Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

SPOTLIGHT: Christ & The Human Mind

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features Dr. Karl Benzio, a Christian Psychiatrist who serves with the AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors). He is s the co-founder of Honey Lake Clinic, a board certified Christian mental health treatment facility located in Greenville, Florida.

In this interview, Dr. Benzio focuses on how God designed the mind to work and how we can properly steward our mind in our decision-making process.

This is an amazing interview you don’t want to miss.… Continue Reading

Christians Need To Stop Playing Defense And Go On Offense

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

In 2013, author John S. Dickerson wrote about the troubling condition of the American church in his book “The Great Evangelical Recession: 6 Factors That Will Crash the American Church and How to Prepare.”

Mr. Dickerson‘s key premise was that Christian orthodoxy in the United States is in rapid decline. The evidence he presented to support what, at first glance, seems to be a terminal diagnosis is multifaceted.

According to Mr.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Conversation with Darren Bailey

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Spotlight, IFI’s Executive Director, David Smith, sits down with Darren Bailey.

Darren Bailey is a former state representative for the 109th district in Southern Illinois, and is now running for U.S. Congress for the purpose of fighting for Southern families, defending the Second Amendment, Protecting the Sanctity of Life, Demanding Border Security, and much more.

In this conversation, David Smith focuses on the issue of border security and asks Bailey what he would do to ensure the safety of the southern border.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Encouragement from Joe Schiedler

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Spotlight features the legacy of Joe Schiedler, who passed away at the age of 93.

Joe Schiedler leaves a 50 year legacy of peaceful, pro-life activism that took him around the nation and the world. Schiedler and his wife, Anne, co-founded the Chicago based Pro-Life Action League, and he authored Closed: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion and Racketeer for Life.

Back in 2017, IFI hosted a Pro-Life Forum where Joe Schiedler reflected on his work and his calling in the pro-life movement.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Christians, Politics & A Springfield Update

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Spotlight the IFI Forum for pastors & leaders, hosted by the Spirit of Liberty Church of God in Markham, IL.

In the first segment of this episode, IFI’s Executive Director, David Smith, explains why Christians should be active in politics, public policies, and the 40 Days for Life campaigns that operate outside of abortion facilities. In his speech, David Smith emphasizes the first three words of the Constitution: “We the people…”

We have lots of opportunities as American citizens.

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You Can Help Clean the Voter Rolls – Part 2

Written by Suzanne Rickman

If you read the article from a few months ago about how to remove yourself or a family member from the voter rolls, you learned that there is a form that makes self-removal pretty easy here in Illinois.

After reading that article you may have asked some obvious questions like these:

  • Is my deceased neighbor, grandparent, or friend still registered to vote?
  • Is my neighbor’s son who moved out of state 15 years ago still registered at his former Illinois address?
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These Vacuous Words Can Mean Anything a Democrat Wants Them to Mean

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

January 6 has come and gone, and we need no longer be confused. Our wise and learned betters in the White House and the media have graciously reminded us that they are the final authority. They determine definitions. They decide what the words we use daily to define our laws, culture and freedoms mean. We no longer need to wonder what our overseers intend when they talk about such things.

Here is a glossary of terms for your convenience.… Continue Reading

Americans Are Not Buying Liberals’ Narrative

Written by Robert Knight

Like green shoots poking up through snow in early spring, more signs of resistance are emerging every day.

We may be witnessing a massive rejection of the grim future fashioned for us by ruling elites, whose narrative of radical change is collapsing.

Americans are not buying what they’re selling.

They told us to endure endless rounds of COVID-19 shots, which are not only ineffective but may be harmful. Pfizer and Moderna stocks have plummeted because Americans have weighed the outcomes and gone natural.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Story of Riley Gaines

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight is highlighting remarks made in August 2023, by Riley Gaines during a Will County Republican organization banquet, where she recounts her personal experience of having to compete against a biological male and the dismantlement of Title IX.

Riley Gaines made headlines when, in 2022, during an NCAA competition for the University of Kentucky, she was forced to share a swimming pool and locker room with male competitor, Will Thomas, who self-identifies as a female – Lia Thomas.… Continue Reading

‘Punitive’ Fatherhood Isn’t Enough to End Abortion – We Need to Build Families.

Written by Benjamin Watson

The abortion debate generally centers around two people: the mother and her child. Of course, there’s a lot of back-and-forth over how to define her child, when her child “becomes” a child, what that means, how or whether to support her as a mother and so on.

But somehow, another necessary party is almost always missing from the debate — namely, the father. I find this baffling.

There is a father involved, somehow, in every pregnancy.… Continue Reading