Posts tagged: COVID–19

The Looting Party’s Media Scare Machine

Written by Robert Knight

If you haven’t been unduly anxious lately, just open a newspaper or tune into a TV network like CNN.

Scaring the public is the media’s reason for being.

Not the suits who run the media, understand. The suits may be stylishly “woke,” but they’re in the business to make a buck. I’m talking about the so-called journalists. They are steeped in Marxist theory they learned in college and which they never outgrew.… Continue Reading

Laughing At All Of The Democrats’ Lies

Written by Robert Knight

When the Soviet Union existed — 1917 to 1991 — its hapless citizens resorted to dark humor in the face of constant lies.

Open defiance could land them in the Siberian gulag or a KGB torture chamber in a dank basement near the Kremlin. So they learned to joke among themselves about absurd government claims, such as Pravda insisting that the economy was surging and the collective farms overflowing with food.

Here are a couple of typical Soviet jests:

Q: How does every Russian joke start?… Continue Reading

I’m Done With The Democrats’ ‘Good Intentions’

Written by Robert Knight

I used to chalk up liberal policy failures to good intentions gone awry.

Having embraced liberalism in college, I thought it was the best way to help poor people. But as evidence mounted that it hurt them, I had to reassess. Many people also do that after taxes shred their paychecks, especially if they marry and have children.

This is one reason Democrats have been reflexively hostile to marriage, using the courts to redefine it.… Continue Reading

The Cultural Shift Behind the Republican Tsunami

Written by Robert Knight

Something is happening out there. It looks for all the world like a punch-drunk fighter rising to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs and decking his opponent.

Republicans in Virginia swept all statewide offices and flipped the U.S. House last Tuesday. The folks at CNN and MSNBC were on the verge of hysteria. They channeled enfant terrible climate activist Greta Thunberg shouting, “How dare you!”

In New Jersey, a political neophyte truck driver apparently defeated the state Senate president.… Continue Reading

Leftists Believe That All Our Earnings, Like Our Children, Belong To The Government

Written by Robert Knight

Remember when Democrats proposed in their multi-trillion spendathon that the IRS would track all transactions of $600 or more in personal bank accounts?

Well, they took a licking from the public, so they upped it to a still-absurd $10,000 in total yearly transactions.

This means they want the IRS prowling into bank accounts of everyone who has either deposits or withdrawals over an entire year totaling $10,000 or more, excluding wage income.… Continue Reading

Overcoming the Power of Fear Spun From the Democrats’ ‘Cancel Culture’

Written by Robert Knight

One of the greatest barriers to living a life of liberty is fear.

It comes in many forms: Fear of offending others, fear of failing, fear of terrors, real and imagined, and fear of death. The media have become experts in stoking fears of every kind.

Fear of getting involved is another form. Bystanders did nothing this past week while a woman was molested and then raped in a Philadelphia subway car.… Continue Reading

Dr. Fauci’s Small Man Disease and Communist Authoritarians

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week, Dr. Anthony Fauci granted an interview to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation where he said the following.

“What people have to appreciate, [is] that, indeed, you do have personal liberties for yourself, and you should be in control of that, but you are a member of society, and as a member of society reaping all the benefits of being a member of society, you have a responsibility to society.

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The Government’s Mass Migration From Disease-Ridden Countries During A Pandemic Is Quite Revealing

Written by Daniel Horowitz

What do you call a government that will mask an asymptomatic 2-year-old American but bring in people without measles and polio vaccines from the most disease-ridden countries in middle of a pandemic?

You have to give Australia credit. At least it is consistent about its totalitarian approach to the pandemic. While Australian officials repress their own people, they most certainly don’t allow foreigners into their country either. America, on the other hand, has now commandeered the bodily integrity of its own citizens under the guise of combatting a pandemic with a vaccine that doesn’t even work.… Continue Reading

Resisting The Ruling Elites Insanity

Written by Robert Knight

A day doesn’t pass without more striking evidence that our ruling elites are not only evil but unhinged.

Take Yale Law School’s, Ian Ayres. In a column for Thursday’s Washington Post, Mr. Ayres announced that he would initially address all students as “they” this school year instead of using singular pronouns. This is “less likely to cause offense than using harmful stereotypes to guess at someone’s pronouns,” he explained.

By “harmful stereotypes,” he means common-sense clues to gender, such as body type, clothing, voice, makeup, hair, and so on.… Continue Reading

‘They’ Are Controlling You. ‘They’ Are Silencing You.

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week, on Labor Day, to be exact, I submitted my routine column to The Washington Times. The topic I chose was frankly quite simple and straightforward; many might rightly suggest it was even boring and mundane. My subject matter was disease immunity, something many of us kind of slept through in our freshman Biology 101 classes.

In my article, I spoke of how medical science has known for centuries that natural immunity derived from pathogenic exposure is critical to disease mitigation and control.… Continue Reading