Posts tagged: Elizabeth Warren

Joe Biden’s “Moral Fiber,” or Lack Thereof, on Abortion

Written by Adelaide Holmes

On April 14, 2020, former President Barack Obama endorsed his former Vice President and presidential candidate Joe Biden. In his video announcement, he says of Biden, “Through all his trials, he’s never once forgotten the values or the moral fiber that his parents passed on to him and that made him who he is.” But Obama is incorrect.

When it comes to the issue of abortion, Biden has evolved from the moderate he claimed to be into a radical supporter of abortion rights.… Continue Reading

The Silence of the Media Lambs

Written by Debra J. Saunders

Democratic U.S. Senators Catherine Cortez Masto, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar — self-styled feminists who bought every flimsy claim made against now U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh — have chosen to stand by Joe Biden in the face of a sexual assault allegation made against him by a former staffer.

The MeToo movement, which followed a New York Times‘ expose on Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein‘s abuse and degradation of women in the entertainment industry, was supposed to prove that the feminist movement was a moral entity committed to fair treatment of women, even when big Democratic figures stood accused.… Continue Reading

Hamas Wants Americans Dead of Coronavirus, Democrats Want to Send Hamas Aid

Written by Daniel Greenfield

“They talk about 25 million infected people in just one of the 50 states. Allah be praised.”

Thousands of Americans have died of the coronavirus. But ‘Gaza Firster’ Democrats don’t care.

Eight U.S. Senate Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren, dispatched a four-page letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, demanding to know what America was doing about the coronavirus.

Not in America. In Gaza.

According to the U.S.… Continue Reading

Let’s Stop Pretending Biden is a Virtuous Man

Written by Peter Heck

There’s a developing tendency on the right when discussing the current presidential race to regard former Vice President Joe Biden as “at least a decent and honest guy.” He isn’t a communist like Bernie, that’s true. And he isn’t a congenital liar who deceives others for profit and power like Warren. Or isn’t he?

That’s the question that I think it’s important for conservatives to answer as we border on making Vice President Biden a palatable choice in the race for president.… Continue Reading

Pete Buttigieg’s “Different Way” Is Not Biblical Christianity

Written by David Closson

[Last week], six candidates participated in the final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucus. Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Tom Steyer each made their pitch for why they should be their party’s nominee to take on President Donald Trump in the general election.

Buttigieg’s repeated emphasis of his religious background is unique for his party: Democrats have been reluctant to speak about their faith on the campaign trail.… Continue Reading

Democratic Presidential Disarray

Written by David Limbaugh

I’m almost as upset that Democratic presidential candidates are squabbling as I am that Prince Harry and the former Meghan Markle apparently don’t want to live in Los Angeles until President Donald Trump leaves office. Double bummer.

Speaking of doubles, did you know that U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have accused each other of lying? How can this be? Progressives don’t lie. With that in mind, one of them must be lying.… Continue Reading

Pelosi’s Democrats Threaten Democracy in the Name of Protecting It

Written by David Limbaugh

Did you notice how presidential President Donald Trump appeared at his press conference on Iran? It was a fitting symbol for U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s colossal failure in withholding the impeachment articles from the U.S. Senate.

Whatever Pelosi’s loony strategy — her unorthodox decision to withhold is only about strategy and not principle — she has ensured that the hyperpartisan impeachment will be viewed for exactly what it was. For all the Democrats’ manufactured impeachment drama, people seem to care less and less about the their shameless effort to affix a scarlet letter to Trump’s presidential record.… Continue Reading

Socialism, Howard Zinn and His Fake History

Written by Robert Knight

Why do so many young people hate America and think we’d be better off as a socialist country?

We’ve all heard about the impact of “fake news,” but there’s something even more dangerous: Teaching “fake history.”

“If you think that it is outrageous that Democratic presidential candidates want to eliminate the southern border and that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls our detention facilities there ‘concentration camps,’ then you haven’t been reading and believing Howard Zinn’s best-selling ‘A People’s History of the United States,’” writes Mary Grabar, Ph.D.… Continue Reading

How Democrats Became Science Deniers

Written by Israel Wayne

2019 found the Democratic party in the United States trying to out-do each other in terms of how radical and progressive they could sound. On the issue of abortion, it seems that many leading Democrats have never found an unborn baby they aren’t willing to have killed.

Radical Pro-Abortion Democrats

New York U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), a professing Roman Catholic, states: “And let us not forget the guiding principle of ‘the least among us’ found in Matthew: that we are compelled to care for the hungry, thirsty, homeless, naked, sick and, yes—the imprisoned.”… Continue Reading

2020 Democrats Want Unsafe, Unregulated, Do-It-Yourself Abortions

Written by Patrina Mosley

In today’s Democratic Party, anything goes—from applauding parents who encourage their children to reject their God-given identity and mutilate their young bodies, to bizarrely championing “abortion rights for trans-females,” to now happily supporting the dangerous do-it-yourself abortion method known as the abortion pill.

When the New York Times surveyed the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, all of them (unsurprisingly) vowed to defend abortion. However, when asked if they were in favor of lifting the restrictions on abortion pills and making them available over-the-counter (OTC), many of the candidates were unwilling to take a public position.… Continue Reading