Category: Federal Issues

Jack Smith’s Jan. 6 Indictments Are an Attack on Political Speech

Written by David Harsanyi

If recklessly lying to voters were a crime, most everyone in D.C. would be serving life in solitary confinement at Supermax. But in a liberal democracy, as frustrating as it often is, political misconduct is settled by voters and elections, not partisan prosecutors or rioters.

Feel free to campaign and vote against Donald Trump if you like. I’m certainly no fan. If Trump wins in 2024, Congress can impeach and remove him if they choose.… Continue Reading

Ignorant Democrats Refuse to Hear About Gender Mutilation

Written by David E. Smith

Apparently, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are terrified of their own agenda. Last week, a group of Democrat lawmakers walked out of a committee meeting en masse rather than watch a short video from a liberal “gender transition” surgeon explaining how the procedures are performed on children.

After sitting through seven hours of markup in the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, it was finally time for U.S. Representative Kat Cammack (R-FL) to voice her opinion about a bill that would subsidize gender transition surgeries for minors as part of a children’s hospital funding bill.… Continue Reading

Excellent Analysis Of The Latest Federal Indictment Against Trump

Written by David E. Smith

As you know, yet another federal indictment of former President Donald J. Trump has been filed. This time for his efforts to protest the results of the 2020 election. Many legal experts and political pundits are saying this will be an extremely challenging case to prove, as it involves questions about freedom of speech, election interference, and whether the specific charges brought against him hold water legally.

In an interview with Morning Wire, attorney Andy McCarthy speculates that “a good 90 percent of it, is politically protected speech.Continue Reading

As Biden Admin Undermines Texas Border Security, States Should Fight Back

Written by Daniel Horowitz

When in global history has a sovereign nation’s own government aided an invasion against its own people? At this point, we could build a 2,000-mile border wall up to the heavens, but if we don’t neutralize the malfeasant leadership at the DHS, they will simply bring the invaders through the front door.

Much like gas prices, which spiked to biblical levels and then settled at a very high and unacceptable baseline, the border numbers are still extremely high, but slightly off their peak.… Continue Reading

How Will America Handle The Next Pandemic?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week, while the nation sat transfixed by endless stories of President Joe Biden‘s pathological dishonesty, Hunter Biden‘s cocaine-laced corruption and U.S. Representative Nancy Mace’s just-plain-weird boasting of her wanton sex life, another headline of equal if not more significance may have escaped your attention.

On July 24, the World Health Organization reported that a male citizen of the United Arab Emirates had been hospitalized with MERS-CoV, a coronavirus variant with a 35 percent mortality rate.… Continue Reading

Biden Family Corruption and Anticipated Impeachment

Written by David E. Smith

The U.S. House Oversight Committee has been investigating the business dealings of Hunter Biden and his associates since 2020. In recent months, the committee has held a number of closed-door depositions with witnesses, including former Hunter Biden business associates Devon Archer and Tony Bobulinski.

Archer testified that he met with Hunter Biden in 2014 to discuss a business deal in China. Archer said that Hunter Biden told him that he was “looking for a way to get involved in China” and that he wanted to use Archer’s connections to help him do so.… Continue Reading

Bidenomics: Cashless, Homeless, and Jobless

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The president recently defined “Bidenomics” as building the economy “from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down.” In fact, Bidenomics is really the economy’s equivalent to “long COVID,” whereby that same middle class suffers permanent degradation of quality of life and standard of living while being caught in the permanent and degenerative cycle of government debt, inflation, and market manipulation.

Despite the rosy economic projections from the White House, incontrovertible data shows that because of the COVID lockdown policies he and his predecessor supported and the new policies they enacted to “fix” the market distortions created by the endless debt-driven inflation, a young family now has to live at the top of the economic pyramid to even afford basic living.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Project 21

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Horace Cooper. Cooper is a senior fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board and a legal commentator.

In response to the attack that Christianity and the Church is facing, Cooper notes,

As Christians, one of things we need to understand… American Christians are one of the most powerful forces on the planet.

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Key Highlights From the IRS Whistleblowers’ Congressional Testimony

Written by David E. Smith

There is a good chance that you missed the big news out of Washington D.C. this week with the testimony of two IRS whistleblowers who testified at a U.S. House Oversight Committee hearing on July 19, 2023. According to an article by News Busters, the so-called “mainstream” media failed to cover this important probe into the slow-walked Hunter-Biden investigation. The following introduction and the two-part report from U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and U.S.… Continue Reading

Hottest Day(s) Ever?

Written by Dr. Mark W. Hendrickson

Undoubtedly you heard that several days in early July were the “hottest days ever” for good old Planet Earth. The source of that story was an entity called Climate Reanalyzer, affiliated with the University of Maine. It is worth noting that even the federal government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which usually supports the global warming narrative, hastened to point out that the figures cited by Climate Reanalyzer were unofficial and based on computer climate programs, not actual measurements.… Continue Reading