Posts tagged: Bruce Rauner

Illinois’ GOP(P): Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay Marriage

Bruce Rauner (left) and Mark Kirk are pictured in this composite image. | Getty

Written by Pastor John Kirkwood

While Sandra Fluke and the “Abortion Barbie” – Wendy Davis were soundly defeated on Tuesday night and all over the country thrilling Pro-Life victories were taking place, Mammon and Moloch stole the show in Illinois. With Bruce Rauner’s victory in the gubernatorial election, there’s a new sheriff in town and he’s not partial to the unborn or to Biblical marriage.

Illinois was the cesspool that polluted the nation with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, and David Axelrod, all graduates of the Paul Alinsky School of Soft Insurrection.

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What Should Conservatives Learn from Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass

Written by Laurie Higgins

Several days ago, I left a comment on the Illinois Review website following a story about a full-page open letter/ad in the Chicago Tribune promoting Bruce Rauner’s “pro-choice” position, which was signed by Mark Kirk and paid for in part by Diana Rauner. I used a metaphor to describe Rauner’s increasingly aggressive rejection of conservatives:

Rauner and his accomplices are going to double-down on conservatives, kicking them in the teeth and then grinding muddy boots into the ivory rubble left swimming in a pool of our blood.

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“Dysfunctional” Democrats May Keep House Supermajority


Written by Russ Stewart

Michael Madigan is a political genius, a durable Democratic leader, a successful and wealthy lawyer, and a horrendously dysfunctional speaker of the Illinois House.

Mayor Richard J. Daley once babbled some nonsense that “Good government is good politics.” He should have known better, as he spent a decade in Springfield, where the operative philosophy is “good politics may be good government, but if it’s not, so what?” Grasping, clutching and holding power is endemic.… Continue Reading

November Election Result will be “UPS Moment”


Written by Russ Stewart

The Nov. 4 election, for Democratic politicians in Chicago, will be a “UPS moment.” Which committeemen among the 50 Chicago wards will deliver, and will their delivery be decisive and intimidating?

With Chicago politicians already heavily focused on the Feb. 24, 2015, municipal election, and those with statewide ambitions intensely pondering the state landscape for 2016 and 2018, the 2014 vote will, to use that old expression, “separate the men from the boys.”… Continue Reading

On the Ballot: Pro-Life Libertarian Candidate for Governor



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The Illinois Libertarian Party candidates will be on the November 2014 ballot, the State Board of Elections Board decided Friday.

“We’re certified and we’re on the ballot,” Brian Lambrecht of the DuPage County Libertarians told Illinois Review shortly after leaving the hearing in Chicago.

“The Republicans did everything they could to discredit the petition signatures to get us from the 46,000 signatures we gathered to below the required 25,000 signature threshold, but they failed,” Lambrecht said.

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Illinois on Verge of Becoming America’s Most Democratic State


Written by Russ Stewart

Illinois is an anomaly. It is “The Land of Lassitude.” Voters are passive, partisan and forgiving. In state government, there are no checks and balances to Democratic abuses, ineptitude and favoritism.

In any other state, when a governor is impeached, indicted, convicted and imprisoned, the party of that incumbent would be shamed, tarnished and ousted. Not in Illinois.

In any other state, when one party controls all the levers of government — governor, both houses of the state legislature and the supreme court — and that party fails to govern effectively, voters would hold them accountable and they would be ousted.… Continue Reading

Tell Us Again How Rauner is a Fiscal Conservative?!?!


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GOP gubernatorial nominee Bruce Rauner says he has no problem with a November ballot measure that will ask Illinois voters whether the state should increase the minimum wage.

“The voters are going to be allowed to make their voices heard on a nonbinding referendum. I’m supportive of that,” he said Tuesday.

Rauner also said he’d support raising the minimum wage under two scenarios: If it were increased nationwide; and/or if it were tied to pro-business reforms in Illinois.… Continue Reading

Cross and Topinka Celebrate the Leftist LGBTQ Agenda


Maybe Illinois voters should vote for the liberal candidates for treasurer and comptroller who are at least honest about their party affiliation?

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Treasurer Judy Baar-Topinka won’t be the only Republican in this year’s Chicago Gay Pride Parade Sunday. NBC’s Ward Room checked with the parade organizers and found that at least one other statewide GOP candidate – Tom Cross – will also participate.

Cross, who is running for state treasurer, was one of three Republicans in the Illinois House that voted to legalize gay marriage in Illinois.… Continue Reading

Bruce Rauner and Death of a Salesman’s Campaign

Written by Doug Ibendahl

There’s a certain long-time best-seller out there which famously claims: “No man can serve two masters . . . Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

Assuming that claim is true, Bruce Rauner strikes me as a guy who got in line for mammon, and then went back for seconds.

Full disclaimer here in the interest of not arousing the stable of attorneys Rauner Inc. likely has on retainer. I know absolutely nothing about Mr.… Continue Reading

Rauner & Homosexual Activists Donate To GOP Traitor Tom Cross

From the blog:

Just as the year end campaign fund drive closed for 2013, Illinois GOP gubernatorial primary candidate Bruce Rauner and his wife Diana each maxed out in the GOP treasurer’s primary race by writing $5300 checks to former House Minority Leader State Rep. Tom Cross (Plainfield).

Cross is successfully pulling in campaign contributions from persons and organizations he’s worked with over the years he headed Illinois’ House Republican Caucus. According to Illinois State Board of Election records, Cross’ GOP primary opponent, DuPage County Auditor Bob Grogan, is struggling to gather the funds to set up tough primary competition.

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