break the law shouldn’t be in law enforcement. The first is that they are either immoral or even worse, they know what they’re doing is wrong and simply don’t care.… Continue Reading

Non-Citizens Will Have the Power to Arrest Legal American Citizens in Illinois?

Written by Nancy Hayes

At a recent Three Headed Eagle Alliance event called “Pints and Politics,” Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur), a member of the Illinois Freedom Caucus stated: “No non-citizen American should ever be in a position to arrest an American citizen in America.”

This seems like an obvious statement, but Caulkins was responding to the recent passing of HB 3751, which amends the Illinois Municipal Code by adding the following:

An individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the U.S.

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Carjacking Is So Chronic in Illinois That It Needs Its Own Hotline

Written by Brian Wencel

Recently, the Illinois House and Senate unanimously passed a bill to help victims of carjacking. HB 2245, if signed by Governor Pritzker, will require all car manufacturers that sell in Illinois to have their own 24/7 hotline. This hotline, which will be run by the manufacturers themselves, will be used primarily by law enforcement to find stolen vehicles’ locations. If the vehicle is found, the bill will force car manufacturers to provide the location to law enforcement.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Conversation with Larry Elder

In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick converses with 2024 Presidential Candidate Larry Elder at the 2023 Black Conservative Summit. Larry Elder is a commentator, film-maker, Epoch Times contributor, and is the executive producer of Uncle Tom and Uncle Tom: An American Odyssey.

Larry Elder, in this interview, capitalizes on the importance of black fathers being present in the home, as this is the greatest threat that is facing black America.… Continue Reading

Why Do Leftists Despise Anything to Do with America?

Written by Brian Wencel

For the second time in the last two months, a statue of Abraham Lincoln in Edgewater’s Senn Park in Chicago has been vandalized by a group of unruly leftist activists. It’s par for the course for activists to go around vandalizing monuments during their little temper tantrums, but a statue of Abraham Lincoln? What could someone possibly have against Abraham Lincoln? Didn’t he play a major role in ending slavery and bringing our nation back together, a feat that should easily give him the status of “hero?”… Continue Reading

Chicago Releases The Most Violent Offenders to Commit The Exact Same Crimes

Written by Daniel Horowitz

What happens when you let career violent criminals out on little or no bail with no fear of punishment for violating their terms of release? In a dystopian hell like Chicago, that means an individual released after being charged with punching a woman in the face and kicking a cop in the groin will be rearrested for … punching a woman in the face and kicking a cop in the groin. Oh, and another sex offender released on charges of molesting multiple women will be rearrested for … molesting another woman!… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Tom DeVore Claims SAFE-T Act Violates Bill of Rights and Separation of Powers

Written by David E. Smith

Thomas Devore, candidate for Illinois Attorney General, spoke recently at the Crete Township Republican meeting on the dangers of the SAFE-T Act. During his presentation, he delivered a damning legal analysis of the Democrat’s SAFE-T Act (HB 3653) , which will fully go into effect on January 1, 2023. Most Democrats voted YES and every single Republican voted NO.

Devore warns that the ‘no-cash bail’ provision in the SAFE-T Act opens up Illinois courts to civil rights violations.… Continue Reading

It’s The Violent Gun Felons

Written by Daniel Horowitz

We need not steal people’s guns without due process, as Joe Biden suggests, nor do we need to send in the National Guard to protect America’s cities, as Donald Trump recently suggested. What Chicago’s experience demonstrates is that we simply need to lock up the gun felons and career criminals who have already been found guilty through due process. It’s not so much about funding the police or drastic measures of having the military occupy American cities, but about simply locking up the criminals.

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