Posts tagged: Joe Scarborough

Shocker! PolitiFact Tags Trump For ‘Lie of the Year’ For the 7th Time

Written by Tim Graham

Don’t call PolitiFact an “independent fact-checker.” When they assemble to select their “Lie of the Year,” they have singled out Donald Trump in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021. No Democrat has been tagged with this dishonor since Trump arrived on the scene.

It was Trump again this year, as PolitiFact tweeted: “A lie marked a town and its residents in the name of campaign rage. It was absurd. It was consequential.… Continue Reading

Media Know They Must Change. They Won’t…

Written by Peter Heck

The numbers speak for themselves. MSNBC is suffering through a ratings catastrophe as the disillusioned loyalists, who kept believing the network’s stable of left-wing hosts who continued to promise that Trump was an unelectable Hitler, have walked away.

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High Stakes in 2024 Election Are Cause for Anxiety

Written by Robert Knight

Anything can happen in 2024.

But right now, as the new year dawns, former President Donald Trump holds an insurmountable lead for the GOP presidential nomination, barring an unforeseen circumstance.

The former president also holds a slim but steady lead in polls over President Biden, notably in several battleground states.

Even a conviction on one or more of the many bogus charges filed in four different courts by Democratic prosecutors and being heard by Democratic judges would not derail him.… Continue Reading

NPR Won’t Hide Their Hatred of Republicans and Fox News

Written by Tim Graham

National Public Radio left Twitter in a hilarious huff. In a statement, CEO John Lansing announced, “We are not putting our journalism on platforms that have demonstrated an interest in undermining our credibility and the public’s understanding of our editorial independence.”

This contains multiple layers of comedy. For starters, NPR is a platform that has demonstrated an incredibly aggressive interest in undermining the credibility of Fox News Channel and the public’s understanding of how it balances out NPR’s relentless liberal bias and censorship.… Continue Reading

The Cult of COVID-19

Written by Everette Piper

This past week, at the very time multiple reports show that our country’s high priest of “scientism” — his eminence, the grand and glorious Dr. Anthony Fauci — has been lying to us about everything from the effectiveness of his monastic lockdowns to the side effects of his sacramental vaccines, the “Branch Covidians” took to the airways to call anyone who dares challenge their false religion and its venerated spiritual leader, cultists.… Continue Reading

Adam Schiff’s Avalanche of Accolades

Written by Brent Bozell III

Our media elites arrogantly lecture about our democracy being undermined by robotic propaganda, but do they ever listen to themselves talk about the Democrats? Somehow, they think their robotic propaganda is just the “truth.” The press came to witness the Senate impeachment trial, and U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) had them at hello.

No member of Congress has been more dramatically partisan in this war on the Trump presidency than Schiff. … Continue Reading

Buttigieg Distorts Logic and Scripture on Abortion

Written by David Limbaugh

Perhaps Mayor Pete Buttigieg would have a better shot at appealing to Christian voters if he would not go to such extreme lengths to contort Scripture to rationalize his party’s abominable stance on abortion.

The Democratic presidential candidate openly expresses his Christian faith and was the first candidate to hire a national faith outreach director. He believes political conservatism is less compatible with Christianity than political liberalism.

Buttigieg says the GOP likes “to cloak itself in their language of religion” and accuses Republicans of hypocrisy for their alleged callousness about family separations at the border.… Continue Reading

Democrats, in Showing Their Extremism, Do Nation a Favor

Written by David Limbaugh

In Wednesday evening’s Democratic presidential debate circus, the left’s favorite darlings turned on one another with a selfish vengeance, which was a positive development for the country and mildly entertaining. The glorious infighting continued among progressive commentators.

This acrimony, coupled with the public exposure of the left’s crazy ideas, surely diminished the party’s image among sane voters. The more leftists reveal their inanity and extremism, the better for President Trump and the nation.… Continue Reading

‘Fact-Checkers’ Find Democrats Are Truth Tellers

Written by L. Brent Bozell III

One reason many Americans don’t trust those “fact-checker” websites is because to know them is to see right through their incessantly liberal worldview. These impartial arbiters of truth routinely defend Democrats as being “Mostly True” on everything while savaging Republicans as just the opposite. It’s not just Donald Trump, mind you. It’s Ted Cruz. And Rick Santorum. And Newt Gingrich. And pretty much anyone who challenges liberal orthodoxy.… Continue Reading

The Media Was Still Unglued in 2018

Written by L. Brent Bozell III

President Trump has been in office for almost two years, which should mean that by now, all the crazy talk in the media about his impending dictatorship ought to be abandoned. Democracy is still vibrant, as we saw with record voter turnout in November. But the wild conspiracy theories about Trump never stop. Some of them qualify as the worst media quotes of the year.

Don’t go looking for “fact-checkers” to evaluate how much evidence the cable “news” folks have mustered.… Continue Reading