Posts tagged: abortion

Democrats Are Fooling Themselves on the Popularity of Abortion

Written by David Harsanyi

One of the central justifications for the Left’s proposed court-packing scheme is to claim that the reversal of Roe v. Wade is so radically out of step with the American public that it is an undemocratic, minoritarian power grab. Not only is the argument based on the unconstitutional notion that justices should weigh the vagaries of public opinion before ruling but it also relies on the irreconcilable claim that empowering the public to vote on an issue unmentioned in the U.S.… Continue Reading

Eyes on the White House? JB Stumps in NH

Written by David E. Smith

Lost in all of the news last week, you may have missed the reports about JB Pritzker’s appearance at a convention of New Hampshire Democrats on Saturday, June 18, 2022. Making the most of the opportunity to float his POTUS balloon, he endorsed New Hampshire U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan and governor candidate Tom Sherman, both of whom are facing tough fights this fall.

Pritzker was well-received by east coast Democrats, even getting a standing ovation after telling a story bashing Trump.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Pro-Abortion and LGBTQ Crusades

Written by Robert Knight

The gap is growing wider by the day in the culture war. In fact, it is heating up.

The White House “Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2022” should help clarify what’s at stake.

This is no small matter. It’s at the heart of the left’s strategy to turn America into a place where no one dares espouse traditional morality. Their ultimate aim is to criminalize Christianity, not usher in tolerance.… Continue Reading

IFA Endorsed: Win Stoller for Illinois Sen. Dist. 37

From IFA Staff Reports

Illinois Family Action is pleased to endorse Win Stoller for re-election to the 37th District. He is a strong and passionate defender of life from conception to natural death. He vehemently opposed the unilateral Pritzker lockdowns and has fought to reduce taxes and wasteful Springfield spending that hurts our families.

In his own words, from a district-wide mailing:

Pro-Life: Illinois State Senator Win Stoller is 100% pro-life and supports the unborn.

“It grieves me that our state has adopted the most extreme and radical abortion laws in the nation.

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The Left, Children and Sex

Written by Laura Hollis

What is it with Leftists and their obsession with children and sexuality?

Seriously, on just about every aspect of sexuality, the Left has it wrong. Their preferred policies have already done incredible amounts of individual, familial and societal damage, and yet they keep pushing for more — and getting away with it. It’s bad enough when those negatively affected are adults. But children are increasingly the targets — and the victims — of these policies.… Continue Reading

Fake Science and Totalitarian Temptation

Written by Robert Knight

Did you know that a recent national survey found that nearly half (48 percent) of Democrat voters want to fine or imprison people who publicly question on social media the efficacy of COVID-19 shots?

The same Rasmussen poll says 59 percent of Democrat voters approve the use of government power to confine unvaccinated people to their homes except in emergencies.

And you thought we could all just get along and agree to disagree.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: 40 Days For Life, Now More Than Ever

Written by David E. Smith

The staff and boards of directors of IFI and IFA want to encourage Christians everywhere to prayerfully consider taking part in the peaceful campaign known as 40 Days for Life. It is an important pro-life effort to save lives and share truth. By partnering with 40 Days for Life we can live out Ephesians 6:13-18: “your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace…. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”… Continue Reading

The Abortion Lobby’s Evolving Demands: From “My Body, My Choice” to “My Choice That You Must Pay for and Commit.”

Written by Patience Griswold

In May of 2018, a nurse at the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) was called into the operating room to assist with a “surgery.” Upon arrival, she discovered that the “surgery” she had been called in to help with was in fact an abortion and that she had been lied to. Although she was on the hospital’s list of conscientious objectors who had made clear to the hospital that they were morally opposed to abortion and there were other nurses available who were not on the list, UVMMC staff refused to call in a replacement and she was faced with losing her job and possibly her license if she refused to participate.… Continue Reading

“Defying Scriptural Hierarchies in Every Way Possible” (Illinois Family Spotlight #249)

For better or worse, the Illinois General Assembly is back in session and a plethora of controversial, radical, and just plain ridiculous bills are scheduled for consideration. Monte Larrick and David Smith are joined by Jenna Smith, David’s oldest daughter, as they discuss the compelling reasons to retain the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Jenna shares her perspective as an older teen and articulates the devastating mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences that could impact young girls (17-years and younger) if parental notification is repealed.… Continue Reading

Putting a Human Face on Abortion

Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

One of the great blessings of the United States is that written into our national birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, is the acknowledgment that we are endowed by our Creator with the right to life.

But the right to life is under assault today through the widespread practice of abortion – and has been for decades.

Amazingly, through the years, there have been a few that actually survived an abortion attempt.… Continue Reading