Posts tagged: Donald Trump

The Stupidity of the GOP

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Republicans have already given away the farm.

Imagine a teenager goes on a shopping spree with his dad’s credit card one month and unalterably charges the card with hundreds of thousands in expenditures. Then, the next day at the supper table, he passes his dad a note saying he is willing to help balance the family’s budget. You are as foolish as that dad if you are taken in by the GOP’s vote this week on a balanced budget amendment.… Continue Reading

How Trump Can Protect the Border Without Congress

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Can a group of foreign nationals rush our borders, claim to be unaccompanied minors or have a credible fear of persecution, and get in – while there is nothing an American president can do to protect America’s sovereignty, security, culture, schools, and social programs from the invasion? Does the president need permission from the courts or even a new act of Congress to just say no?

The political class would have you believe that, but it is simply not true.… Continue Reading

Reasserting the Purpose of the U.S. Military

Written by Micah Clark

President Donald Trump may have disappointed many who wish the Republican Party would remember it’s smaller government principles with his signing of the Omnibus-spending bill.  At least he hasn’t’ forgotten the basic principles of our U.S. Military.

Late last week the President issued a directive to the U.S. Military prohibiting people who have a gender identity disorder (gender dysphoria) from serving in the military.  The so called “transgender ban” is based upon advice from his military advisors in response to the many problems the disorder can cause in military readiness, medical costs, troop morale and effectiveness.… Continue Reading

McConnell and Ryan Should Resign

Written by Walker Wildmon

Republicans in Congress passed and President Trump signed a 2,200 page $1.3 trillion dollar budget. To say this bill is bad is an understatement. Haven’t you heard this all before? It seems like every other month I’m writing about how Congress passed a horrible budget deal. That’s because this isn’t the first time we’ve crossed this bridge.

This budget funds Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider. It hardly funds a fraction of President Trump’s proposed border wall.… Continue Reading

The $1.3 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill: President Trump will Hear Conservatives, Unlike Governor Rauner

Written by John Biver

Many Fiscal conservatives need to be talked off the ledge since President Donald Trump signed the massive $1.3 trillion budget that Congress dumped on his desk.

Unfortunately, President Trump signed the bill, though he is listening to those who wanted him to veto it.

Trump isn’t Bruce Rauner, who claimed on election night last week that he “heard” the message 48.6% of Republican voters voiced by siding with Jeanne Ives.… Continue Reading

What’s the Deal With Congressional Republicans?

Written by Brian C. Joondeph

Every few months, Republicans behave stupidly, causing their voters to again ask themselves, “Why vote Republican?”  Supporting congressional Republicans seems an exercise in futility – Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown, ready to kick a conservative field goal, only to have Lucy pull the football away at the last second.  I have asked this question several times

We all know the words to the Republican song we have heard every two years for the past decade.  … Continue Reading

Hillary’s Hateful Harangue

Written by David Limbaugh

Hillary Clinton’s abhorrent remarks in Mumbai, India, warrant our attention because, like it or not, they represent the thinking of a large swath of the modern Democratic Party.

But my aim is not to highlight Clinton’s never-ending catalog of excuses for losing the presidential election, except to note that rather than blame everyone and everything but herself, she should apologize for stealing the nomination. If she hadn’t done that, she wouldn’t have to blame anyone.… Continue Reading

Democratic Trumpsteria Continues

Written by David Limbaugh

If liberals would quit acting so crazy, maybe they would have a chance of making significant gains in Congress in the upcoming midterm elections and achieve their goal of eroding support for President Donald Trump. But it’s not gonna happen.

Liberals’ extremism and outrageousness and conservatives’ failure to stop them created the conditions leading to Trump’s election. Now the left’s unrepentant persistence is sustaining and even increasing Trump’s support. Please let liberals’ learning disability continue.… Continue Reading

Republicans Were Warned About Rauner. But in 2014, They Just Wanted to Win.

Written by John Biver

In 2014, Business Insider wrote about the fact that Bruce Rauner had an extramarital affair with his current wife Diana Rauner (who was “set to be married” to another man at the time) while his wife was pregnant with their third child. It was a messy situation to say the least. Here is Elizabeth Rauner’s attorney James Feldman in one excerpt from the article:

Our client, Beth, has three small children.

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Paul Simon Institute Polls Satisfy Everyone but Illinois Citizens

Written by Pat Hickey

The Chicago Tribune writes that “The (Paul Simon Institute) survey found Bruce Rauner, the first-term governor, leading his Republican challenger, three-term state Rep. Jeanne Ives of Wheaton, 51 percent to 31 percent, with 18 percent undecided or favoring someone else.”

Before Ives’ supporters allow defeatism to creep in, here’s a word on polling from the American Association of Public Opinion Research: “[E]ven the best public opinion poll is only a snapshot of public opinion at the particular moment in time, not an eternal truth.”… Continue Reading