Posts tagged: Twitter

America’s Ever-Tightening Cancel Culture Makes Communists Happy

Written by Robert Knight

A day after the Georgia U.S. Senate runoff handed the left its trifecta — control of both houses of Congress and the White House — the Communist Party USA gave notice that this is merely the latest stage in Sovietizing America.

An editorial on the CPUSA’s website acknowledges that the Democrats’ total control may be temporary, so they had better make hay while they can:

“In this context — the ever-present capitalist system and the temporary two years of a Democratic-controlled Congress and White House — what we do in the next two years is crucial,” the editorial says.

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Hollywood Elites and Violent Thoughts

Written by Tim Graham

Big Tech’s rush to take down and ban social media accounts or de-platform entire websites that they believe in some way caused the horrible rioting at the Capitol is based on fear — that Joe Biden’s inauguration will devolve into another riot. Or that there will be riots at state capitols.

Social media platforms such as Twitter are only focused on President Donald Trump and his millions of devoted fans. They don’t seem to focus on violent thoughts on the left, most prominently the Hollywood left.… Continue Reading

One of the Last Honest Reporters Speaks Out

Written by Elise Cooper

Slanted is the third book by Sharyl Attkisson, and as with her other two, it is a refreshing read.  It is nice to know that there are still independent journalists who put fact over opinion, and she is one of those.  To no one’s surprise, she talks about the shift in the news, from a focus on reporting the facts to more on trying to push a narrative on the American people.… Continue Reading

Pandering Democrats Protect Own Ideology But Say Nothing to Defend Free Speech

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On May 10, 1933, students in 34 university towns across Germany gathered to burn more than 25,000 books. The works of authors like Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway and Helen Keller went up in flames.

At the same time, 40,000 people gathered to hear the German Minister of Public Enlightenment, Joseph Goebbels, give a speech applauding those who were “commit[ting] to the flames the evil spirit of the past.” The unwanted ideas of Western civilization fueled the bonfires of Berlin.… Continue Reading

The Censorious Left Is Obliterating Free Speech

Written by David Limbaugh

A lot of things worry me about a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration, but nothing troubles me more than that it will accommodate the left’s disturbing march toward selective suppression of free speech.

Much of the war against this sacred liberty occurs at the level of our culture, but when a leftist-friendly administration is in power, our efforts to combat this culturally will be more difficult.

As a result of structural and technological changes in our society, threats to free speech no longer come from government alone, and so, our constitutional guarantees against encroachments are now inadequate.… Continue Reading

The Relentless Revolution

Written by Robert Knight

This past month, America’s Progressives showed they will do anything to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This includes having social media, along with “legacy” media, spike articles by America’s fourth largest newspaper, The New York Post.

But that’s not all. These Marxists are even vowing revenge on Trump supporters if they get back the reins of power.

“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” tweeted Robert Reich, former Labor Department secretary under Bill Clinton and adviser to Barack Obama.… Continue Reading

Paying For The Indoctrination Of Hate In Our Children

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On July 27, 2020, Timothy Snediker, philosophy of religion teacher at the University of California, Santa Barbara, responded to a survey posted on Twitter that asked the following question: “If you were dropped 2000 years back in time with nothing but the knowledge you have now, what would you do?”

Mr. Snediker’s answer? “Easy, I would find and assassinate Jesus of Nazareth.”

Mr. Snediker then immediately followed up with a second tweet to drive home his point: “Theologically speaking, it would be really important to get him before his calling and ministry begins, so that gives me roughly a decade to make it to Palestine, locate the man, and make my move …”

It is interesting to note that after posting his comments, Mr. … Continue Reading

Bernie Scolds Elon Musk for Taking Subsidies Sanders Made Possible

Written by Steve Goreham

In a Twitter battle last week, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) criticized Elon Musk for accepting billions of dollars in government support. The exchange erupted over Sanders’ new bill to impose a wealth tax on Musk and other billionaires. But most of the payments received by Musk’s companies came from electric vehicle and solar energy programs that Sanders, green advocates and state governments established to promote green energy.

The coronavirus pandemic caused the stock market to plunge in February and March of this year.… Continue Reading

Twitter Censors Trump Yet Keeps Khamenei’s Tweet Calling for Jihad Violence

Written by Robert Spencer

Twitter did this after the President’s Executive Order calling for an end to politically motivated censorship on Twitter. And so the war is on. It is clear from Twitter’s leaving up Khamenei’s tweet calling for jihad violence that they’re not censoring Trump out of concern about violence, but because he is the largest voice dissenting from their agenda. Once he is silenced, it will be easy to silence everyone else. Who appointed Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, and Mark Zuckerberg, and the clowns at Google/YouTube and the Southern Poverty Law Center, as the guardians of acceptable opinion and permitted speech?… Continue Reading

Lack of Vote-Integrity Measures Disenfranchises Voters

Written by Laura Hollis

The political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be as unpredictable as the virus itself, and as potentially monumental as the financial losses it has caused. Although the November election is still almost five months away, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading the charge for states to have mandatory mail-in ballots, purportedly in the interests of public safety.

Some people — including the ever-vocal President Donald Trump — view mandatory mail-in voting as a prescription for widespread voter fraud.… Continue Reading