Written by Daniel Horowitz
As for those of you who are left, I will make their hearts so fearful in the lands of their enemies
that the sound of a windblown leaf will put them to flight. They will run as though fleeing from the sword,
and they will fall, even though no one is pursuing them. ~ Leviticus 26:36
The hospitals throughout America are stressed and stretched thin. No, unlike during other times of the pandemic, there is not a flood of people coming in with blood clotting and respiratory distress.… Continue Reading

There’s a reason so many states didn't create their own health exchanges.
Written by Michael Barone
Earlier this week, I was thinking of writing a column about the lying and duplicity of Obamacare backers who argued that the difference between providing subsidies in states with state-run health exchanges and providing no subsidies in states with federal exchanges resulted from inadvertence or a typographical error.
Typical among them was MIT health-care expert Jonathan Gruber. The folks at the Competitive Enterprise Institute found video of him in 2012 arguing that all or most states would create their own exchanges because they wouldn’t get subsidies if they let the federal government run their exchanges.… Continue Reading