Posts tagged: Judy Baar Topinka

Squabbling, Jockeying for Topinka’s Job


Written by Russ Stewart

Death can be extraordinarily beneficial to an ambitious politician. Death creates openings, and openings are opportunities.

The death of Illinois Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka creates a tantalizing opening. The question in political circles is, who gets her job, a caretaker or a keeper?

Having been re-elected to her second term on Nov. 4, Topinka’s death on Dec. 10 creates two thorny legal issues — who appoints her successor, and for what duration?… Continue Reading

Final Election Results

Written by David E. Smith
The Illinois State Board of Elections recently released the certified election results.  Here are the numbers:

Governor-elect Bruce Rauner (R) won a slim majority of the total votes and by 142,284 votes over incumbent Patrick Quinn (D).  Voter turnout was 49 percent, and compared to the 2010 gubernatorial election was down two percent, or 112,353 less voters in the 2014 election.

Incumbent Democratic Attorney General Lisa Madigan won decisively with 59 percent of the total vote, beating Republican challenger Paul Schimpf who received little support from the Republican establishment in Illinois.
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Rauner Will Not Cure Springfield Dysfunction


Written by Russ Stewart

The outcome of Illinois’ gubernatorial race proves anew that any mother’s son can grow up to be governor, provided that he can self-fund $28 million and raise another $60 million.

Republican Bruce Rauner‘s win also reaffirms another pearl of wisdom: Bad always gets worse. If Illinoisans thought that state government was incompetent and leadership was dysfunctional under the Quinn-Madigan-Cullerton Democratic regime, they ain’t seen nothing yet.

The 2018 campaign for governor started on Nov.… Continue Reading

Illinois’ GOP(P): Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay Marriage

Bruce Rauner (left) and Mark Kirk are pictured in this composite image. | Getty

Written by Pastor John Kirkwood

While Sandra Fluke and the “Abortion Barbie” – Wendy Davis were soundly defeated on Tuesday night and all over the country thrilling Pro-Life victories were taking place, Mammon and Moloch stole the show in Illinois. With Bruce Rauner’s victory in the gubernatorial election, there’s a new sheriff in town and he’s not partial to the unborn or to Biblical marriage.

Illinois was the cesspool that polluted the nation with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, and David Axelrod, all graduates of the Paul Alinsky School of Soft Insurrection.

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Cross and Topinka Celebrate the Leftist LGBTQ Agenda


Maybe Illinois voters should vote for the liberal candidates for treasurer and comptroller who are at least honest about their party affiliation?

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Treasurer Judy Baar-Topinka won’t be the only Republican in this year’s Chicago Gay Pride Parade Sunday. NBC’s Ward Room checked with the parade organizers and found that at least one other statewide GOP candidate – Tom Cross – will also participate.

Cross, who is running for state treasurer, was one of three Republicans in the Illinois House that voted to legalize gay marriage in Illinois.… Continue Reading

Illinois GOP Central Committee Cancels Meeting

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Late Friday night, the GOP Central Committee canceled their meeting to oust Pat Brady. In an email from 10th Congressional District Committeeman Mark Shaw, the reason provided was the lack of response from Chairman Pat Brady on whether he would attend the meeting in person or by phone.

From: Mark Shaw
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 10:17 PM
To: Illinois Republican State Central Committee
Subject: Rescheduling of March 9, 2013 State Central Committee Meeting

Dear GOP Leaders:

The March 9, 2013 State Central Committee Meeting is being rescheduled because the State Chairman has not responded to our request that he be present in person or by telephone for the meeting.

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