Written by Peter Heck
The numbers speak for themselves. MSNBC is suffering through a ratings catastrophe as the disillusioned loyalists, who kept believing the network’s stable of left-wing hosts who continued to promise that Trump was an unelectable Hitler, have walked away.
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Tags: Abby Phillip, ABC, Barbara Walters, Bernie Sanders, Brian Stelter, Chris Hayes, CNN, David Brooks, David French, Donald Trump, Glenn Greenwald, Jen Psaki, Jennifer Rubin, Joe Biden, Joe Rogan, Joe Scarborough, Joy Behar, Joy Reid, Kamala Harris, Mary Katharine Ham, Max Boot, Megyn Kelly, Mollie Hemingway, MSNBC, Pete Hegseth, Rachel Maddow, Sunny Hostin, The New York Times, The View, The Washington Post, Whoopi Goldberg
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
November 19, 2024 8:00 AM |
Comments Off on Media Know They Must Change. They Won’t…
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
One of the first things President-elect Donald Trump says he will do when he returns to the Oval Office is close and disband the Department of Education. He said:
“We are going to send all education, [along with its corresponding] work and needs, back to the states. We want them [i.e., the states] to run the education of our children because they’ll do a much better job of it. … We spend more money per pupil, by three times, than any other nation, and yet we are [approaching] the bottom; we’re one of the worst.
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Tags: Department of Education, Donald Trump, George Washington, Jimmy Carter, Los Angeles Times, Malcolm Muggeridge, National Center on Education and the Economy, The New York Times, The Washington Post, TIME Magazine, U.S. News & World Report
Education | David E. Smith |
November 18, 2024 6:58 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
An estimated 2.2 million civilian federal workers serve at the pleasure of the president, despite only 4,000 being designated as political appointees. Donald Trump’s first priority as he prepares to retake office must be to establish that he can fire any of them. Whether they hold political appointments, U.S. Senate-confirmed positions, or civil service roles, all federal employees are subject to the president’s authority to terminate their employment. This includes workers in any department or so-called “independent” agency.… Continue Reading
Tags: Amy Coney Barrett, Bill Clinton, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Donald Trump, Ex Parte Hennen, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Election Commission, federal employees, Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, James Madison, Janet Reno, Jerome Powell, Merit Systems Protection Board, Morrison v. Olson, Myers v. United States, Politico, Securities and Exchange Commission, Thomas Jefferson, U.S. Senate, U.S. Supreme Court, William Howard Taft, William Sessions
Executive Branch, Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
November 13, 2024 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on Trump Must Take Action Against ‘Untouchable’ Bureaucrats
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
On Tuesday, we did it. We elected Donald Trump.
A friend sent me a note on social media this past Wednesday morning: “Well, he did it!”
That was all it said: He did it.
Indeed, he did.
On Tuesday night, after months of shaking his fist in the face of big government, Big Pharma and the Beltway oligarchs who were threatening his life, liberty and property, Donald Trump became the president-elect.… Continue Reading
Tags: 2024 Election, ABC, Big Pharma, CBS, CNN, Donald Trump, Electoral College, George Soros, Kamala Harris, NBC, Russian Collusion, Scott Jennings
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
November 11, 2024 6:16 AM |
Comments Off on Trump Will Be Our 47th President
Written by Robert Knight
For months, it’s been clear that people on either side are terrified that the opposing presidential candidate will win.
Democrats have doubled down on their assertion that Donald Trump is a fascist or even a Nazi dictator in waiting. They warn of the end of democracy should he win.
Republicans fear that Kamala Harris will push a Marxist agenda and create a one-party state by removing election safeguards such as voter ID while continuing to facilitate the illegal invasion of millions of aliens.… Continue Reading
Tags: Biden-Harris Administration, Democrats, Donald Trump, Electoral College, Hillary Clinton, J.D. Vance, Kamala Harris, Madison Square Garden, Marxism, McDonald’s, Nazi, Russian Collusion, Tim Walz, U.S. Supreme Court
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
November 5, 2024 4:00 AM |
Comments Off on This Election Is Far More Consequential Than It Should Be
Written by Ecce Verum
A Christian brother recently told me that he was originally planning not to vote in this presidential election. He obviously wasn’t going to vote for Kamala, and given Trump’s support for abortion pill access, he couldn’t bring himself to vote for Trump either.
Abortion is so morally repugnant that he couldn’t see himself supporting a candidate who supported access to even the pills. For him, abortion was a reason to not vote in this election.… Continue Reading
Written by Ecce Verum
As I mentioned in a recent article, Kamala’s appeal comes from portraying herself as a more normal, mainstream, and civil choice than Trump. As she remarked to one audience,
“a lot of what I think is happening . . . is that people are exhausted about the division and the attempts to kind of divide us as Americans.”
And, when running against someone as idiosyncratic as Trump, it’s an obvious—and pretty smart—marketing choice.… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
A recent national survey conducted by George Barna of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University indicates that many Christians do not plan to vote on Nov. 5. Mr. Barna says that about 104 million religious people will not bother to vote in this election, and of those, 32 million are theologically defined as born-again Christians.
Why do so many conservative believers plan to sit this one out?
Mr. Barna’s survey answers that question.… Continue Reading
Tags: Arizona Christian University, Biden-Harris Administration, Clarissa Rippee, Cultural Research Center, Donald Trump, Fulton J. Sheen, George Barna, J.D. Vance, Jason Piccolo, Kamala Harris, Tara Rodas, Tim Walz
Faith & Religion, Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
October 31, 2024 4:00 AM |
Comments Off on Every Christian Has a Moral Obligation to Vote
Written by Robert Knight
Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz has doubled down on his extremist agenda for LGBTQ youth.
The man who, as a teacher, launched a gay-straight alliance group in his school went on to use his power as governor of Minnesota to push the transgender agenda in full force.
He issued an executive order last year and signed a law making Minnesota what the measure’s supporters call a “trans refuge state.”
Critics rightly interpreted this as an anti-parent bill aimed at bringing in minors from other states who request puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery.… Continue Reading
Tags: ACLU, Alfred C. Kinsey, American Civil Liberties Union, cross-sex hormones, David Reimer, Donald Trump, Dr. Hilary Cass, Edward Eichel, Gavin Newsom, John Colapinto, John Money, Judith Reisman, Kamala Harris, LGBTQ youth, puberty blockers, sex reassignment surgery, The Washington Post, Tim Walz
Federal Elections, LGBTQ Agenda, Political | David E. Smith |
October 28, 2024 4:00 AM |
Comments Off on Divisive Transgender Sleeper Issue May Cost Democrats Votes
Written by Rev. Thorin Anderson
It appears that many people are voting for Kamala Harris as a reaction against Donald Trump. Is that you? Some people don’t care for politics and pay little attention to the issues until the election is upon them. Maybe you are one of them.
You simply follow the lead of your friends. You trust them. Whoever they support you support, or you trust whatever media voices you have tuned in to.… Continue Reading