On Sept. 30, Michael Kruger wrote the following: “Submission is a Christian virtue… [Christian] citizens are called to submit to… government. And [faithful] men should be leading the way in doing so.” ... And, thus, Dr. Kruger doubles down on a passage of Scripture that has become more ubiquitously quoted in our COVID-times than even John 3:16. It’s a verse found in St. Paul’s letter to the first-century church of Rome:
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In the midst of what she describes as “the most exciting time since 1973,” Ann Scheidler, president of Pro-Life Action League and chair of the pro-life coalition known as SpeakOut Illinois , is feeling hopeful. Mrs. Scheidler joins Monte Larrick to discuss the ramifications of Dobbs v. Jackson, a crucial pro-life case that will be heard by the United States Supreme Court on December 1, 2021.
If we sat in a boardroom and tried to decide the kind of story that the liberal media is the most hostile to covering — hostile to the point of wishing it had never existed — it may be this: Teenage boy describing himself as "gender-fluid" accused of raping a girl in a high school bathroom.
Truth is vitally important to Christians like me (Proverbs 23:23; John 14:6), and I am adamantly convinced that our political leaders are exaggerating where we are (and have been) with this COVID pandemic. It may be cynical of me to say this, but many of them seem to be taking advantage of the situation in order to use it to their own political advantage(s). The media, academia, medical establishments and corporate America have also fallen in line with the hyperbolic narrative.  
This past week, Dr. Anthony Fauci granted an interview to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation where he basically said that, “There comes a time where you have to give up your individual right of making your own decisions for the greater good of society.” 

That essentially says it all. Our country’s grand and glorious high priest of scientism, the magnificent and magnanimous Dr. Anthony Fauci, just said he believes you and I should be governed by the ideas of history’s most ruthless tyrants rather than those of America’s own Constitution. 
This week’s Spotlight features David Smith’s exclusive interview with Nick Richmond, the founder and president of Freedom Initiative. Nick shares how a late-blooming interest in politics and America’s founding documents led to his desire to want to protect and preserve our God-given freedoms for his children and for others. This desire is reflected in Freedom Initiative’s mission to be “in the boundless pursuit of preserving freedoms . . . to amplify concerns, educate and instill fundamental values in our growing community of parents, business owners, medical professionals and more.”

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I think the left is realizing it has a tiger by the tail. The people are getting uppity.

Parents are assailing school boards over critical race theory and transgender madness. So much so that the Biden Justice Department is sending out the FBI to investigate whether, as the National School Boards Association bombastically charges, some parents are guilty of “domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”  
Gallup reports that a vast majority of Americans—an average of two-thirds or more—say they have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of trust the judicial branch. The same polling shows over the past two decades, the U.S. Supreme Court has consistently ranked as the most trusted branch of the federal government.
After years of serving as a pastor, Joseph Huss decided to go into business to advance the Kingdom of God through commerce, he explains in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. Big business across America is funneling endless amounts of money into evil causes–abortion, perversion, ate, and more.
Coca-Cola, Google, Delta Airlines, Blackrock, Unilever, and Facebook. On its face, this list may sound like a great investment portfolio. Instead, as shown in a new book by former biotech CEO Vivek Ramaswamy, these companies serve as the posterchildren of woke capitalism.