Category: Faith & Religion

SPOTLIGHT: Watchmen On the Wall

Written by Benjamin Smith

Pastor J.C. Church is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Victory In Truth Ministries, a growing multicultural church, birthed in September of 1997. He currently serves as the P50 Pastor in Ohio for the Family Research Council (FRC). He is also the President and Founder of 3 Cord Alliance. In this issue of Illinois Family Spotlight, J.C. talks with Monte Larrick about how pastors and their churches can engage the culture to shape pubic policy and bless their communities and states.… Continue Reading

Liberals Boo God and Natural Rights at GOP Town Hall

Written by Nate Madden

At a rambunctious town hall in his district, U.S. Representative David Brat (R-VA), ran into something he probably never expected to see in his district: voters booing the concept of fundamental, God-given rights.

“As a seminary graduate, do you believe in the separation of church and state?” the questioner began. “Would it be acceptable for you for churches to support specific candidates?”

The question was in reference to the Johnson Amendment, which President Donald Trump recently gutted somewhat with his lackluster order on religious liberty.… Continue Reading

Politics Disguised as Science: When to Doubt a Scientific ‘Consensus’

Written by Jay Richards, PhD

This week’s March for Science is odd. Marches are usually held to defend something that’s in peril. Does anyone really think big science is in danger? The mere fact that the March was scheduled for Earth Day betrays what the event is really about: politics. The organizers admitted as much early on, though they’re now busy trying to cover the event in sciencey camouflage.

If past is prologue, expect to hear a lot about the supposed “consensus” on catastrophic climate change this week.… Continue Reading

Good Friday

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Don’t Put Your Light Under a Basket!

Don’t Put Your Light Under a Basket!

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Whenever I hear Christian leaders talk about the inevitable collapse of the church of America (or elsewhere) I ask myself, “But hasn’t Jesus risen from the dead? Didn’t He ascend to the right hand of the Father? Hasn’t all authority in heaven and earth been given to Him? And aren’t we commanded to go and make disciples in His name and by His authority?”

If so, how then we can speak of any inevitable collapse of the church (or, specifically, of Christian society), regardless of how inevitable that collapse appears to human eyes?… Continue Reading

Survey: Liberal Millennials Outnumber Conservatives, Less Religious than Older Generation

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Written by Spencer Irvine

The American Faith and Culture Institute published the results of a survey comparing Millennials and the older demographic of Americans and they are eye-raising:

The Worldview Measurement Project, conducted by the American Culture and Faith Institute, reveals that Millennials are, by far, the generation least likely to possess a biblical worldview. While 16% of those in the Boomer and Builder generations possess such an outlook, and just 7% of Baby Busters have a biblical worldview, only one-quarter as many Millennials have a biblical worldview – just 4%!

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11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs

Written by Aaron Bandler

The Democrats, as they are want to do, have put themselves into a logical inconsistency:

Indeed, the Democrat Party likes to invoke the Bible only when it comes to imposing their agenda onto the populace; otherwise they sneer at conservatives as bitter clingers.… Continue Reading

Evangelicals Most in Favor of Pastors Preaching Politics From Pulpit: Poll


Written by Brandon Showalter

In a Feb. 10 Morning Consult/Politico poll, 47 percent of evangelicals said they support allowing religious groups to engage in political activity, whereas 34 percent do not. By contrast, 54 percent of Catholics and 69 percent of Jews oppose such participation by religious groups.

The survey also shows that 40 percent of evangelical voters believe that churches should be permitted to endorse political candidates, a higher figure than all other religious groups polled, while 41 percent said such endorsements should not be allowed.… Continue Reading

Five Key Findings on Religion in the U.S.

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Written by Frank Newport

Religion remains an integral part of most Americans’ lives, but Gallup’s ongoing research shows how this has changed over time. The following are five important findings about religion in the U.S.:

1. America remains a largely Christian nation, although less so than in the past. Seventy-four percent of Americans identify with a Christian religion, and 5% identify with a non-Christian religion. The rest of the U.S. adult population, about 21%, either say they don’t have a formal religious identity or don’t give a response.… Continue Reading

Thank God for His Great Goodness

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