In the words of sudden country music sensation Oliver Anthony, “You weren’t born to just pay bills and die.” Yet unless we stop the debt-driven inflation and the Federal Reserve scam used to perpetuate it, we won’t even be able to pay all the bills we work our entire lives to afford.
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Gaslighting abounds. Every day, the media tell us that wildfires are worse than ever before. They would blame Republicans for the disastrous Maui wildfire if they could, except that Democrats run Hawaii.
No one in the media elites today is alarmed at a revolving door between the "objective media" and partisan politics. Politics seems more like a qualification than a disqualification.
Last Friday afternoon, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that he had named Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss as special counsel to continue the investigation into Hunter Biden “as well as any matters that arose from that investigation or may arise from the Special Counsel’s investigation.” This appointment has been criticized as illegal by many...
In this episode, Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks and insights made by the honorable Sam Brownback that took place during an IFI Forum on religious liberty. Sam Brownback served as governor of Kansas, represented the people of Kansas in the U.S. House & Senate during President Trump’s administration, served as the U.S. Ambassador at large for International Religious Freedom, and is currently the chairman for the National Committee for Religious Freedom.
The far left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has forged a reputation as a nationally outspoken advocate against "hate groups." Founded in 1971 and based in Montgomery, Alabama, the SPLC is no stranger to controversy.  The group has long been accused of targeting conservative and Christian organizations.
A peaceful spirit animates the countryside inhabited by the Amish, a growing sect in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, and more than two dozen other states.
Though I don't think it's a particularly wise or self-aware accusation for them to make, the progressive left continues to make political hay out of smearing conservatives as "anti-science." Most people who are not fervent congregants of the church of progressivism, and who have been conscious over the last several years, probably can't help but roll their eyes at the insult.
This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks made by Kevin Sorbo during IFI's annual banquet in 2022. Kevin Sorbo is an actor, director, author, and is best known for his role in Hercules: The Legendary Journey, Andromeda, and God's Not Dead, to name a few.
Illinois Family Action is looking ahead to the 2024 election cycle, praying that God-fearing conservative see significant gains. It is hard to believe that candidates seeking office will soon be circulating petitions in order to be listed on ballot for the March 2024 Primary Election.
About 3 weeks ago, Turning Point USA and Turning Point Action sponsored a Conference for the conservative grassroots at the Palm Beach Convention Center in Palm Beach, Florida. Attendance was estimated at over 6,000, with close to half of those being young, conservative college students. As you may or may not know, Turning Point was initially founded locally in 2012 in Lemont, Illinois.