El Paso has become a key location for immigrants to illegally cross into the United States. The Texas city is being overrun with illegal aliens who are coming to their neighborhoods, prowling through their yards and may be carrying weapons. The huge number of arrivals has thrown the city into crisis. In fact, El Paso's Mayor Oscar Leeser recently declared a state of emergency.
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Mere moments after former President Donald Trump dropped his "big announcement" about a new line of virtual trading cards, more than a few left-leaning voices were scoffing and asking how any self-respecting person could continue to associate themselves with such a huckster. While I will let Trump fans speak for themselves, I feel it incumbent to ask how these same leftists continue associating themselves with the credibility clown show that is modern American progressivism right now.
Have you ever boarded an airliner during a rainstorm and then, minutes later, broken through the clouds to bright sunshine? It can be quite startling. People blink like moles emerging from their burrow. The sun has been there all along, of course, but when we're unable to see it from below we can forget how bright it can be.
Everything that is wrong with this country is embodied in the 4,155-page omnibus bill negotiated by Mitch McConnell and supported by the majority of Senate Republicans. Like all bills that fleece the American people, it was dropped in a massive cardboard box at 1:23 a.m. Tuesday morning and will be passed in less than two days. Just know it didn’t have to be this way, because Senate Democrats always needed 10 Republicans to help steal the fiscal year 2023 budget away from the newly elected GOP House. But the big question is: Now what?
I [recently] challenged a group of local Christians not to back down from the fight against “family-friendly” drag queen performances sweeping our nation. My argument was simple. This war is real, and it has reached America’s heartland. At its most basic level, this is a battle for our children’s hearts, minds and souls. Men who get their kicks out of dressing up like women and mimicking a cabaret striptease in front of children are, by definition, “groomers.” And any business, church, chamber of commerce or government agency supporting this nonsense is guilty of child endangerment and should be sued accordingly...
In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, we’re highlighting the work of the Waterleaf Women’s Center, located directly across the street from the mega Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Illinois. The contrast between the two organizations could not possibly be starker. During the 2022 Fall campaign of 40 Days For Life, IFI’s Monte Larrick conversed with Waterleaf’s director, Julie Garafalo, about the vital impact the organization is having on the community.
If Haggai the prophet were around today, he’d likely chastise conservative voters as follows: “Consider your ways: You have sown much and you bring in little. You eat without being satiated. You drink without getting your fill. You dress, and it has no warmth. And he who profits, profits into a bundle with holes.”
“’Growing Pains’ star Kirk Cameron has a new Christian children’s book out, but he’s being banned from hosting story hours at publicly funded libraries across the nation. Cameron’s book, ‘As You Grow,’ teaches the value of producing the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.”

This has to be satire, you say. Surely this can’t be true.
When I was young and foolish, I went to see a horror movie one afternoon. It was George Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead,” a black-and-white 1968 classic that is still quite terrifying...  The scariest scene is when a wounded woman, prone on a table, quietly turns into a zombie herself and attacks the people who had thought they were safe.
Rachel Mikottis is a homeschooled wonder of a woman who believes that nature is the best classroom in the world. In this week's episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Rachel joins Dave Smith and Self Evident's Jenna Smith for a conversation about this amazing, out-of-the-box idea of forest school, specifically the one she founded called Free Haven.
The Left is hell bent on destroying the natural family unit in order to grow government dependency and authoritarianism.