Category: LGBTQ Agenda

Threatening Violence, Trans Activists Expel Un-PC Research At Medical Conference

Threatening Violence, Trans Activists Expel Un-PC Research At Medical Conference

Written by Mary Hasson

The drama at this conference reveals a disturbing picture of a medical community unable or unwilling to exercise independent judgment in the face of trans rage.

It didn’t take long for the inaugural scientific conference of the U.S. Professional Association for Transgender Health (USPATH) to descend into an ugly display of intolerance and identity politics, with gender-confused kids as ideological pawns.

When the dust finally settled, trans bullies and their medical allies had colluded to kick a dissenting expert (Kenneth Zucker) off the program, justified their censorship by indirectly blaming President Trump (the “direct threat” to trans people from the “new political climate”), and declared victory.… Continue Reading

School District U-46’s Policy Allowing Gender-Dsyphoric Boys to Use Girls Locker Room Challenged

If you live in School District U-46, please pay special attention.

Written by John Biver

U-46 School Board Member Jeanette Ward is providing the kind of leadership that we need to see a lot more of in Illinois. And on April 4th, there’s an opportunity to support two other like-minded candidates running to join Jeanette on the U-46 school board: Cody Holt and Enoch Essendrop.

Cody Holt and Enoch Essendrop have the endorsement of Illinois Family Action.Continue Reading

Federal Judge Rules Against Obamacare Mandate on Gender-Reassignment Surgeries

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Written by Kevin Jones

A federal judge has ruled against the Obama administration’s mandate that health professionals must carry out gender-reassignment surgeries even if they have medical or religious objections.

“The regulation not only forces health care professionals to violate their medical judgment, it requires them to violate their deeply held religious beliefs,” U.S. district Judge Reed O’Connor of the Northern District of Texas said in a Dec. 31 decision granting a temporary injunction against the Obama administration.… Continue Reading

In the Crosshairs: Corporate Advocacy of LGBT Lifestyle

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Written by Chris Woodward

The head of a prominent pro-family group is reacting to a report that more than 500 American businesses have earned a top score on pro-LGBT surveys.

The surveys are part of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s “Corporate Equality Index.” HRC considers it to be the “national benchmarking tool” on corporate policies and practices pertinent to lesbian, “gay,” bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees.

In its latest report, the pro-LGBT lobbying group says 517 major businesses – “spanning nearly every industry and geography” – earned a top score of 100 percent and the distinction of “Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality.”… Continue Reading

Throwing Off the PC Shackles


Written by Robert Knight

One thing the election reinforced is that “tolerance” is the last thing progressives actually want.

The vitriol-laden media coverage, student demonstrations and other forms of protest against the incoming Trump administration are ample evidence.

To which I say, mug them again.

Tolerance, properly understood, is a wonderful virtue. The progressive version, however is a weapon to intimidate and silence opponents. With enough shaming, people would not dare to buck their betters, even in the privacy of the voting booth.… Continue Reading

Newt Gingrich to Speak at Homosexual ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ Fundraiser


Written by Peter LaBarbera

Former Speaker of the U.S. House Newt Gingrich (R-GA) is scheduled to speak at the annual fundraising dinner for the Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) this Wednesday, September 28. LCR has a long history of promoting homosexualism in the GOP and opposing most of the pro-family planks on “gay” issues that Gingrich supports.

LCR supports homosexual “marriage” and strongly opposes a federal constitutional amendment preserving marriage as between a man and a woman.… Continue Reading

So it Begins: This State Forces LGBT “Accommodation” Rules on its Churches

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Written by Onan Coca

Across the country states have been passing laws meant to defend the First Amendment from government overreach, and simultaneously liberals and the media have been decrying these protections as “homophobic” and “bigoted.” These same liberals have argued that conservatives are being paranoid and that no protection is needed…

Sadly, Massachusetts has just proved every conservative fear accurate.

On October 1st the most draconian “non-discrimination” laws in the nation will go into effect in the Bay State.… Continue Reading

From Roe to Obamacare, Are Republican-Appointed Judges Ruling As You Think?

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Written by Heather Clark

Some Americans are stating this election that they do not believe that the inauguration of Mitt Romney and the appointment of Republican judges to the bench will result in overturning Supreme Court decisions such as Roe v. Wade and other critical rulings.

“Most Christians don’t have a clue that Republican-appointed judges are making bad rulings that destroy our Christian institutions in our nation,” Pastor Matt Trewhella of Mercy Seat Christian Church near Milwaukee, Wisconsin told Christian News Network.… Continue Reading

The Sexual Revolution and Cultural Marxism


Written by Eric Metaxas

Christians are sometimes accused of being “in denial,” especially when it comes to matters of sex. But after reading about a recent AIDS conference, I have to ask: Who’s really living in fantasy land?

At the recent UN international AIDS conference in South Africa, the actress Charlize Theron announced that HIV “has no biological preference for black bodies, for women’s bodies, for gay bodies . . . HIV is not just transmitted by sex,” she explained.… Continue Reading

Why the Washington Post Has no Credibility

Written by J. Matt Barber

There’s a reason why the Washington Post is not-so-affectionately tagged the “Washington Compost” by its fast-growing pool of distrustful detractors. That reason is embodied in both the person (and the “journalism”) of one Jonathan Capehart, homosexual activist, Washington Post mercenary-hack and editorial board member. Capehart is a liar and, by extension, so is the Washington Post.

Now, when I say that Capehart is a liar, I don’t mean it in the pejorative sense.… Continue Reading