We shine our Spotlight this week on an informative, post-election conversation between Monte Larrick and Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action League. They discuss our newest Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett; the likelihood of repealing Roe v. Wade; bubble zones; and various issues that might be revisited by SCOTUS.
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On May 10, 1933, students in 34 university towns across Germany gathered to burn more than 25,000 books. The works of authors like Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway and Helen Keller went up in flames.

At the same time, 40,000 people gathered to hear the German Minister of Public Enlightenment, Joseph Goebbels, give a speech applauding those who were “commit[ting] to the flames the evil spirit of the past.” The unwanted ideas of Western civilization fueled the bonfires of Berlin.
The selection of candidates for local, state, and federal offices were not the only choices confronting voters on Election Day in a number of states across the nation. In fact, voters in 32 states decided over 100 statewide ballot measures on November 3. Below is an overview of some of these voter initiatives and referenda impacting the sanctity of life, drugs, gambling, and marriage & sexuality.
A lot of things worry me about a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration, but nothing troubles me more than that it will accommodate the left's disturbing march toward selective suppression of free speech.

Much of the war against this sacred liberty occurs at the level of our culture, but when a leftist-friendly administration is in power, our efforts to combat this culturally will be more difficult.
Thanksgiving and Christmas might be canceled for the first time ever by tyrannical governors and mayors, but they won't cancel the weekend shootouts that are increasingly victimizing children in major cities. Those shootings tend to be the worst over holiday weekends. Yet, in what has become the ultimate dystopian governing outcome, our elected officials are criminalizing life itself while greenlighting violent criminal activity.
Few media outlets are significantly reporting the President’s legal arguments or questions surrounding the stalled counts in several swing states that moved from Trump to Biden in the wee hours of the morning after Election Day. Most of the media could not care less about election fraud and want the President to concede right now, even though they had no such calls during Al Gore’s 37-day court fight after the 2000 election.
Two hundred and two years after achieving statehood, Illinois – the Land of Lincoln – is more commonly associated with political and electoral corruption than with Honest Abe. Voter fraud is a sad reality that few people are willing to stand against, but, thankfully for Illinois, Carol Davis, chairman of Illinois Conservative Union, is fighting for a fair and honest election process.
This past week I made a mistake. I was careless and retweeted something before I fact-checked it. I shouldn’t have. I was lax, I was lazy and what I posted turned out to be fake news.
How is it that in the year 2020, our elections look more dysfunctional than other modern countries’ and more chaotic than our elections were during the time of our grandparents? ... If this election is not a wake-up call for Republicans to clean up election fraud, at least in the states they control, they deserve to be victims of these “glitches” and will likely never win a national election again.
[This week we celebrate] the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Compact (November 11, 1620)—the document that initiated American democracy that culminated in the Constitution and our freedoms. Is that Constitution at risk.

This is not a banana republic. This is the United States of America.
Over the past several weeks, millions of Americans took part in the 2020 General Election which determines our president for the next four years. During this election cycle, citizens voted for candidates for Congress, state legislatures and various other local offices. In the U.S. House of Representatives, notable (and extremist) Congress-critters were re-elected to their seats, such as Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Eric Swallwell (D-CA), and Sandy "AOC" Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).