
Written by Matt Barber

“Hillary is a liar.”

This was Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.’s response to Sean Hannity when asked about Hillary Clinton’s disgusting, and completely out-of-context, charge that he committed treason by encouraging LU students to defend themselves should Muslim terrorists, like the “San Bernardino Two,” ever attack Liberty University. Clinton, a woman intimately familiar with the elements of treason, made her defamatory accusation on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”Continue Reading

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Sifting Wheat

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
~Luke 22:21-32

Things haven’t changed that much in the past 2000 years.  Jesus warned Simon Peter, and prayed for Simon Peter.  He could be saying it to me … or you.

It is very clear to me, we are being thrown into the air like grains of wheat. … Continue Reading


Ted Cruz has successfully courted Bob Vander Platts, Iowa’s main Christian powerbroker, winning his endorsement Thursday that was sought feverishly by about half the Republican field. Now, Cruz in closing in on winning the backing of another top social conservative networker: Tony Perkins.

“There’s clearly movement going toward Ted, and I think he’s making all the right moves,” Perkins told CNN Thursday. “But from a timing standpoint, I’m still watching, waiting.”

Perkins, who heads the Family Research Council, sits at the top of a pair of sprawling social conservative networks, the Conservative Action Project and the Council for National Policy, that are the hidden hub of the forces looking to push the Republican Party further right.… Continue Reading



Written by Ray Nothstine

Calling U.S. Senator Ted Cruz “a proven champion,” the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) endorsed Ted Cruz for president and promised to do everything possible to make his election possible.

“Sen. Ted Cruz is a proven champion for marriage and religious freedom and someone we can absolutely count on to fight to restore marriage to our nation’s laws and defend the religious liberty of the tens of millions of Americans who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president in a Wednesday press release.

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Written by Jane Robbins

Several Republican presidential candidates had a great opportunity over the last two weeks to take the lead on an issue critical to millions of conservatives – federal control over public education. A couple helped their cause, a couple did not, and one blasted further down into the crater he’s been in from the beginning.

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate followed the U.S. House in passing the conference report reauthorizing No Child Left Behind.… Continue Reading


Written by Dr. Michael Brown

I do not believe that President Obama is a Muslim, but I have no doubt that he reveres Islam and that he is an apologist for Islam. Is there really any question about it?

I posted comments similar to this on social media December 5th in the aftermath of the San Bernardino massacre before reading that Sen. Ted Cruz had commented that, “We have a president right now, who at times operates as an apologist for radical Islamic terrorists.”… Continue Reading



Written by Clint Cline

Not much more than a month ago on the CNBC Republican Debate stage, millions watched Jeb Bush giftwrap for his former protégé the now-legendary “Rubio Moment,” that time when two campaigns heading in opposite directions passed like ships in the political night. Bush’s flaccid single-digit campaign had stagnated. Marco Rubio, following impressive debate showings, had risen above the salt to a top four position, occupying a seat Jeb had reserved for himself near the head of the table.  … Continue Reading



Written by Russ Stewart

The “Laquan McDonald Monster” has surfaced, and unlike the Loch Ness Monster, it is tangible, palpable and deadly. Those 16 bullets will be remembered by black voters in 2016, and a torrent of rage — and votes — will be directed in the March 15, 2016, Democratic primary against both Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez and any non-black candidates closely associated with Mayor Rahm Emanuel and police superintendent Garry McCarthy.

Over the past 50 years, there have been periodic “galvanizing” moments among local black voters, precipitating an electoral eruption and the defeat of candidates deemed hostile.… Continue Reading



Written by Ray Northstine

Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is the new GOP frontrunner in Iowa, according to a Monmouth University poll released Monday.

Cruz leads Trump 24 percent to 19 percent in Iowa, which holds its 2016 caucuses on February 1, 2016.

Monmouth noted that Cruz’s lead is the first time he has come out on top in any state polling for the 2016 election cycle.

However, A CNN/ORC poll released Monday, shows Trump still leading in Iowa with 33 percent support to Cruz’s 20 percent.

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Written by Carolina Baker

U.S. Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and Lindsey Graham all voted in favor of the recent bill to cut major congressional spending geared towards the controversial Planned Parenthood.

The bill cut at least 89 percent of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding as well as major components of Obamacare: the “Independent Payment Advisory Board” and the “excess benefits tax.” Rubio made a statement to LifeNews.com about the importance of the passing bill for him and the American people:

I’m especially proud to support what this bill does to protect innocent unborn children, and increase funding for women’s health care by defunding Planned Parenthood and redirecting the taxpayer dollars it currently receives toward more worthy causes.

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Written by Tom Trinko

In the wake of the California shootings, some liberals are mocking people of other faiths for trusting in prayer.

That’s because those liberals view themselves as “gods”; and they are jealous “gods” who will brook no other gods before them. We can see this in two key ways:

  • Those liberals believe that praying to themselves will change reality just as people of faith believe that their God will intercede in times of need.
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