Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown
I’m going out on a limb. I’m about to make a bold prediction. Contrary to the prognostications of Beto O’Rourke, the world will not end in 12 years. At least not by climate change. There. I said it.
Now, it’s possible that the Lord will choose to return in 12 years. But that’s another story.
In the age of climate change hysteria, the end-of-the-world clock is already ticking.… Continue Reading
Tags: 12 years, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Beto O’Rourke, Bill Clinton, carbon footprint, climate change alarmism, climate change hysteria, Donald Trump, Dooms Day, Nancy Pelosi, one-child policy, politics of fear
Climate Change, Political | David E. Smith |
March 19, 2019 8:01 AM |
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Written by Walter WIlliams
Jussie Smollett, “Empire” actor, claimed that on Jan. 29, two masked men identifying themselves as Donald Trump supporters and using racial and homophobic insults attacked him. Smollett said the assailants yelled “This is MAGA country,” bashed his face, crushed his ribs, splashed him with bleach and put a noose around his neck. Smollett’s telling of the hate crime was gobbled up hook, line and sinker by the anti-Trump news media, but Chicago police say it was a hoax.… Continue Reading
Written by David Limbaugh
The main problem in American politics is not the obvious polarization but the underlying reasons for it. Partisanship, angst and divisiveness are all preferable to surrendering the culture and fundamentally transforming the republic.
The Democratic Party has deceived much of the public into believing that its positions aren’t extreme, but the truth is coming out now for all to see. Such veritable crackpots as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are not merely fringe fruitcakes; they are just bringing the party out of the closet.… Continue Reading
Written by David Limbaugh
It’s horrifying that we are rapidly approaching the kind of culture that God ordered the Israelites to wipe out when he finally allowed them to enter the land he had promised them — a culture of rampant immorality, idolatry and child sacrifice.
For the longest time, the political left insisted that it was not pro-abortion but pro-choice, that it truly wanted to make abortion safe, legal and rare. I never could quite grasp why liberals would care about making it rare if they didn’t consider the unborn to be human lives.… Continue Reading
Written by Larry Elder
This is not our first partial government shutdown. Somehow, someway, from 1976 through 2017, the nation has survived 18 shutdowns, the longest lasting 21 days. In this case, President Donald Trump insists that the next budget deal contain $5 billion to construct a wall on part of our southern border with Mexico.
Trump, say the Democrats, is “unwilling to compromise.” But when he asks for only $5 billion for a project with a U.S.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Build the Wall, Cash for Clunkers, Chuck Schumer, Congressional Budget Office, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Donald Trump, George Herbert Walker Bush, government shutdown, immigration, James Carville, Lyndon Johnson, Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Lieu, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Vanity Fair, War on Poverty
Political | David E. Smith |
January 5, 2019 7:33 AM |
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Written by Michael F. Haverluck
The left-leaning MSNBC was amazed when a new survey revealed that a surprisingly large percentage of Hispanics voted for Republicans in November’s midterm election.
In fact, the survey conducted for The Associated Press by NORC at the University of Chicago divulged that nearly one in three of the 7,738 Latino voters surveyed casted their ballots for GOP candidates just over two years ago.
“In November’s elections, 32 percent of Latinos voted for Republicans, frustrating Democrats, according to AP VoteCast data,” The Associated Press (AP) announced in a report published by NBCNews.com… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Carlos Garcia, Donald Trump, Edison Research, Fernand Amandi, Hillary Clinton, Jens Manuel Krogstad, John McCain, Latinos, Mark Hugo Lopez, Mitt Romney, MSNBC, NORC poll, Pedro Gonzalez, Pew Research Center, Repubicans, The Associated Press
Federal Elections, Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith |
December 31, 2018 7:55 AM |
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Written by T.R. Clancy
Tucker Carlson pointed out a few days ago how the already insufferable leader of the Congressional Democrats has recently been “ordained….an archbishop in the church of progressive sanctimony.” For a while now, Nancy Pelosi’s been the country’s expert on morality (e.g., border wall: immoral; abortion on demand: moral). She’s now taken to telling the country how much she prays, and she’s urging others to do it, too – at least that old sinner, Donald Trump.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Barack Obama, Cardinal Egan, Catholic, Chuck Schumer, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Kermit Gosnell, King Solomon, Little Sisters of the Poor, Meet the Press, MS-13, Nancy Pelosi, Pope Benedict, Roe v. Wade, Ross Douthat, Tom Brokaw, Tom Perez, Tucker Carlson
Faith & Religion, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
December 20, 2018 7:00 AM |
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Written by Carly Hoilman
As the final weeks of the GOP-controlled Congress draw to a close, pro-life voters look on with great disappointment at the Republican politicians who failed to follow through on their most crucial promise: to defund Planned Parenthood. In about a month, Democrats will take over the U.S. House of Representatives and any hope of stripping the abortion giant of federal funding will pass away.
With precious little time left in the lame-duck session, GOP congressional leaders have chosen to ignore the persistent urgings of pro-life leaders.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alice Miranda Ollstein, Chris Pandolfo, Defund Planned Parenthood, Donald Trump, Heritage Foundation, Kristan Hawkins, Lila Rose, Lisa Murkowksi, Live Action, March for Life, Planned Parenthood, Students for Life America, Susan B. Anthony List, Susan Collins
Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
December 10, 2018 1:00 PM |
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Written by David Limbaugh
Meaning no disrespect to climate alarmists of the past half-century, who have been quite formidable in their doomsday warnings, the modern era has ushered in a new wave of scaremongers who threaten to eclipse their predecessors.
This shouldn’t discourage the original enviro-wackos of the 1970s, who hadn’t accumulated sufficient empirical data to support their burgeoning secular religion. Give those people a break; how were they to know they’d have egg on their faces for predicting apocalyptic global cooling?… Continue Reading
Tags: Al Gore, Barack Obama, Blaise Pascal, Climate Change, Donald Trump, forest fires, global cooling, Global Warming, Jimmy Carter, Katy Tur, MSNBC, Ronald Reagan
Climate Change | David E. Smith |
7:00 AM |
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Written by Star Parker
The headlines about the incoming 116th Congress scream that our representation has never been so “young,” so “blue,” so “diverse.”
If diversity is about how people look, this Congress is very diverse. It’s a fact that there has never been so great a number of representatives who are women and people of color.
There are 124 women, 55 blacks, 43 Latinos and 15 Asians.
But if diversity means diversity of thought, it’s practically nonexistent.… Continue Reading