Posts tagged: culture wars

Liberal Tolerance Is A Lie

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

If you’ve taken five seconds to follow the culture wars currently plaguing our nation, you can’t help but see that the fundamental cornerstones once thought essential to our constitutional republic are no longer understood in our body politic. The essential virtues that once served as the bedrock upon which our nation was built are no longer even recognized in our public square. When it comes to understanding why John Adams once admonished that “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people and is wholly inadequate to the government of any other,” we are truly clueless.… Continue Reading

“The Sanity as Insurrection” (Illinois Family Spotlight #148)

This edition of spotlight features Pastor Douglas Wilson’s presentation at the Illinois Family Institute’s worldview conference on the Trans Ideology. His talk however, is not limited to the transgender issue, covering the culture war as a whole.

The Reverend Douglas Wilson is a conservative Reformed and evangelical theologian, pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, faculty member at New Saint Andrews College, and prolific author and speaker. You can find his blog here.

"The Sanity as Insurrection" (Illinois Family Spotlight #148)
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