SPOTLIGHT: Mary Hallan FioRito on Pro-Life Politics and Culture
This week’s Spotlight conversation between Monte Larrick and Mary Hallan FioRito took place at the annual Lake County Right to Life Banquet, which was held July 27th in Mundelein, Illinois.
Ms. FioRito received her Juris Doctor from Loyola University Chicago School of Law in 1993. Upon conferral of her degree, she was chosen by the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin to serve as Director of Pro-life Activities for the Archdiocese of Chicago. She subsequently served the Archdiocese as its first female Vice-Chancellor and then as Executive Assistant to the late Francis Cardinal George, until his death in 2015. Currently, Ms. FioRito is the Cardinal Francis George Visiting Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC) in Washington, D.C.
Ms. FioRito’s experience as an attorney, with special concentration and expertise in the areas of abortion and pro-life issues, is readily apparent as she and Larrick discuss the political and cultural climate in our state and nation in regard to the divisive issue of abortion.
Topics of national concern include: U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh; voter motivation for the pro-abortion Left; the recent NIFLA v. Becerra decision; key pro-life support at the highest levels of federal government, and perinatal hospice. Closer to home our host and guest consider taxpayer funding of abortion (HB 40) in light of the hope of overturning Roe v. Wade; the persistent defense by our attorney general (Illinois’ chief law enforcement officer) of a law that clearly violates the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution; the dilemma facing pro-life voters when the gubernatorial race features two pro-abortion candidates, and the pros and cons of casting a protest or conscience vote.
If this podcast has piqued your interest to hear more from Ms. FioRito, you can find her on Facebook or visit her page at eppc.org.
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