Posts tagged: Carly Fiorina

PODCAST: Quisling Carly Fiorina Supports Biden for President

Once and former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina just announced her intention to vote for Joe Biden. She accompanied her announcement with this amusing rationalization for her traitorous betrayal of Republican principles:…

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PODCAST: Quisling Carly Fiorina Supports Biden for President
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Where Conservatives Are in the Trump Era: 15 Takeaways From Their Biggest Conference

Written by Katrina Trinko

Five weeks into President Donald Trump’s presidency, the first time in eight years a Republican has been in the White House, where do conservatives see the country going?

Here are highlights from The Daily Signal’s coverage of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, the largest annual gathering of conservatives:

1. Trump talks policy objectives.

In his speech, Trump emphasized a variety of issues that conservatives care about, saying, “We will build the wall and we are going to start soon,” as well as promising “a substantial upgrade for the military.”… Continue Reading

It’s Time for Hillary Clinton to Tell the Truth About Her Abortion Views


Written by Mary Powers

It looks like the Republican candidates were right all along.

During a February debate in New Hampshire, U. S. Senator Marco Rubio called out the mainstream media for not asking the Democratic candidates about their positions on abortion. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, too, has consistently talked about Secretary Hillary Clinton’s extreme stances on the issue. Two months later, while vying for New York’s vote, Clinton decided it was time to bring out her favorite issue—abortion—and call out the media for not asking her about it in debates (town halls don’t count apparently).… Continue Reading

Team Cruz: It’s Time To Pull The Goalie & Name Your Running Mate


Written by John J. Kirkwood

Before he can crush the serial felon that is Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz has got to beat the serial liar that is Donald Trump.  And he must do it before the love child of De Niro’s Wag the Dog and Pacino’s Simone becomes the Republican Presidential nominee.  The Donald may be the biggest farce in American political history but he’s rallying the dispossessed with the verve and the acumen that The Governor showed in Woodbury.… Continue Reading

Which Presidential Aspirant(s) Would Make America (And You!) Prosper?


Written by Ralph Benko – Senior Economic Advisor at the American Principles Project

As I recently wrote in my column, “Presidential elections are about, above all, just two things: our security and our prosperity.” The GOP candidates have been emphatic about our national security, about which more in a bit.

All of them strangely have been pretty quiet about our prosperity. Getting the economy moving again deserves, now, to be the top issue. Ted Cruz has offered the most Reaganesque plan for getting us robust growth.… Continue Reading

CNBC Moderators’ Low Performance Should Be A Lesson To The RNC



By StacyOnTheRight

The CNBC debate is memorable for many reasons, with the complete lack of preparedness of the moderators standing out as unfortunate circumstance number one. At numerous points during the evening, candidates called out the moderators for the low quality of their questions. Becky Quick was obviously biased against the candidates and repeatedly steered the discussion to “Pay Inequality” only to be viciously rebuffed. At one point, Quick couldn’t remember where she’d heard that Donald Trump was critical of Mark Zuckerberg’s immigration stance.… Continue Reading

Questioning Fiorina’s Right-Wing Credentials

Written by Chad Groening

Fiorina is currently in third place in a compilation of polls at RealClearPolitics, trailing Donald Trump and Ben Carson respectively.

Her bump in poll numbers came after the former Hewlett-Packard CEO delivered a strong performance in the September GOP debate, when she challenged Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to watch the undercover Planned Parenthood videos.

Cathie Adams of Texas Eagle Forum claims that Fiorina failed to unseat U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer because Republican voters couldn’t find a “stark contrast” between the Republican challenger and the Democrat incumbent.… Continue Reading

Fiorina Led Debate That Was All About Trump


Written by Chad Groening and Billy Davis

Media Research Center reports that 32 of the 73 questions questions either were directed to – or were a reference to – Donald Trump.

Dan Gainor, vice president of MRC Business, says there are several reasons for CNN’s obsession with Trump.

“One of them is ratings,” Gainor says. “Look, they’re a business. They certainly want to get good ratings.”

In fact, CNN posted its best ratings ever – for any of its shows – during the three-hour debate.… Continue Reading

Levin: Fiorina Should Condemn SCOTUS Marriage Redefinition Ruling


Written by Dr. Susan Berry

Conservative radio host and author Mark Levin says GOP 2016 contender Carly Fiorina should denounce the activist Supreme Court for its legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide, rather than advise a Christian county clerk refusing to issue same-sex licenses to either perform her government job or quit.

“You know it’s amazing to me when the left stands up and they say they’re standing up on some moral principle, they’re not told ‘Do your job or quit,’” Levin said.… Continue Reading

What GOP Candidates Said About Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling

GOP CandidatesSantorum, Huckabee, Cruz, Jindal make the A Team


Written by Maggie Gallagher
On June 26, a narrow majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices struck down the traditional definition of marriage, ruling all 50 states must recognize same-sex unions as marriages.

The four dissenters included the usually mild-mannered Chief Justice John Roberts, who called the majority opinion “dangerous to the rule of law”: “The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judgment. The right it announces has no basis in the Constitution or this Court’s precedent.”… Continue Reading