There's a second wave of media reaction to John Durham's latest filing on the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation. The first wave was silence, hoping somehow the whole story would vanish. Now the second wave is "Explainers," which attempt to hem and haw defensively through the whole business.
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The January 3, 2022 announcement by 15-term U.S. Representative Bobby Rush (D-Chicago) he would not seek another term in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022 created an open seat in the 1st Congressional District (IL-01) for the first time since the resignation of Congressman Harold Washington after his election as Chicago mayor in 1983.
The fight for control of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022 includes battleground districts in the state of Illinois.  According to the two major rating services for U.S. House races, Cook Political Report with Amy Walter and Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball, five of Illinois’ 17 congressional districts are considered in-play, by virtue of not being rated “strong/safe Democrat” or “strong/safe Republican”.
This past week I stumbled across a letter written by an anonymous Freedom Convoy trucker. I copied and reposted it, with nothing but this additional caption, “I’ll stand with these guys over the beltway buffoons any day of the week! #ProudTruckDriversSon.” The result was over 97,000 “likes” on my Facebook page. 
Amy Gehrke, Executive Director of Illinois Right to Life, strongly states that “at its heart, Illinois is a pro-life state, that our politicians don’t speak for the will of the people, and, as we say around the Illinois Right to Life office, ‘we firmly believe we can and we will win Illinois for life.’”
If the lockstep media are good at anything, it’s repeating phrases out of context until they’re a mantra of shame.  ... The current phrase for beating up on Republicans is “legitimate political discourse” from the Republican National Committee’s Feb. 4 resolution censuring U.S. Representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
What plagues or torments you? Family? Economy? Uncertainty? Crime and chaos in the streets? Political conditions?

When considering why they're most tormented, most people think in these general terms. Rarely do we consider going beyond the "general" to delve into the depths of the essential criteria; the foundations of our eternal being; the condition of our immortal soul and its relative torment.
In recent years, there’s been a massive surge of crime in America’s major cities, including violent crimes and murder specifically. For example, there were 397 murders in Los Angeles in 2021. According to Los Angeles Magazine, that was an 11.8 percent increase from the 355 murders in the city in 2020 and a 53.9 percent increase from the 258 murders in the pre-pandemic year of 2019. Three hundred ninety-seven murders was the highest total in the city since 395 people were murdered there in 2007. This has all transpired while “defund the police” movements across the country coincided with district attorneys, like the recently elected Manhattan, NY District Attorney, who refuse to prosecute certain crimes or to incarcerate criminals who’ve been found guilty of others.       
Illinois has some exceptional conservative candidates running for office in the upcoming primaries. Citizens concerned with the direction of the state are becoming involved. Leftists, fearing the exit of persons of color from the Democrat Party desperately want voters to believe diversity is missing among the conservative candidates. They are again using identity politics to divide America, hoping to convince voters of the lie that conservatives represent only white America. 
According to a recent survey conducted by the Freedom Forum, fewer people in our country consider religious freedom as the first and most foundational freedom.

It’s indeed alarming to see there’s waning knowledge about religious liberty being the cornerstone of a free society, the wellspring from which all other liberties flow.
This edition of our Spotlight podcast takes a look back at the 2021 conference. The focus for last year’s event was Critical Race Theory – a topic that is still very much in the news today. In her presentation, Counterfeit Justice: The Truth About Critical Race Theory, Angela Sailor outlines her opposition to the Marxist ideology movement and offers encouragement and practical suggestions for parents, and all Christians, who are ready to take a stand against federal overreach in education, identity politics, revisionist history and CRT.