Written by Robert Knight
The wheels of justice sometimes grind very slowly.
Or not at all.
In our current system, it appears that the only thing that matters is which party you belong to.
Corrupt Democrats almost never face punishment for their crimes. It doesn’t matter how glaring the evidence.
IRS official Lois Lerner retired with full benefits after getting caught using the IRS to target conservative groups such as tea parties during the Obama years.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam Schiff, Andrew Cuomo, Antifa, Ashli Babbitt, Barack Obama, Black Lives Matter, Democrat Party, Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump, FBI, Hillary Clinton, IRS, Jacob Chansley, Kamala Harris, Letitia James, Lois Lerner, Louie Gohmert, Merrick Garland, Michael Flynn, QAnon Shaman, Rachel Levine, St. John’s Church
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
January 13, 2022 8:00 AM |
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Written by Dr. Everett Piper
[Last] week “A Message from the Gay Community” was posted on YouTube. It was delivered in song by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus.
Here’s a smattering of the lyrics.
“You think we’re sinful. You think that we’ll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny just this once, you’re correct.
We’ll convert your children. It happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly, and you will barely notice it.
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Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Ang Fonte, Belmont Public Schools, Chicago Public Schools, critical race theory, Equity, Gavin Newsom, Kenneth Fox, Lori Lightfoot, National Education Association, porn literacy, San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
Education | David E. Smith |
July 15, 2021 6:00 AM |
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Written by Dr. Everett Piper
This past week while the nation was distracted by Joe Biden’s dementia-ridden incompetence and Andrew Cuomo’s predatory misogyny, The Satanic Temple of Texas filed suit to defend its religious right to engage in child sacrifice as a spiritual ritual.
The Dallas Observer reports as follows.
“[On Feb. 23, 2021] The Satanic Temple [of Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston] filed a lawsuit against the State of Texas alleging certain state-mandated abortion regulations violate the religious liberty of its members … [and] violate the temple’s religious teachings.
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Tags: abortion, Andrew Cuomo, Democratic Party Platform, Joe Biden, John Hellerstedt, Ken Paxton, Lucien Greaves, Ted Cruz, The Dallas Observer, The Satanic Temple, The Satanic Temple of Texas
Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
March 10, 2021 9:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Harowitz
Everyone is hoping and assuming 2021 will be a better year than 2020. But it will not happen on its own. We must get on the playing field and make it happen.
Assuming Joe Biden is sitting in the White House on January 20, there is little we can do to influence the direction of federal policy in the coming years. And given that too few Republicans in the U.S. Senate plan to stand against Biden’s fraudulent election victory, we are out of options at the federal level to fight back against voter fraud.… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Antifa, Bill Lee, BLM, Brad Little, Brian Kemp, Chris Sununu, Donald J. Trump, Greg Abbott, Joe Biden, Kay Ivey, Kristi Noem, Mark Gordon, Mike DeWine, Ron DeSantis, state legislatures, U.S. Senate, White House
Political | David E. Smith |
January 6, 2021 8:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
Thanksgiving and Christmas might be canceled for the first time ever by tyrannical governors and mayors, but they won’t cancel the weekend shootouts that are increasingly victimizing children in major cities. Those shootings tend to be the worst over holiday weekends. Yet, in what has become the ultimate dystopian governing outcome, our elected officials are criminalizing life itself while greenlighting violent criminal activity.
The Philadelphia mayor recently announced with the flick of a pen that all indoor gatherings would be canceled for the remainder of the calendar year.… Continue Reading
Written by Robert Knight
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the video of a mask-less Nancy Pelosi caught having her hair done at a shut-down San Francisco salon this past week is worth an entire dictionary.
The Speaker of the House immediately deployed the Marion Barry defense. When caught on video smoking crack with a hooker in 1990, the former mayor of Washington, D.C. and city councilman at the time exclaimed, “B**** set me up!”… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Antifa, Bill Clinton, BLM, Coronavirus, COVID19, Democrat cities, Democratic National Convention, Dennis Hastert, Erica Kious, Hair salon, hypocrisy, Jeffrey Epstein, Jerry Falwell, Jim Kenney, Joe Biden, John Edwards, John F. Kennedy, Lori Lightfoot, Marion Barry, mask, masks, Nancy Pelosi, New York Times, President Trump, Robert Knight, San Francisco, Trump Virus, Tucker Carlson, Wall Street Journal
Political | Benjamin D. Smith |
September 12, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by Dr. Everett Piper
I’ve generally tried to stay out of the hydroxychloroquine debate. My hesitation has been for one reason and one reason only: I have no degree in medicine, and I don’t want to pretend otherwise. As my youngest son has said of my Ph.D., “Dad’s not a real doctor. He can’t really help anybody.”
With my lack of medical credentials noted, however, I have decided it is time to get off the sidelines and engage this issue.… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Association of American Physicians & Surgeons, Dr. Everett Piper, Food and Drug Administration, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Harvey A. Risch, Henry Ford Health System, hydroxychloroquine, Newsweek, Palmer Foundation, Trump Derangement Syndrome, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Vladimir Zelenko, Yale School of Public Health
Political | David E. Smith |
August 8, 2020 7:09 AM |
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Written by Tad Armstrong
This op-ed will be hard-hitting. It’s time to tell the unvarnished truth. It is lengthy because I cannot shorten what needs to be said. If you care about Constitutional freedom, you will take the time. If your goal is to take America down the path of socialism, perhaps you might be interested in reading this in order to to better understand your adversary.
Although it is hard for me to believe, we are a divided nation.… Continue Reading
Tags: Amos Humiston, Andrew Cuomo, Anthony Fauci, Bill Maher, D-Day, Donald J. Trump, George Washington, Gettysburg, Iwo Jima, Joe Biden, Mark H. Dunkelman, Mike Pence, Pearl Harbor, Ronald Reagan, SCOTUS, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, WW2
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
May 21, 2020 9:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
I had forgotten the ad until I saw Erick Erickson’s tweet yesterday:
For those who don’t remember, back in 2017 CNN took a swipe at President Trump’s propensity to refer to them as fake news by creating an advertisement of a single apple on screen with a narrator reading this copy:
“This is an apple. Some people might try and tell you that it’s a banana. They might scream banana, banana, banana over and over and over again.
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Written by Jonathon Clay de Hale
When Jussie Smollett’s account of being attacked first broke at the end of January, I watched with interest but didn’t say anything. It seemed a bit cartoonish: two white guys wearing MAGA hats giving a gay black man a beat down in the middle of Chicago on a night of sub-zero temperatures, yelling racial and anti-gay epithets, dousing him with bleach, tying a noose around his neck and proclaiming, “This is MAGA country!”… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Ariana Grande, Cory Booker, Democratic Party, Donald J. Trump, Halle Berry, Hate Crimes, Hollywood, homophobia, Jonathon Clay de Hale, Joshua Rivera, Jussie Smollett, Kamala Harris, Katy Perry, Kevin Bacon, MAGA country, Mayim Bialik, Rashida Talib
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
March 5, 2019 4:00 AM |
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