Posts tagged: Mark Kirk

Mark Kirk Bolts from Fellow Republicans to Defend Planned Parenthood


Written by Daniel Davis

U.S. Senator Mark Kirk bucked his Republican colleagues Monday and sided with U.S. Senate Democrats to keep taxpayer money flowing to Planned Parenthood. Kirk, who has a 25 percent rating from NARAL (the nation’s leading pro-abortion group), defended his vote to sustain the Democratic filibuster on the grounds that Planned Parenthood does not sell baby parts in his home state of Illinois.

“In other states tissue donation programs should be investigated but in Illinois there is no similar program,” Kirk said in a statement to The Hill.

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The Weak Link in the GOP Senate Majority?


Senator Kirk and the GOP need to think hard about what happens next.

Written by John Fund

Illinois U.S. Senator Mark Kirk has won a lot of respect for his gritty recovery from a serious stroke in 2012. But his fellow Republicans worry that his recent political and verbal stumbles make him the most vulnerable GOP incumbent up for reelection in 2016 in a state Barack Obama won with 58 percent of the vote in 2012.… Continue Reading

Kirk and Dold Among Top 5 GOP Politicians That Betray Their Party Most



Illinois’ U.S. Senator Mark Kirk and Congressman Bob Dold – both from Chicago’s northern suburbs – were two Republicans that were among those that don’t vote along party lines, a Washington Post analysis found Thursday.

While Kirk was the third most in contradiction to Republican caucus votes with nearly 20 percent in opposition, Congressman Bob Dold voted six out of seven times against the Republican position in crucial, close votes.

The Dold campaign boasted about the WaPo findings, saying, “Rep.

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Robin Kelly Gets Serious About Run Against RINO Mark Kirk


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According to Roll Call, Illinois Congresswoman Robin Kelly met with the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee about a possible U.S. Senate bid against Mark Kirk, who is considered the most vulnerable senator in 2016.

If Kelly, who is black, enters the race, she’d face a primary against fellow Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who entered the race a month ago. Democrats say Duckworth, who is disabled, offers a real challenge to Kirk, who is also disabled after a stroke in 2012.… Continue Reading

Joe Walsh Emerges as First Potential Primary Challenger to RINO Mark Kirk


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Former Republican congressman and conservative radio host Joe Walsh says he’s “seriously looking into” a primary challenge to U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk next year. He told Illinois Review he will decide within the next two months.

Citing Kirk’s lack of support for Jim Oberweis’ 2014 challenge to Dick Durbin, Walsh told the Daily Herald: “As far as I’m concerned, he [Kirk] left the Republican Party.”

The usual political pontificators speculate that Walsh is merely looking to boost ratings, and will ultimately not run.… Continue Reading

Illinois’ GOP(P): Pro-Abort, Pro-Gay Marriage

Bruce Rauner (left) and Mark Kirk are pictured in this composite image. | Getty

Written by Pastor John Kirkwood

While Sandra Fluke and the “Abortion Barbie” – Wendy Davis were soundly defeated on Tuesday night and all over the country thrilling Pro-Life victories were taking place, Mammon and Moloch stole the show in Illinois. With Bruce Rauner’s victory in the gubernatorial election, there’s a new sheriff in town and he’s not partial to the unborn or to Biblical marriage.

Illinois was the cesspool that polluted the nation with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, and David Axelrod, all graduates of the Paul Alinsky School of Soft Insurrection.

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Sorry Senator Kirk, That Train Has Left the Station

Written by Joe Walsh

U.S. Senator Mark Kirk said on the radio late yesterday that he will, in fact, campaign for Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Jim Oberweis. This statement comes as a complete 180 degree turn from his answer a month ago when asked about Oberweis. At that time he said he would not support Oberweiss because he valued his relationship with Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin.

What’s changed in the past thirty days that caused Mark Kirk to take back his previous statement?… Continue Reading

Illinois GOP Central Committee Cancels Meeting

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Late Friday night, the GOP Central Committee canceled their meeting to oust Pat Brady. In an email from 10th Congressional District Committeeman Mark Shaw, the reason provided was the lack of response from Chairman Pat Brady on whether he would attend the meeting in person or by phone.

From: Mark Shaw
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 10:17 PM
To: Illinois Republican State Central Committee
Subject: Rescheduling of March 9, 2013 State Central Committee Meeting

Dear GOP Leaders:

The March 9, 2013 State Central Committee Meeting is being rescheduled because the State Chairman has not responded to our request that he be present in person or by telephone for the meeting.

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