On November 8th of last year, Illinoisans went to the polls and voted on Amendment 1. This constitutional amendment passed on an official vote from Illinois citizens with a total of 2,212,999 yeses to 1,555,929 nos.
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I had thought that President Joe Biden could not sink any lower than his bitter, Third Reich-style speech on Sept. 1, 2022, at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall. That’s when he projected himself as a sweet angel of light while labeling MAGA Republicans as “extremist” and a “threat to democracy.”
With U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s release of thousands of hours of Capitol surveillance video footage to Tucker Carlson, and Carlson’s subsequent airing of the footage on his popular FOX News show, it’s more clear now than ever: What the American left did to Trump, on COVID, on crime (especially the ANTIFA/BLM riots), at the border, and the like, was FAR worse than anything that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Venture capital is a risky and rewarding business that, in a world of Adam Smith’s free market, would accurately predict, in most cases, the most efficient investments for creation of wealth and the betterment of human life. Venture socialism, on the other hand, shields investors in start-ups from all risk by funding their projects with both monetary and fiscal stimulus from the government. Now, those counting on taxpayer funding to augment their personal wealth portfolios know that green energy start-ups are “too big to fail,” just like the big banks in 2008...
40 Days for Life is a essential and vital part of the pro-life movement. The constant intercession they make to God on behalf of those choosing abortion has saved 22,855 lives since 2007, closed 136 abortion centers, and has caused 247 abortion workers to quit. Their silent witness to passersby and the love they show by their presence outside of an abortion clinic can make the difference between a woman in an abortion clinic and a mother in a crisis pregnancy choosing the life of her baby.
Former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are both focusing heavily on education policy in the run-up to the 2024 election, suggesting the issue will take center stage over the next two years. DeSantis is already on the warpath in Florida, as Trump vows to wrest control of schools from “radical left maniacs” and “pink-haired communists” in his second term.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I didn't know Whoopi Goldberg was even back on the daytime gab fest The View. Last I had heard, she was sidelined after making foolish and racially buffoonish comments about the Holocaust. But apparently that was like a year ago. Time flies when you're doing anything but watching The View, I guess.
International Women’s Day, replete with ceremonies and demonstrations, has come and gone. In the U.S., demonstrators could have celebrated the unprecedented freedom, prosperity and achievements we have here. Instead, they mostly whined that because of the Dobbs ruling, it’s getting less convenient to kill unborn babies. They also made shrill demands for all things LGBTQ and especially the transgender movement...
One thing we learned from the courts throughout COVID is that there is almost nothing state and local government officials cannot do to your life, liberty, and even body under the guise of public health. Yet for years, these same courts have placed limitations on the ability of government officials to pray in public when nobody is coerced to join them. Pagan groups have been empowered to shake down cash-strapped local governments in cumbersome lawsuits over the issue of public prayer, and Justice Clarence Thomas is finally calling for an end to this insanity.
Forgiveness isn't going to be easy. Especially in this culture. Especially at this particular moment in time. Especially with such little remorse for so grievous an offense.
Dr. Eric Wallace, the founder and executive director of the Freedom Journal Institute, is hosting a very important event this month that every conservative should endeavor to support. He is hosting The Black Conservative Summit on the weekend of March 24th & 25th at the Tinley Park Convention Center in the southwest suburbs... Scripture calls believers to engage the culture with the truth. Dr. Wallace recognizes that the church, the natural family, and our democratic republic are under attack like never before.