Posts tagged: abortion

Republicans Need To Stop Being Cowards on Abortion

Written by David Harsanyi

How many voters know that the Democratic Party supports legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy on demand for virtually any reason? How many voters know this position aligns with only six other countries in the world — three of them, not incidentally, being North Korea, Vietnam and China?

How many voters know that Democrats want to pass a federal law banning states from stopping sex-selective abortions or the dismembering of the post-viable unborn or the requirement of parental and guardian notification for minors before getting abortions?… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: 40 Days for Life

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

40 Days for Life is a essential and vital part of the pro-life movement. The constant intercession they make to God on behalf of those contemplating abortion has saved 22,855 lives since 2007, closed 136 abortion centers, and has caused 247 abortion workers to quit. Their silent witness to passersby and the love they show by their presence outside of an abortion clinic can literally be the difference between life and death.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: They Don’t Want Women to Hear This

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

Earlier this month, Monte Larrick attended the Pro-Life Action League’s protest against Walgreens and CVS pharmacies because they have started to offer the sale of the abortion drug, Mifepriston, also known as RU 486. It works by blocking the activity of progesterone, a substance your body makes to help continue pregnancy.

This “medication” is used in combination with misoprostol to cause a pregnant mother to miscarry her baby as late as 12 weeks along.… Continue Reading

Perverting and Despoiling What God Has Created

Written by Robert Knight

In our materialistic modern age, we sometimes need reminders that Lucifer is real and up to no good. And that God is infinitely more powerful.

Years ago, LGBTQ activists picketed a church in Anchorage, Alaska, because the church opposed a gay rights ordinance. The protesters noticed a guy dressed in a devil suit with a pitchfork marching beside them. When they asked what he was doing, he said, “Oh, the pastor sent me out here.… Continue Reading

Deepening Concerns Over Illinois Supreme Court Candidate Rochford

Written by Illinois Family Action

Illinois Family Action was contacted by another dad, whose story deepened our concerns about the race for Illinois Supreme Court and about the Democrat Candidate, Judge Elizabeth Rochford.

A third person has reached out, unsolicited and previously unknown to us, who felt compelled to share their story of injustice and bias, at the hands of Judge Rochford. (The same Elizabeth Rochford who donated to corrupt and indicted Chicago Alderman, Ed Burke and is getting millions from Governor J.B.… Continue Reading

Daily Herald Endorses “No” Vote on Amendment 1

Written by John Lopez

On Sunday October 16, the Daily Herald urged a “No” vote on the top-of-the-ballot question on Amendment 1.

Illinois Family Action, like other freedom-loving and higher-taxes-loathing conservative organizations, is grateful for the newspaper’s rejection of Amendment 1. Interestingly, the Herald‘s editorial board also skewered some proponents who tried to use the abortion issue as a reason to vote for Amendment 1.

The Daily Herald on September 29 hosted a joint endorsement session with multiple newspapers around the state. … Continue Reading

With GOP Leaders Like Greg Hart, Babies & Families Don’t Need Enemies

Written by Laurie Higgins

Greg Hart is a Republican member of the DuPage County Board who hopes to become the next board chair. In a slick and startling campaign video (see below), Hart obscenely used his visibly pregnant wife to make the case for his election as a pro-choice GOP candidate. You read that right. Greg Hart wants residents of DuPage County—the second largest county in Illinois—to know that he fully supports the legal right of his wife to have had the “choice” to kill their living “son” (Hart’s term).… Continue Reading

Catalina Lauf Abandons “Pro-Life Conservative” and Second Amendment Planks

Yes, I called IL-11 Republican nominee Catalina Lauf a “phony” on national radio and here’s why

by John Lopez

On September 11, 2022, I phoned in to Beyond the Beltway with Bruce DuMont, which is broadcast live across the country Sunday nights from Salem Media Group’s studios in Elk Grove Village.  Three Republican guests were talking about Donald Trump’s influence on Republican Party politics. In particular, DuMont and three guests were talking about Hispanic voters.… Continue Reading

The ‘Handshake’ Photo Taken Down at a Congressional Hearing

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

A congressional hearing on Tuesday was suddenly and dramatically interrupted — by the chairwoman conducting it. Her aim: Abort a Republican congressman’s attempt to present the very first photo of a person who is now 22 years old.

The scene was the U.S. House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. The title of the hearing: “Roe Reversal: The Impacts of Taking Away the Constitutional Right to an Abortion.”

Republican U.S. Representative Gary Palmer of Alabama began to ask a question of Dr.Continue Reading

Saving the Lives of Millions of Children Not Just a ‘Political Victory’

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Last week the Supreme Court of the United States handed down a number of rulings reaffirming an originalist interpretation of America’s Constitution and its federalist assumptions. Perhaps the most important of these was the decision to rescind Roe v. Wade and return the issue of abortion to the people and their respective states, where it belonged in the first place. This was a tremendous victory for millions of faithful Christians who have fought for decades to see this day.… Continue Reading