Category: Federal Issues

The Media Skipped the Democrat Warning of Biden’s Mental Decline

Written by Tim Graham

As the Democrats struggle among themselves over President Joe Biden’s declining mental state and his declining poll numbers, it did not have to end up at this impasse. The Democrats and all their “mainstream” media enablers who claim they love democracy didn’t want any serious or rigorous primary challenge for Biden.

Is it possible that Democrats are still haunted by Ted Kennedy challenging President Jimmy Carter in 1980? The parallels between Carter and Biden on foreign fecklessness and domestic inflation are obvious.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: How Did Our Founders View Freedom?

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

How did our Founders view freedom?

In this episode of Spotlight, former Illinois state representative, Peter Breen, tackles this question.

Peter Breen is the executive Vice President and Head of Litigation for the Thomas More Society, a non-profit national public interest law firm that is dedicated to restoring respect in law for life, family, religious liberty, and election integrity.

In his speech, Breen proves that the Founders not only tolerated Christianity, but they also directly promoted it.… Continue Reading

The Threat of Non-Citizens Voting is Here

Written by Nancy Hayes

The threat of non-citizens voting is real. It’s time to restore confidence in U.S. elections. Congress must pass the ‘SAVE’ Act which stands for the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility’ Act.

If 6.4 percent of all noncitizens were to vote in the 2024 general election (which is the same rate as noncitizen voting found in the 2014 study) more than two million noncitizens (2,028,800) would end up casting a ballot.

If that same percent of the 5.1 million noncitizens who arrived in the U.S.… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Missed Opportunity to Uphold Freedom of Speech

Written by Robert Knight

The U.S. Supreme Court works in strange and mysterious ways.

It can enrage the progressive left with a solidly constitutional ruling like Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022), which overturned Roe v. Wade and sent the issue of abortion to the states.

But it can also amaze and frustrate conservatives, as when it refused before and after the 2020 election to review Pennsylvania officials’ unconstitutional changes to election procedures.

“We failed to settle this dispute before the election and thus provide clear rules.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden: 2024 Democratic Nominee or One Term Has-Been?

Written by David E. Smith

In the wake of Thursday’s Presidential Debate between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, pundits on both side of the political spectrum agreed that President Biden’s mental acuity, weak voice and stammering and halting answers were alarming. Makes one wonder just who is behind the curtain in the White House making decisions.

Prior to this debate, there may have been some whispers in the wind about replacing Biden as the pro-abortion Democratic nominee, but those whispers are now being spoken loudly by political strategists and analysts on cable TV and news talk radio.… Continue Reading

There’s a Charlottesville Every Week, and Joe Biden Is Fine With It

Written by David Harsanyi

Not long ago, Snopes, a left-wing “fact-checking” site, finally admitted that Donald Trump had never called the neo-Nazis who marched at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017 “very fine people.”

For years, Democrats, including President Joe Biden, have repeated this false claim. Indeed, Biden, who’s been running for the presidency since 1987, ludicrously told the press in 2019 that the events in Charlottesville, and Trump’s alleged reaction, inspired him to run in 2020.… Continue Reading

Why Won’t Mike Johnson Draw The Line On Illegal Aliens?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In the same week that a 13-year-old girl was raped by recently released illegal immigrants, Joe Biden unilaterally and illegally granted amnesty to more illegal immigrants. Republicans have no better issue, timing, or political opportunity to engage in a government funding fight. Why does U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) refuse to draw a line on September 30 funding? And why is Trump giving him cover to sell us out?

Biden has flooded the border for more than three years.… Continue Reading

Grandma’s J6 Case Highlights Justice Double Standard

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Have you ever wondered what our jails and prisons would look like had the Black Lives Matter rioters of 2020 been given the “January 6 treatment”? Well, it’s hard to envision such a parallel universe. We don’t have enough jail cells to house the tens of thousands — if not hundreds of thousands — of individuals who would be languishing in prison for years based on the January 6 standard of justice.… Continue Reading

Is Joe Biden “The Most Religious President” in Our Lifetime?

Written by Peter Heck

You have to give media commentator Ana Navarro credit. She found a career loophole. Anything but profound or insightful, Navarro has continued to find work by capitalizing on her gender, ethnicity, and her willingness to wear a Republican label while criticizing every conservative policy idea.

It provides networks that want to avoid airing any actual conservative content the ability to claim they’ve “balanced” their coverage with a “Republican,” despite the fact that Navarro voted for Hillary Clinton, hosted fundraisers for Joe Biden, promotes transgenderism in the military, advocates for the killing of preborn humans, and opposes 2nd Amendment rights.… Continue Reading

Border Patrol Encountered 932 Afghans at Southwest Border In 156 Days

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

There is good reason for Americans to be concerned about individuals from Afghanistan coming across our southern border.

When Gen. Michael Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, testified in the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on March 7 he issued a warning about ISIS-K, a terrorist group based in Afghanistan.

“[V]arious groups in the Central Region retain the capability and will to target U.S. interests abroad in under six months with little to no warning,” Kurilla said in a written statement to the committee.

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