In the past few weeks, Uri Berliner, a 25-year veteran of NPR, blew the whistle on the state-funded media giant’s pervasive liberal bias. In response, NPR’s new CEO, Katherine Maher, suspended the senior editor without pay for telling the truth about the company. This ultimately led to Mr. Berliner‘s resignation.
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U.S. Representative Jamaal Boman (D-NY) came under intense criticism when the media reported his comments about the treatment of female hostages by Hamas.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a bipartisan, pro-Israel political action lobbying committee, has been endorsing members of Congress for years in a bid to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with Israel, America’s biggest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East.
The number of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border continues at a frightening rate, and the Biden Administration continues to pretend it isn't a major problem. Meanwhile, the persisting surge has only served to increase havoc in border states and big cities across the nation.
In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick sits down with IFI Springfield Lobbyist David Curtin in order to get his perspective on the upcoming Illinois legislative sessions. A bill that has a lot of conservatives in Illinois concerned is SB 3499 (Physician-Assisted Suicide).
Reverend LeFlore is the director of Public School Exit , an organization dedicated to facilitating the exit of children from government schools. He is also the director of Good Soil Good Seed (GS2), a scholarship foundation designed to help children afford to attend Christian schools.
For years, those of us in the media have known that National Public Radio could also be called National People’s Radio. It’s no secret that tax-subsidized NPR has leaned left since its inception in 1970. But the network had some good reporting and used to keep its most radical elements mostly in check.
In our day of weaponized government and intolerance for honest speech, it isn’t difficult to imagine a scenario where candidates for office would willingly relegate our individual freedoms – guaranteed to us in the U.S. Constitution – to the voters in the states to decide what levels of liberty – and restrictions of those liberties – they would allow going forward.
This edition of Illinois Family Spotlight features Mark Houck, a devout Catholic and peaceful pro-life protestor who was falsely accused of violating the FACE Act. Houck was arrested and handcuffed in front of his wife and children by the Biden Administration's Department of Justice. With legal representation from the Thomas More Society and a unanimous jury verdict, Mark Houck was declared to be innocent.
[Last] week, the Scottish government passed the Hate Crime and Public Order Act. In summary, it is now illegal in Scotland to “stir up hatred” via government-prohibited words and thoughts. Violators are subject to arrest and subsequent punishment of up to seven years in prison.
In a recent interview on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront,” independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unequivocally proclaimed President Joe Biden to be a greater threat to democracy than former President Donald Trump.