As the American political world gears up for what promises to be one of the most acrimonious, bitter, and embarrassing confirmation hearings in the history of the federal judiciary, I'm curious if anyone has picked up on a common theme when it comes to these reputation desecrations we call senatorial "advise and consent."
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It’s ironic that leftists think of themselves as liberals, as the term “liberal” is historically and etymologically connected to the concept of liberty. Not only are they merely selective champions of liberty but the logical extension of their agenda is an eradication of liberty, from socialism to U.S. Supreme Court legislation, from radical redistributions of income to oppressive pseudo-environmental regulations.
Democrats never have any doubts about their court nominees. They know with certainty that once their picks are on the court, they will be willing to do anything in a real case to interpret the U.S. Constitution the way they see it. They will rule with the party's preferred political outcomes regardless of past precedent or the plain meaning of the Constitution. There is no reason why conservatives cannot have that same confidence that GOP nominees will rule on the side of the original meaning of the U.S. Constitution and the 14th Amendment.
State Supreme Court elections often fly under the radar, but the stakes are high. The Court can overturn appellate decisions and usually has the final say on interpreting state law, setting binding precedents for lower courts to follow. As such, David Overstreet's bid for Illinois Supreme Court is perhaps one of the key judicial races in Illinois this election cycle.
As Election Day nears, political lawn signs have sprouted like dandelions after a soaking rain and mailboxes are bursting with candidates’ mailers. This week, Monte and I take a deep dive into the important issues and details you won’t find on a lawn sign or an oversized postcard. Our Spotlight guests are Jeanne Ives and Mark Curran Republican candidates for the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate (respectively).
So, Colin Kaepernick is the current face of American professional sports.

This is the guy widely panned four years ago for his protests during the playing of the National Anthem at National Football League games.  Now he’s the bee’s knees. 
Eric Voegelin was born in 1901. In 1919, he enrolled in the University of Vienna. He studied Karl Marx, read “Das Kapital” and embraced Marxism. However, as he watched the Bolshevik Revolution’s bloodlust play itself out in the streets of Russia, Voegelin concluded he was wrong. Therefore, he abandoned socialism and its assumptions of race and class conflict and became a member of the Austrian economics clan.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the video of a mask-less Nancy Pelosi caught having her hair done at a shut-down San Francisco salon this past week is worth an entire dictionary. The Speaker of the House immediately deployed the Marion Barry defense. Mrs. Pelosi said the same thing, albeit less colorfully.  At least, in public.
This week on Spotlight, Monte Larrick and I are pleased to welcome Max Solomon, Republican candidate for State Representative for the 38th District. Max was born in Nigeria and is now a proud U.S. citizen. He shares his motivation and desire to represent the people in his district, explains how his Christian faith and pro-life, pro-family conservative views and values will inform his public service, and identifies some of the issues he hopes to address if he is elected to the Illinois House of Representatives.
The 2020 Democratic Party Platform starts with these four words, “America is an idea.”

And therein lies the problem. These first few words set the context for everything wrong in the 80 pages that follow.
The hallmark of a first-world country is not that violence never occurs within its borders, but that once it does, the damage is mitigated immediately and the perpetrators are punished and future criminals deterred. Yet here we are, over 80 days into this national insurrection by terrorist groups like Back Lives Matter and Antifa, and there is no end in sight. Trump is president today, not just after November 4. It’s time for him to use his inherent power to put down the insurrection.