“The problem with you conservatives is that you’re arrogant. You think you’re always right.” This is a challenge I recently received from a millennial who fancies himself my intellectual superior as well as that of all other orthodox believers. How should we respond?
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One by one, the myths and lies propagated by the ruling elites about COVID-19 are falling like dominoes. What was supposed to have been “misinformation” is the real deal.
When the Wall Street Journal reported in a front-page lead story that the Department of Energy had concluded the COVID-19 pandemic resulted from a leak from China's Wuhan laboratory, you might have argued it was old news. The FBI had already, it turns out, come to the same conclusion and with a higher degree of confidence (moderate) than the Energy Department (low).
The easiest layup in proving the "mainstream media" is hyperpartisan is to study how they cover congressional hearings. After two years of obsessive media promotion and congratulation and live coverage of the Pelosi-picked panel on Jan. 6, the network "newscasts" can't locate a hearing now with two hands.
Earlier this month, Monte Larrick attended the Pro-Life Action League's protest against Walgreens and CVS pharmacies contemplating the sale of abortifacients, and talked with Eric Scheidler about this potential product. Eric Scheidler is the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, and believes this is a move on the part of the corporations to prove they're woke.
[Recently] I spoke with a lifelong friend. He has lived in western Canada for almost 50 years, and he was in Phoenix staying at the home of another lifelong friend. Rick flew to Phoenix to arrange for knee-replacement surgery. This was interesting from the perspective that several decades ago, he had spoken enthusiastically about Canada’s government-run “free health care” system.
Years after the founder of Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute was exposed as a fraud and sexual predator, some Hoosier State legislators are moving to defund the sex think tank.

On Wednesday, the Republican-dominated House voted 53-34 for an amendment to the state budget bill barring money for the institute. All Democrats voted against it, naturally, joined by seven kinky Republicans.
As family structure declines in America, divorce has skyrocketed. Although divorce is very undesirable, there are times when it’s necessary. At that point, the objective is to forge a separation plan as amicably as possible. After all, divorce is mentioned in the Bible itself. Sure, the wife might still keep the surname and the two divorcing will share custody of the children and inevitably interact with each other regarding both the children and shared assets, but sometimes the most advisable thing to do is to limit the exposure you have in a toxic relationship...
One of the most important events for Illinois Republicans in this current political environment is the Black Conservative Summit, which will take place in Tinley Park on March 24-25, 2023 and will feature conservative leaders like Larry Elder, Voddie Baucham, Lt. Colonel Allen West, and many Illinois Black Conservative leaders like Stephanie Trussell.
In 2020, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) wrote an article about voter rolls in America. On the heels of the Democrat's push for vote by mail, their research revealed a large number of deceased registrants still on the voter rolls. It’s no wonder many Americans, let alone those in Illinois, don’t have much confidence in the system. After all, it would seem if we could fix the problems with voter rolls by eliminating dead voters still on the rolls, duplicate registrants, or removing those who have moved, we would gain more confidence in the system.
The United Nations Human Rights Council is poised to prepare and release a report on the “perceived contradictions” between the LGBTQ agenda and religious teachings... In other words: Here come the global attacks on biblical teachings and truths.