Posts tagged: Twitter

Democrats, in Showing Their Extremism, Do Nation a Favor

Written by David Limbaugh

In Wednesday evening’s Democratic presidential debate circus, the left’s favorite darlings turned on one another with a selfish vengeance, which was a positive development for the country and mildly entertaining. The glorious infighting continued among progressive commentators.

This acrimony, coupled with the public exposure of the left’s crazy ideas, surely diminished the party’s image among sane voters. The more leftists reveal their inanity and extremism, the better for President Trump and the nation.… Continue Reading

Attacks on Conservative Speech Take Many Forms

Written by Ken Blackwell

Looking over the frenzied political landscape in America today — one marred by constant clashes between right and left — a single issue rises above the rest. In many areas of public life, conservatives — their words, views and values — are under assault. Ultra-left, radical activists methodically expunge conservative speech and conservative ideas from public discourse.

This threat to the First Amendment and to the sharing of viewpoints held by roughly half of all Americans is taking many forms.… Continue Reading

How Democracy Dies in Darkness

Written by Robert Knight

Tyranny can arrive fast in the form of tanks and jackboots. Or it can come gradually, snuffing out liberty and replacing it with fear.

The latter is what we’re facing today, as cultural Marxists advance their doctrines and silence any dissension.

Each day brings new examples, but here are a few that show why a sleeping church and any friend of liberty had better wake up before it’s too late.

Social media giants Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Google’s YouTube and even Pinterest have all been caught censoring Christians and conservatives.  

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Facebook & Twitter: Biased Against the Right?

Written by David Grogan

Recently, representatives from Facebook and Twitter appeared before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to respond to claims that their companies are engaging in the censorship of conservative news and voices. For years, conservatives have lamented the power of Big Tech over political discourse and their bias against the Right.

U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) made sure to point out that, in her view, the evidence conservatives have for social media bias is purely anecdotal.… Continue Reading

Leftists Whipping Themselves Into a Jacobin Frenzy

Written by David Limbaugh

There’s no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?

It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.

But what concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded.… Continue Reading

The Media Was Still Unglued in 2018

Written by L. Brent Bozell III

President Trump has been in office for almost two years, which should mean that by now, all the crazy talk in the media about his impending dictatorship ought to be abandoned. Democracy is still vibrant, as we saw with record voter turnout in November. But the wild conspiracy theories about Trump never stop. Some of them qualify as the worst media quotes of the year.

Don’t go looking for “fact-checkers” to evaluate how much evidence the cable “news” folks have mustered.… Continue Reading

Trump and the Media War

Written by Jan LaRue

The anti-Trump media are comparing President Donald Trump to Joseph Stalin because the president fires back at his critics.

An allusion to the wisdom of philosophers residing in the joint applies to media whiners: “if you can’t do the time, don’t do the slime.”

The president’s daily dose of name-calling by media includes the following: he’s Hitler, Stalin, racist, Mussolini, Mao, Pol Pot, racist, Nero, racist, mentally deranged, tyrant, racist, unfit, fascist, racist, dictator, hateful, racist, liar, illegitimate, colluder of all things Russian, schmuck, jackass, warmonger, and racist, and that’s just MSNBC.… Continue Reading

“Pride Month” is Officially a Religion: Twitter CEO Shamed Into Disavowing Chik-fil-A Visit

In April, Babylon Bee published a satirical op-ed entitled: “You Either Die An SJW, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become A Bigot”

The “author” of the piece was Starbucks Executive Chair Howard Schultz. The op-ed mocked how Starbucks was shamed into closing all of its 8,000 stores because leftist social justice warriors claimed that one Philadelphia store manager’s decision meant the entire company was full of racists.

This is the same Starbucks which endorsed left-wing ideologies on LGBT issues long before they were popular.… Continue Reading

Deconstructing Young Minds

Written by Robert Knight

Since November 2016, the Deep State and its media allies have spent considerable time and money cultivating animus toward President Trump and the Republican-led Congress among younger voters.

Many Millennials came unglued in the wake of the election and still are.  The Left is counting on their turning out to elect progressives in November.  Social media bristle with anti-Trump and anti-conservative invectives, and some of it spills over into anti-American rants.

As author William J.Continue Reading

The Left Just Isn’t Right

Written by David Limbaugh

Please join me on a whirlwind superficial but revealing tour of liberal la-la land as we peek at recent headlines. Meanwhile, liberals call conservatives wing nuts.

The Firing Squad

Singer Nancy Sinatra tweeted, “The murderous members of the NRA should face a firing squad.” One wonders whether in her rendering, “murderous” is redundant. One might also wonder whether she thinks other murderous people should be exempt from or perhaps face a less humiliating form of execution.… Continue Reading