Posts tagged: Mike Pence

The Stupidity of the GOP

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Republicans have already given away the farm.

Imagine a teenager goes on a shopping spree with his dad’s credit card one month and unalterably charges the card with hundreds of thousands in expenditures. Then, the next day at the supper table, he passes his dad a note saying he is willing to help balance the family’s budget. You are as foolish as that dad if you are taken in by the GOP’s vote this week on a balanced budget amendment.… Continue Reading

I Wish I Were as Bad a Christian as Mike Pence

Written by David Limbaugh

I’ve repeatedly said that though President Trump gives his leftist enemies plenty of fodder in his tweets to attack him, they would malign any Republican president unless he totally capitulated to their demands — and switched parties. Indeed, they always have.

The liberals say Trump is such an awful person, which apparently excuses their monomaniacal obsession with destroying his presidency. Yet Vice President Mike Pence is one of the finest people around, and they can’t stand him, either.… Continue Reading

Who Is Mocking the Pence Rule Now?

Written by Daniel John Sobieski

The chickens of the era of moral relativism are coming home to roost in the scandals that have rocked the studios of Hollywood, the green rooms of media moguls, and the cloak rooms of Congress. Are the cases of Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, John Conyers, and Charlie Rose et al any surprise in an era where traditional marriage and fidelity to one spouse of the opposite sex have been under assault and routinely mocked?… Continue Reading

John McCain Joins Pro-Abortion Republicans to Defeat U.S. Senate Bill Defunding Planned Parenthood

Written by Steven Ertelt

Christmas is months away but U.S. Senator John McCain is already on the naughty list for pro-life Americans.

U.S. Senator McCain joined two probation Republicans to defeat the Senate bill that would defund Planned Parenthood. Called the skinny Bill to repeal portions of Obamacare, pro-life organizations and Senate Republican leaders hoped the bill would get enough votes to be able to land a repeal and defund measure on President Donald Trump’s desk.… Continue Reading

The ACLU’s Transparent Attack on the Election Integrity Panel

Written by Robert Knight

If you don’t think the Left is terrified by the prospect of clean voter rolls, you might not have heard about the latest ploy by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

The ACLU has sued President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, charging them with violating federal “transparency” laws.

The suit is a bald attempt to halt the panel’s mission, which is to examine the prevalence of vote fraud in America and to recommend ways to secure the election process.… Continue Reading

Vote Fraud Oughta Be a Crime

Written by Robert Knight

Joseph Stalin is credited with observing that, “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.”

Over the last two decades the Left has been changing both the rules of our election process and America’s demographics to suit their political agenda.

A perfect example is Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s brazen attempt to get more than 200,000 convicted felons onto the state’s voter rolls in time for the last election.… Continue Reading

Where Conservatives Are in the Trump Era: 15 Takeaways From Their Biggest Conference

Written by Katrina Trinko

Five weeks into President Donald Trump’s presidency, the first time in eight years a Republican has been in the White House, where do conservatives see the country going?

Here are highlights from The Daily Signal’s coverage of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, the largest annual gathering of conservatives:

1. Trump talks policy objectives.

In his speech, Trump emphasized a variety of issues that conservatives care about, saying, “We will build the wall and we are going to start soon,” as well as promising “a substantial upgrade for the military.”… Continue Reading

Mike Pence Deemed “Viciously Anti-LGBT” Public Servant


Written by Laurie Higgins

**Caution: Not for younger readers**

A funny thing happened on the way to find some good analysis of the vice presidential debates. I found an article by Adam Epstein that criticized Mike Pence’s positions on matters related to homosexuality and in so doing revealed either Epstein’s ignorance or deception.

Epstein included several tweets about Pence at the end of his opinion piece, the first of which was this nasty and deceitful tweet from journalist Mark Harris: “Note: You can be a viciously anti-LGBT candidate who’s one chunk of Trump steak away from the Presidency, and nobody will ask you about it.”… Continue Reading

What Republicans Should Learn From the Transgender Moment


Written by Sean Fieler

In less than two years, transgender rights have gone from a non-issue to non-negotiable in the Democratic Party.

Rather than dismiss this change as a politically irrelevant story that belongs in the tabloids, Republicans should view it as a case study in the political power of principle. For it was principle, not a political campaign, that has advanced transgender rights so far so fast.

If Republicans would likewise put principle before policy, they would not only have the power to win elections but also the power to bring America back into fidelity with our country’s founding vision.… Continue Reading

Republicans Behaving Like Democrats


Written by Gene Van Son

By signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into law, Indiana governor and GOP presidential nominee wannabe Mike Pence briefly looked like a real conservative, trying to champion the Judeo-Christian morals and principles that made this country great. But within days of signing the RFRA, under unrelenting fire from the secular progressive MSM, Pence’s conservative resolve withered, and he decided the RFRA needed to be re-written ‘for clarification.’

Unfortunately, Pence is not the only Republican in a leadership position who doesn’t understand that the only way to stop secular progressive relativism is to actually be a Republican .… Continue Reading