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Written by Richard Winchester

Sadly, we live in the era of the low-information voter. The second edition of Ilya Somin’s Democracy and Political Ignorance (2016) documents widespread political ignorance among today’s public, including voters. Although nonvoters are abysmally ignorant of politics, voters are not walking, talking political encyclopedias either. Americans are more likely to be well-informed about celebrities, such as the Kardashians, than about political leaders.

Consistent with earlier research, Somin estimates that nearly a third of the American public are “know-nothings,” who possess “little or no relevant knowledge” about public affairs.

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Written by Michael Bargo, Jr.

There is a mutually supportive relationship between Hollywood elites and the Democrat Party of the U.S. It is interesting to explore this relationship, how it benefits both, and why it continues. Every election cycle, candidates for the Democrat Party go to dinner parties in Hollywood and raise money from all movie industry attendants. These Hollywood dinner fundraisers are the most successful single day events in political campaigns. This year, for example, Hillary Clinton raised $8 million in one evening.

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Written by Michael Medved

The New York Times Style Section recently ran a report called “UNEASY BEDFELLOWS,” describing marriages that reached the point of dissolution because of arguments concerning Donald Trump. When I discussed the subject on the air, one astute caller noted that none of the couples featured in the story seemed to share a religious outlook, and he suggested that if they did, they could far more easily handle their political disputes.

Unfortunately, far too many Americans now use politics as a substitute for faith, treating party loyalty as a matter of uncompromising identity that provides meaning, transcendence and morality.

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The Hypocrisy of the Black Lives Matter Movement and the Southern Poverty Law Center

Written by Ken Blackwell

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has many allies within the Progressive movement. Funded largely by the most liberal elements of the Left, especially those within the b network, like his Center for American Progress, BLM has been a major motivator for the attacks on police officers all over the country.

With chants like “Pigs in a blanket, fry-em like bacon” and “What do we want? Dead Cops!,” the simple fact is that BLM has created an atmosphere of anger and hatred, and has incited violence against law enforcement officers across the country.… Continue Reading


Written by John Biver

Make no mistake, so many modern political battles are not between the religious and the non-religious. Rather, the biggest contests pit different religions against each other.

In this article, the topic is not the West’s clash with Islamism. That battle can be won again. It won’t be easy, but it can be accomplished. The list of battles between the West and Islam over the centuries is a long one. Here are just two examples where the good guys got the job done: Frankish military Charles Martel defeated the followers of Muhammed near Poitiers, France in the year 732.… Continue Reading



Written by Hollis Hurd

In the case of King v. Burwell, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in June of 2015, President Barack Obama won the day by convincing six justices that Obamacare would collapse if he lost.  The case involved the so-called “individual mandate,” which imposes a financial penalty on those who neglect to buy health insurance.  To many observers, the wording of Affordable Care Act seemed to impose the financial penalty only in states where a state exchange had been set up, not in states where the federal exchange operated by default.… Continue Reading



Written by J. Matt Barber

Moral clarity alert. The kid gloves are off. Time for some serious soul searching.

You proponents of the torturous live-dismemberment of children in the womb, just knock it off already. Your pro-abortion euphemisms – “pro-choice,” “reproductive freedom,” “women’s rights” and other such propagandist nonsense – have run their shameful course. As you regressive “progressives” like to say, “The science is settled.” Pre-born babies are objectively and empirically distinct persons with emotions, autonomy (though in a dependent stage of human development, not unlike post-birth babies) and the unalienable human rights intrinsic to all human beings.… Continue Reading



Written by Peter Tapsak and Jason Snead

With this November’s election looming just over the horizon, the topic of voter fraud is popping up much more frequently in our news feeds.

Progressives insist that voter fraud is a myth, a charade meant to justify repressive voting laws. The facts, however, tell a different story: Voter fraud is real, and if we ignore it, we leave our ballot boxes open to fraudsters who would rather steal elections than risk losing in a fair and open contest.… Continue Reading

Written by Andrew C. McCarthy
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Written by Michael Medved

In a rare area of agreement, both presidential candidates want to help working families with childcare expenses. Donald Trump recently proposed a tax deduction for parents who place their kids in daycare; Hillary Clinton backs an even more costly plan, providing a refundable tax credit that would send daycare reimbursement checks even to families paying no income tax.

Both candidates, however, fail to recognize the unfairness of such arrangements to parents who decide to leave the workforce or cutback hours to care for their children themselves.… Continue Reading



Written by Micah Clark

There is a perception that Chicago was a war zone during the time of Al Capone and alcohol prohibition.  Not long ago, I watched a Jimmy Stewart movie based upon a true story of a person falsely convicted of killing a police officer in 1932.  The 1948 movie began with an attempt to shock the audience by reminding them of that “most violent year in Chicago history” in which one person died from a gunshot each day of the year.… Continue Reading
