Posts tagged: LGBT

“It’s Frankenstein-y and We’re Doing This to Children!” (Illinois Family Spotlight #172)

It is imperative to know the truth in order to refute lies. Illinois Family Institute’s cultural affairs writer, Laurie Higgins, is well-acquainted with the truth regarding the lies of “trans” ideology. At a recent forum hosted by Concerned Citizens for American in Rockford, Laurie states that biological sex and scientific facts matter, despite what the proponents of this false, destructive ideology would have us believe.

In her presentation, Laurie clearly defines the terms biological sex, gender, and gender identity.… Continue Reading

“Pride Month” is Officially a Religion: Twitter CEO Shamed Into Disavowing Chik-fil-A Visit

In April, Babylon Bee published a satirical op-ed entitled: “You Either Die An SJW, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become A Bigot”

The “author” of the piece was Starbucks Executive Chair Howard Schultz. The op-ed mocked how Starbucks was shamed into closing all of its 8,000 stores because leftist social justice warriors claimed that one Philadelphia store manager’s decision meant the entire company was full of racists.

This is the same Starbucks which endorsed left-wing ideologies on LGBT issues long before they were popular.… Continue Reading

In the Crosshairs: Corporate Advocacy of LGBT Lifestyle

Image result for pro lgbt corporations

Written by Chris Woodward

The head of a prominent pro-family group is reacting to a report that more than 500 American businesses have earned a top score on pro-LGBT surveys.

The surveys are part of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s “Corporate Equality Index.” HRC considers it to be the “national benchmarking tool” on corporate policies and practices pertinent to lesbian, “gay,” bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees.

In its latest report, the pro-LGBT lobbying group says 517 major businesses – “spanning nearly every industry and geography” – earned a top score of 100 percent and the distinction of “Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality.”… Continue Reading

Reps. Sandack & Sullivan Get $5k For Same-Sex “Marriage” Stance

Written by Fran Eaton, Illinois Review

Last Friday, Equality Illinois showed its gratitude to two Illinois House Republicans who broke ranks and declared their support for legalization of gay marriage in Illinois. The organization’s appreciation was in the form of $5,000 checks to State Reps. Ron Sandack (HERE) and Ed Sullivan (HERE).

For Sandack, the 2013 contribution from the gay activist organization is antithetical to his support in last year’s election, which included investments from conservative groups such as Paul Caprio‘s Family PAC (HERE), Jack Roeser (HERE), and Adam Andrzejewski‘s For The Good of Illinois PAC (HERE).

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Illinois Senate Votes to Support Homosexual “Marriage”

Senator Jason Barickman Breaks With GOP

Written by David E. Smith, IFA Executive Director

Despite the fact that Illinois is facing serious financial and unemployment issues, including a bankrupt pension system, the Illinois Senate recently approved a bill to redefine marriage and family — on St. Valentine’s Day no less.

The vote results were 34-21 with 2 voting present.  This destructive and foolish decision reveals the ignorance — or in some cases cowardice — of those who voted for the legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriage.… Continue Reading

Pat Brady Digs In — Will County GOP Calls For His Resignation

Written by David E. Smith, IFA Executive Director

This past weekend, Pat Brady, Chairman of the Illinois Republican party, was interviewed on Fox 32 about his political activity to help Illinois Democrats pass radical Leftist legislation to redefine marriage and family.  This conflicts not only with the Illinois Republican Platform and the National Republican Platform but also with the views of the majority of voters in the state –specifically members of Brady’s own party.  (Watch the video HERE.)… Continue Reading